Server Admin Console Commands - Nodecraft (2024)

This guide lists admin commands for your Conan Exiles server.

These commands will only work properly if entered by a player with admin privileges connected to the server. Conan Exiles does not have an input channel on the Console tab of the Nodecraft control panel, so these commands cannot be used in the automated tasks panel.

Command Value Effect
MakeMeAdmin admin password Gives you admin privileges, allowing you to use admin commands. Requires that an admin password be set on the server, by adding it in the ServeSettings.ini config file.
MakeMeNormal N/A Removes admin privileges

Server Administration

Commands related to running the server, server stats, and settings.

Command Value Effect
GetServerHealth N/A Lists stats about FPS, and number of spawned "actors" (NPC's), player built structures, and objects on the server.
ToggleDebugHUD N/A Displays the current server performance, a list of all players as well as the current coordinates
GetAllServerSettings N/A Lists all available server settings you can modify
SetServerSetting Setting Value Modifies a server setting contained in ServerSettings.ini config file.
p.clothphysics value Sets dynamic cloth movement speed to value.
p.ShadowQuality value Sets shadow transparency to value.
FlushLog N/A Clears server event log.

Commands for keep track of players, and finding information out about them.

Command Value Effect
BroadcastMessage message text Sends message text to all online players except admins, by creating a pop-up box. The box must be clicked to make it go away, and players are frozen in place until the box is removed. Can be very disruptive to gameplay.
ShowPlayers N/A Lists connected players, and Steam ID's.
PrintPlayerInfo player name or Steam64ID Returns the opposite value, You can enter a players character name to get their Steam name or you can enter the Steam name to get their character name. You have to tap the ~ key twice to see the output
ViewPlayer player name Display a player
ViewSelf N/A Display yourself
PlayerCanBuildEverywhere player name Allows building where it is normally disabled for the specified player.


Commands that make it easier for admins to move about the server and avoid attack by NPC's.

Command Value Effect
Teleport X Y Z coordinates Teleport to these coordinates
TeleportPlayer <player name> <coordinates> Teleport the player to these coordinates
TeleportToPlayer player name Teleports yourself to the specified player
SummonPlayer player name Teleport the player to your location
NoSprintCost N/A Unlimited Sprint mode – no stamina drain while sprinting
God N/A Gives you god mode – immortal, no damage, except from the cursed wall
Fly N/A Flymode
Cloak N/A NPCs can´t see you and don´t attack you, even if you attack them
Invisibility N/A Makes your character invisible
Ghost N/A Invisible to other players – no collision mode, Noclip – you can pass through objects
Walk N/A Exit the fly, ghost or godmode

Commands related to the purge events, allowing admins to empty or fill the purge meters, and manually start or stop purges.

Commands with values of " - " will require targets, such as a player name or a clan name.

Command Value Effect
FillPlayerPurgeMeter - Sets player individual purge meter to max, allowing possibility of a purge happening. Doesn't automatically start a purge.
FillPlayerClanPurgeMeter - Fill the purge meters of a clan to max.
EmptyPlayerClanPurgeMeter - set the purge meters of a single player or clan to zero.
FillClanPergeMeter - Single player mode only, and YES! this command is actually spelled that way, with "Perge" instead of "Purge".
FillAllClanPurgeMeters - Set purge meter to max, allowing possibility of a purge to start. Does not automatically start a purge.
EmptyAllClanPurgeMeters - Reset all clans's purge meters to zero.
StartPlayerPurge N/A Immediately starts a purge, if the purge meter is full.
EndPurge N/A Immediately ends a purge
StartNextPurgePhase N/A Forces a new purge.
StartNextWave N/A Advances ongoing purge to next wave.

Misc. Commands

Command Value Effect
DamageTarget Value Damages the NPC or object in your crosshair by value amount.
DestroyTarget N/A Destroys the target in your crosshair. (Be cautious when using this command, as it can destroy parts of the map when aimed on the world! If this occurs, restart to recover the missing map-part)
Spawnitem itemID Quantity Gives you an item in the wanted Quantity
LevelFollowerUpTo value Levels follow up to value (max 20).
LearnEmote emote name Unlocks ability to perform specified emote.
Server Admin Console Commands - Nodecraft (2024)


How to enable cheats on a nodecraft server? ›

Managing OP in the Nodecraft panel

You'll want to navigate to the "Game Settings" page on the left-hand side, and "Gamemode" tab near the top. Check the box on the "Allow Cheats" setting.

What are the op commands in Minecraft server? ›

Ops can use /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /gamemode, /gamerule, /give, /summon, /setblock and /tp, and can edit command blocks. Ops can use /ban, /deop, /kick, and /op. Ops can use /stop.

How to give admin on minecraft server command? ›

How to make a player an admin through the console in the game control panel
  1. Log in to the game panel.
  2. If you have several game servers, click on your Minecraft server.
  3. On the main screen of the panel, there is an input panel at the bottom of the console. Type /op username. ...
  4. Press Enter.
May 28, 2023

What is the ghost command in Palworld? ›

What is No Clip. Also known as fly and ghost, No clip is a console command available in all source games. It is a cheat that disables the effect of gravity and makes the player nonsolid, which allows the player to glide freely through the world.

Can you cheat on Minecraft server? ›

At any time, you or permitted players can become operators to begin cheating. However, Bedrock servers need to enable Allow Cheats in the Server Settings before anyone can use them.

What are some weird commands in Minecraft? ›

Command Guide
/playanimationUsed to run a one-off animation
/playsoundPlays a sound
/publishOpens single-player world to local network
/randomDraw a random value or control the random number sequence
35 more rows

How to get op in a server? ›

To "OP" yourself or others on a Minecraft: Java Edition Server:
  1. Log in to your server's control panel and select your Minecraft server.
  2. On the left-hand side of your control panel click "Console".
  3. In your console, type "op <username>". ...
  4. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard to enter that command.

What is OP permission level? ›

There are multiple command permission levels (operator permission levels). This was introduced in Minecraft 1.7. 10 to allow users more control over what players can run and what not - especially on servers. The lowest true level is 1, the highest is 4. Higher-level inherits all the permissions from the lower levels.

Can players see admin commands Minecraft? ›

If your admin commands are being broadcasted to all players in the server via chat then you have your AdminLogging setting set to true. If you'd like to disable it, set it to false. This setting is located in the GameUserSettings.

How to make yourself admin on your own Minecraft server? ›

How To Become An Admin On Your Minecraft Server
  1. Once logged in, go to "Servers" and click on "Manage server".
  2. Click "Manage" again.
  3. Locate the "Become admin" tab on the left side and enter it.
  4. We are now in the tab to grant users administrative access known as Operator.

Does Palworld have anticheat? ›

According to Xyrem, Palworld does not have an anti-cheat system in place. “Everything is client authoritative,” Xyrem continued. “Meaning most things you do inside the game are done via the client, the server does not check for any of these things.

Is Palworld on PS5? ›

Palworld is currently only available on PC through Steam, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.

How do you become a ghost in Minecraft? ›

Get an invisibility potion, drink it and put a pumpkin on your head. You have now been ghostified!

How to enable commands on a Minecraft server? ›

To enable command blocks on your Minecraft server:
  1. Log on to your server's control panel and stop your server.
  2. Once your server is offline, on the left side click Configuration Files.
  3. In the Configuration Files area, click Edit File next to the server. ...
  4. In the server. ...
  5. Set the Enable Command Blocks setting to True.

How do I enable cheats on my Minecraft server properties? ›

How to Enable Cheats
  1. Stop your server.
  2. On your Multicraft Panel, navigate to Files > Config Files.
  3. On the Config Files page, select Server Settings.
  4. Scroll down until you see the option on the left called allow-cheats . ...
  5. Press Save at the bottom of the page.
  6. Restart your server for the changes to take effect!

How to enable command blocks on a server in Nodecraft? ›

How to enable command blocks
  1. Head to the Configure section of your control panel.
  2. From within the Gamemode Settings Tab, ensure the Enable Command Blocks option is ticked.
  3. Hit "Save" and restart your server.
May 27, 2020

How do you enable cheats in Minecraft? ›

In Java Edition singleplayer, you need to select the “Allow Cheats” option when you create the world. If you forgot to do that, it's possible to enable them temporarily by opening the game menu, selecting “Open to LAN” and ticking the “Allow Cheats” option and then clicking “Start LAN world”.

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