Morning Matcha Recipes - 5 Deliciously Healthy Breakfast Drinks! (2024)

by Denise 5 Comments

These 5 morningmatcha recipes will help you enjoy the refreshing and healthy energy lift every morning. These morning tea recipes are great for those new to matcha green tea.

You might also like this minty matcha coconut candy!

One thing I’m always interested in is learning about new and healthy foods to add to my diet and matcha green tea is one of them. My friend Debbie sells it and that is how I got into it. I use it to make morning tea recipes or an afternoon pick me up as well. It’s also great in smoothies or even freezer candy!

What Is Matcha Green Tea?

Matcha is a variety of green tea in which you consume the whole, powdered leaf.It’s not infused with a teabag or infuser like other teas. It’s the whole tea leaf ground into a powder which you can see in the above picture. It’s agreat source of antioxidants and phytochemicals and hasmuch lesscaffeinethan coffee and tea.

How Much Caffeine In Your Morning Breakfast Drink?

I like the way matcha green tea makes me feel. It makes me feel much less jittery than black tea and yet I still feel that caffeine lift! Here is the caffeine content in each of these morning drinks.

  • ½ teaspoon matcha = 35mg
  • 8oz, brewed coffee = 162mg
  • 8oz, black tea = 42mg/8oz

So let’s get on with our healthy morning tea recipes so you can make a few healthy breakfast drinks!

1. Matcha Magic Recipe

This matcha recipe is a good one in the spring allergy season. It’s easy to remember the ingredients: MATH (Matcha, Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Honey).Matcha gives me a healthy energy boost I need in the morning but not too much of one.

Apple cider vinegar has been known for it’simmune boosting properties and promotes alkalinity and pH balance of the body.I also read where it’s acidity helps with gallbladder pain which I had at one time.

Turmeric contains curcumin which is a powerfulantioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent.

And lastly the local honey hasantiseptic propertiesand is helpful for allergies. (For the tea recipeclick here.)

2. Minty Buttered Matcha Recipe

This matcha butter tea was my go-to drink in the mornings for a long time. Especially if I went to the gym and didn’t get a chance to eat breakfast. If you are familiar with bulletproof coffee, this is like bulletproof tea.

As breakfast drinks go, it has the benefits of matcha,coconutoil, peppermint and grass fed butter. There is something so tasty about the addition of the butter thatmakes me want to put it in everything. Click here for recipe.

3. Lemongrass Ginger Coconut Matcha Recipe

Morning Matcha Recipes - 5 Deliciously Healthy Breakfast Drinks! (4)

I went through a lemongrass craving and thought I would try making a drink with just a drop ofpurelemongrass essential oil since I didn’t have any fresh lemongrass on hand and it’s not that easy to find where I live.

So I thought a combination of the lemongrass and some fresh ginger along with my coconut oil would be a delicious combination formy morning matcha drink….and it was! Click here for the recipe.

4. Hot Cinnamon Buttered Matcha Recipe

I am alwaystrying to think of new ways to drink my morning matcha tea and one day I was thinking about cinnamon toast.I thought about the flavors of a buttery piece of cinnamon toast and realized they would be great in my morning tea! This is a very simple recipe but you won’t be disappointed. Click here for the recipe.

5. Mocha Maca Matcha Recipe

This tea recipe has alot of ingredients but I feel they are all good for you and add to the taste of the drink. It’s a great healthy breakfast drink to me.

I’m not sure if it is the matcha or the maca….or perhaps both…but this drink gives me a lot of energy. Regardless this is theperfect energizing drink to start your morning;especially when a smoothie just doesn’t seem appealing. (Click here for the recipe.)

Well that is all I have for you now. I hope to come up with some more recipes but please drop me a comment if you have a favorite way to drink your matcha. I would love to hear about it! Also please stop by my Tea Please Pinterest board to see what other cool tea recipes I’m collecting.

4 More Matcha Recipes That You Might Like

Morning Matcha Recipes - 5 Deliciously Healthy Breakfast Drinks! (19)

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  • Keto Cherry Whipped Cottage Cheese
  • Keto Chocolate Chip Bread with Pecans
  • Keto Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Pudding
  • Keto Pumpkin Cottage Cheese


for your weekly recipe fix.

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We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Nutritional information for the recipe is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. You should always do your own calculations if you are concerned about the accuracy of this or any recipe. I use the Lose It app for all of my nutritional information because I have for years.


  1. Annetta

    Love matcha! My friend was visiting her family in Japan and I had her bring me back her a years worth of her favourite matcha.
    Right now I’m sipping on my matcha “go to”:
    2.5ml matcha
    5 ml organic turmeric
    2.5 ml Ceylon cinnamon
    2.5 ml organic ginger
    10ml raw honey
    30 ml raw virgin coconut oil
    30ml coconut milk powder
    500ml hot water


    • Denise

      Hi Anneta,
      I actually have all of these on hand so I think I’m going to give this a try tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your tips!


  2. Analida's Ethnic Spoon

    Hi Denise! My daughter is teaching English in Hanoi and sent us a Christmas package with matcha tea. I hopped on Pinterest and searched for some recipes and your pin came up first!! I made the hot buttered cinnamon and it was delicious! I would love to meet you sometime when we head down the the Strip District! Great recipe!


    • Denise

      How cool! I really like matcha. It gives me a bit of energy but not the caffeine jitters. I would love to meet you at the Strip next time you are in town!


  3. laura

    Denise, these look amazing! Can’t wait to try them. If you need Matcha for this recipe, please try Culinary Teas. We have very high quality flash-packed Japanese Matcha. Take a look at our Matcha Starter Kit and accessories like our battery-powered Nifty Matcha Whisk. Use code MATCHA at checkout to save. Many thanks for the consideration!


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Morning Matcha Recipes - 5 Deliciously Healthy Breakfast Drinks! (2024)
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