Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-SitePlanning Guide

Release 10.x

Copyright © 2020 Infor

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Publication Information

Release: Infor SyteLine 10.xPublication Date: October 28, 2020Document code: csbi_10.x_ms_planning_config_cl_sl_en-us


About this guide.................................................................................................................................9

Resulting tools...................................................................................................................................9

Planning worksheet.........................................................................................................................10

Contacting Infor...............................................................................................................................12

Chapter 1: Determining your corporate structure.........................................................................13

Creating a flowchart that shows your hierarchy...............................................................................13

Creating a SiteEntity spreadsheet...................................................................................................14

Background information: Corporate structure.................................................................................15

Company hierarchies...................................................................................................................16

Chapter 2: Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse......................................................................................17

Multi-site considerations..................................................................................................................17

Deciding whether you need multi-site..............................................................................................18

Background information...................................................................................................................18

Financial considerations..............................................................................................................18

Manufacturing considerations......................................................................................................21

Payroll/Human Resources considerations...................................................................................23

Operations considerations...........................................................................................................23

Administration/technical requirements considerations.................................................................26

Warehouses overview..................................................................................................................27

Chapter 3: Entities............................................................................................................................32

Updating the flowchart.....................................................................................................................32

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheet...............................................................................................33

Background information...................................................................................................................33

Entities overview..........................................................................................................................33

Sites that report to an entity.........................................................................................................33

Setup of entities and the reporting structure................................................................................34

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Multiple currencies and consolidation..........................................................................................35

Combined vs. consolidated reporting...........................................................................................35

Chapter 4: Number of sites that are required................................................................................36


Updating the flowchart.....................................................................................................................37

Creating a list of currency codes.....................................................................................................37

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheet...............................................................................................37

Background information...................................................................................................................38

Material transfers between sites..................................................................................................38

Centralized and decentralized order entry...................................................................................41

Functions where entity data is not available................................................................................42

Using multiple currencies.............................................................................................................43

Chapter 5: Using the same forms data for multiple sites.............................................................45

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheet...............................................................................................45

Background inforrnation..................................................................................................................46

Chapter 6: Using the same objects data for multiple sites...........................................................47

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheet...............................................................................................47

Chapter 7: Grouping sites................................................................................................................49


Creating a list of potential groups....................................................................................................50

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheet...............................................................................................50

Background information: grouping sites..........................................................................................50

Chapter 8: Intranets..........................................................................................................................51

Considerations: intranets.................................................................................................................51

Background information: intranets...................................................................................................51

About intranets.............................................................................................................................51

Sending or receiving Business Object Documents from multiple sites on an intranet.................52

Chapter 9: Sharing data between sites...........................................................................................53

Considerations: Sharing data between sites...................................................................................53

Updating the flowchart.....................................................................................................................53

Creating a ReplicationRules spreadsheet.......................................................................................54

Background information: Sharing data between sites.....................................................................54

Replication with multiple sites per database................................................................................54

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Default replication categories.......................................................................................................54

Replicating Site Admin.................................................................................................................58

Replicating A/P and A/R..............................................................................................................58

Replicating multi-site information for Home forms.......................................................................59

Replicating Manufacturer Item.....................................................................................................59

Replicating Centralized Order Entry and Inventory/Transfers......................................................59

Sharing vendors, customers, or items between sites...................................................................60

Replicating financial information..................................................................................................62

Replicating dimensions................................................................................................................64

Replicating shared currency........................................................................................................64

Replicating planned transfer orders (Planning)............................................................................65

Replicating external financial (EXTFIN) data...............................................................................66

Initializing parameter table data...................................................................................................67

Replicating Invoice Builder data...................................................................................................67

Replicating Journal Builder data..................................................................................................67

Replicating Purchase Order Builder data.....................................................................................68

Replicating Voucher Builder data.................................................................................................68

Replicating Customer and Vendor Portal data.............................................................................69

Replicating Service data..............................................................................................................69

Replicating data via BODs (ESB)................................................................................................70

Recommended transactional replication rules.............................................................................71

Chapter 10: Sharing some data through master sites..................................................................72

Considerations: Sharing some data through master sites...............................................................72

Updating the flowchart.....................................................................................................................73

Creating a list of the tables or categories controlled by the master site..........................................73

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheet...............................................................................................73

Updating the ReplicationRules spreadsheet...................................................................................74

Background information: Sharing some data through a master site................................................74

Intranets with shared tables and master sites..............................................................................74

Shared user tables.......................................................................................................................74

Frequently asked questions about shared tables and master sites.............................................75

Maintaining customer, vendor or item data for other sites in the intranet.....................................76

Chapter 11: Frequency of data replication.....................................................................................78

Updating the ReplicationRules spreadsheet...................................................................................78

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Background information: Frequency of data replication..................................................................78

Replication Rules form.................................................................................................................79

Chapter 12: Using the Application Event System.........................................................................81

Chapter 13: Add-on products and modules...................................................................................82

Updating the flowchart and spreadsheets.......................................................................................82

Background information...................................................................................................................82



Country packs and localizations..................................................................................................85

Credit Card Interface....................................................................................................................86

DataViews and Critical Numbers.................................................................................................86


Microsoft Excel add-in..................................................................................................................86

Factory Track................................................................................................................................88

BOD-enabled applications (ION).................................................................................................88

Industry packs..............................................................................................................................88


Office Application Search Service...............................................................................................89


Configure Price Quote (CPQ)......................................................................................................89



Chapter 14: Licensing......................................................................................................................93

Chapter 15: Naming rules................................................................................................................94

Considerations: Naming..................................................................................................................94

Updating the flowchart and spreadsheets.......................................................................................95

Determining prefix use for records in different sites........................................................................95

Background information...................................................................................................................95


Item numbers...............................................................................................................................97

Chapter 16: Incorporating later changes........................................................................................98

Revising your flowcharts and spreadsheets....................................................................................98

Background information...................................................................................................................98

Changes to your reporting structure............................................................................................98

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Appendix A: Replication overview................................................................................................100

About replication............................................................................................................................100

_All tables......................................................................................................................................101

Replication categories and rules...................................................................................................103

Using categories with rules........................................................................................................103

Point to point replication.............................................................................................................104


Master sites and shared tables.....................................................................................................105

Multiple sites in one database.......................................................................................................105

Replicating _all tables................................................................................................................106

Replicating base tables..............................................................................................................106

Replicating shared tables...........................................................................................................106

Appendix B: Replication category tables.....................................................................................107

A/P category..................................................................................................................................107

A/R category..................................................................................................................................109

CCI Centralized Order Entry category...........................................................................................111

Centralized Order Entry category..................................................................................................111

Customer Portal category..............................................................................................................115

Dimensions category.....................................................................................................................116

ESB category................................................................................................................................116

EXTFIN category...........................................................................................................................117

EXTFIN Customer category..........................................................................................................118

EXTFIN Vendor category..............................................................................................................118

G/L category..................................................................................................................................118

Initialize _All Parameters category................................................................................................121

Inventory/Transfers category.........................................................................................................121

Invoice Builder category................................................................................................................125

Journal Builder category...............................................................................................................126

Ledger Consolidation category......................................................................................................126

Ledger Detail category..................................................................................................................128

Manufacturer Item category..........................................................................................................128

MTD category................................................................................................................................128

Multi-Site Home form categories...................................................................................................129

Multi-Site BOM Builder category...................................................................................................129

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Multi-Site Customers category......................................................................................................130

Multi-Site Items category...............................................................................................................130

Planning category..........................................................................................................................131

PO - CO - Across Sites category...................................................................................................132

Purchase Order Builder category..................................................................................................133

Service - Global Incidents category..............................................................................................134

Service - Global Scheduling Shared Partners category................................................................135

Service - Global Service History category....................................................................................135

Service - Global Units category.....................................................................................................136

Service - Multi-Site SRO Copy category.......................................................................................136

Shared Currency category............................................................................................................137

Site Admin category......................................................................................................................137

Vendor Portal category..................................................................................................................138

Voucher Builder category..............................................................................................................138


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About this guide

Use this guide to plan for a multi-site configuration of Infor SyteLine. When you have multiple sites, theconfiguration of your system becomes much more complex. If you answer the questions in this guidebefore you begin configuration, you will be prepared, and your configuration should go more smoothly.

This guide has these sections:

• Planning worksheet: Lists the questions, in order, that you should ask and answer when planningyour system. Each step lists one or more tasks that must be completed while answering the question.

• Chapters that perform these functions:• Address each of the questions from the planning worksheet• List the planning tasks you must perform to answer the questions• Provide background information that helps you complete the planning tasks

• Glossary: Defines SyteLine and industry-specific terms used in this guide

Resulting toolsAfter you complete the planning tasks, you should have these tools:

• A flowchart showing all of the sites and entities in your logical/financial hierarchy, and the shareddata relationships between them

• A SiteEntity spreadsheet that lists, for each site, information such as site name, type, sitegroup, intranet name, and so on.

• A ReplicationRules spreadsheet that lists each of the rules that is required to replicate databetween the sites

• A Licensing spreadsheet that lists each license module (along with the number of users) neededfor each site

• A list of your planned currency codes• Lists of your planned site groups and master site tables

Use these tools, along with the Infor SyteLine Multi-Site Implementation Guide, to set up your system.Keep the information in the spreadsheets up to date, to use for reference as your system changes.

Samples of these tools are available in a ZIP file in the Documentation area on the Infor Support Portalsite.

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About this guide

Planning worksheetUse this worksheet to determine the questions to ask and the tasks that must be completed before youstart installing your system. The questions are addressed in more detail, with information to help youanswer them, in the chapters of this guide.


1 Draw a preliminary flowchart in pencilor using a computer modeling tool likeVisio®. You will probably change theflowchart several times.

2 Create a SiteEntity spreadsheetcontaining a preliminary list of the sitenames and types.

What is your corporate structure?

What hierarchical structure is required forfinancial reporting, for sharing of data andfor transfer of materials?

In a cloud environment, all sites are in thesame database.

Multi-site or multi-warehouse?

Understand the differences between usingsites and warehouses in SyteLine.

Decide how to set up sites in applicationdatabases.

If multi-site, should you use separate sitedatabases or combine them in a singledatabase?

1 Update your flowchart with any changesto the site/entity reporting structure.

2 Update your flowchart with any changesto the site/entity reporting structure.

Do you need separate entities?

If yes, then how many different entities doyou need?

1 Update your flowchart with any changesto the site reporting structure.

2 If your system will have sites/entitieswith different base (domestic) curren-cies, make a list of the 3-character cur-rency codes to be used for those basecurrencies.

3 Update your SiteEntity spreadsheetwith any changes to the list of sites. Foreach site, specify the time zone.

Also specify the base currency for eachsite.

How many sites do you need?

Determine the optimal number of sites foryour system. Then determine some basicinformation about each site.

1 Create a list of potential Site Groups.2 Update the SiteEntity spreadsheet

to specify which Site Group the siteshould reside in initially.

How should sites be grouped?

Do you need multiple groups for differentmulti-site functions or users?

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About this guide


1 Update the flowchart with arrows indicat-ing the categories of data being shared,and the directions the data is flowing.

2 Create a ReplicationRules spread-sheet listing each of the categories youthink you will need, in each direction,from each site.

Which data needs to be shared betweensites?

What categories of data need to be repli-cated?

Which sites need to share that type ofdata?

Does data need to be shared in both direc-tions?

1 Update the flowchart with boxes indicat-ing master sites, if used. For data flow-ing to a master site from using sites, usea different type of arrow.

2 Update the SiteEntity spreadsheetto indicate any sites that are mastersites.

3 Create a list of the tables that are con-trolled by the master site.

4 If some of the rules you thought youwould need have been replaced by theuse of a master site, remove the rulesfrom the ReplicationRules spread-sheet.

Should some data be shared through amaster site and SQL views rather thanthrough replication?

You might decide to set up master sitesand shared views for some areas of yoursystem.

Update the ReplicationRules spreadsheetto indicate which rules are transactional ornon-transactional. If using non-transactionalrules, specify the interval type and timing.

If you will replicate data, how often?

Should you use transactional or non-transactional replication?

Consider how event data might be replicat-ed.

Will you be using the event system?

Update the flowchart and spreadsheets asneeded, if you decide to rearrange your sitesdue to add-on product requirements.

What modules or products will interfacewith each site?

Will you be interfacing SyteLine to an ex-ternal financial interface, EDI, an InforBOD-enabled application, etc.?

Create a License spreadsheet listing thelicense modules and number of users expect-ed to concurrently use each module.

Which license modules do you plan touse?

Determine how many users plan to workin specific forms/IDOs that are monitoredby the different license modules.

Update the flowchart and spreadsheets withany name changes.

Is your naming scheme logical?

Name sites, configurations, intranets, andsite groups to indicate the logical struc-tures and relationships.

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About this guide


Revise your flowchart and spreadsheets ifyou decide to rearrange your hierarchicalstructure.

How easily will your structure incorporatelater changes?

Think about how radical changes to yourcompany hierarchy may affect the struc-ture.

Caution: Planning and implementing a multi-site system is not a simple task. We recommend thatyou discuss the process and the results of your planning decisions with Infor Consulting Servicesprior to implementation.

Contacting InforIf you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at andcreate a support incident.

The latest documentation is available from or from the Infor Support Portal. To accessdocumentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommendthat you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.

If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact [emailprotected].

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About this guide


Chapter 1: Determining your corporate structure

What hierarchical structure does your company require for these functions:

• Financial reporting• Sharing of administrative data• Sharing of customer orders and invoices• Transfer of materials

Creating a flowchart that shows your hierarchyDraw a flowchart showing your company’s site hierarchy. Use a pencil, or use an application that letsyou draw flowcharts on your computer, because you will probably change the flowchart several times.You will use the information in later chapters of this guide to help you refine your flowchart.


This multi-site corporation has facilities in three locations. The flowchart shows the logical structure ofthe company, set up as sites and entities.

Illinois Facility: This is the corporate office and the United States divisional office. It has a warehousefor shipping and receiving. Orders shipped from this site are invoiced from this site. This facility alsoprocesses all sales orders, receivables and payables for the other two sites.

California Facility: The California facility has a warehouse for shipping and receiving. Orders shippedfrom this site are invoiced from this site. One product line is sourced at this location from a Mexicanvendor.

Ontario Facility: The Ontario facility is the Canada divisional office and has a warehouse for shippingand receiving. Orders shipped from this site are invoiced from this site. A product line from this locationis sourced from a Canadian vendor.

The arrows show how different categories of data would flow between the sites and entities at thisexample company. Do not be concerned with the arrows yet, although you may want to include somepossible data flows.

Categories will be explained later. See Sharing data between sites on page 53.

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Determining your corporate structure

Creating a SiteEntity spreadsheetCreate a spreadsheet named SiteEntity that lists this information for each potential site:

• Site ID: Up to 8 characters. Avoid using these special characters in site names or IDs: \ (backslash) / (forward slash) : (colon) * (asterisk) ? (question mark) " (double quote) < (left arrow) > (rightarrow) | (vertical bar) (embedded space)

• Site Name: This is the long name for the site. It appears along with the Site ID on several forms.(In some forms, this field is truncated.) For example, if your Site ID is ONT, your Site Name couldbe Ontario.

You might want to include the type (site or entity) information in the name; for example, “OntarioSite.”

Note: When you create the initial site in a new database, the site name is also used as the databasename. In that case there are some restrictions on the site name: spaces and asterisks are notallowed, and the name cannot be all numbers.

• Site Description: Up to 40 characters, including spaces. This text could describe both the locationof the site and what it is used for. For example, “Illinois Site - Distribution.”

• Site Type: Specify Site or Entity. See the background information section for more informationabout how to determine this.

You will add more columns for each site in later chapters. This information is used when you createand configure sites.

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Determining your corporate structure

Background information: Corporate structureYou can perform these multi-site functions in SyteLine:

• Move or transfer material or items between sites or warehouses• Combine data from sites at financial entities• Ship to common customers and receive from common vendors• Share administrative functions between sites• Centralize payment processing (between sites having the same currency)• View Accounts Payable and/or Accounts Receivable transactions across sites• Centralize customer order entry• View item availability across sites• Create or update vendors, items or customers at one site for multiple sites• Create purchase orders at one site for multiple sites, allowing for accumulation of like items in order

to get quantity breaks from vendors• Create and post invoices at one site for multiple sites• Create vouchers and adjustments from one site for multiple sites when generating vouchers from

PO Receipts. (Multi-site vouchering is not available for manual vouchers and adjustments.)• Create journal entries at one site for multiple sites• Automate demand and source vendor site PO-CO processing• View “Home” form information across sites• Copy an item's bill of materials (BOM) between sites.• Use "builder" forms to enter manual journal entries, vouchers, purchase orders, invoices and credit

memos for multiple sites at a central location• Determine which site and warehouse is best for shipping orders, based on distance, quantity

available, and planned production time

Logically, a site is any place where work is done.

Thus, a site can correspond to company headquarters, a manufacturing plant, a distribution center, ora legal company that requires financial reporting. Even if all of these facilities share a single physicalbuilding, each may be considered a logical site.

Sites can report to financial reporting units called entities. An entity is a separate instance that maintainsaccounting periods, chart of accounts, and currency, and reports on its consolidated ledger and budgets.Sites can report to only one entity, and they must share characteristics with the entity such as accountnumbers and base (domestic) currency.

For more information about setting up and using entities, and making sites report to them, see thebackground information in Entities on page 32.

The initial site in a database is defined during SyteLine installation. Additional sites and entities areadded through the Site Management form. Additional information about each site and entity, as wellas the linking between sites, can be set up on the Sites/Entities form.

This information includes the intranet used by the site and any linked sites. You can use other formsto set up replication rules to transfer data between sites, or you can specify master sites that maintaindata for multiple sites.

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Determining your corporate structure

For information on these features, see Sharing data between sites on page 53 and Sharing some datathrough master sites on page 72.

You can also set up site groups to combine data for sites performing related functions, for example,AR payment generation or subcomponent manufacturing. Sites in a group do not have to report to thesame entity, but they do need to share the appropriate data through replication. See Grouping siteson page 49.

You can add sites later, as required by your situation.

You can also create new entities, add a new site to an existing entity, and/or move sites from one entityto another.

Company hierarchiesA corporate entity can have child entities, for consolidating reporting at different levels, and each entitycan have child sites. Each site can contain multiple warehouses, and each warehouse can containmultiple item stockroom locations to store inventory.

This chart shows the hierarchical relationship between components of a company:

Sites A, B, and C are grouped to form Entity 1. There are two warehouses under Site A: Main and Dist.There are three locations shown under the Main warehouse: RAW1, FG2, and INS3. Entity 2 has threesites (X, Y, and Z) reporting to it.

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Determining your corporate structure

Chapter 2: Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Does your system require multiple sites, or is a single-site, multi-warehouse system better for yourcompany?

You must understand the differences between a multi-site environment and a multi-warehouseenvironment, so you can decide which one your company should use.

Multi-site considerationsA multi-site system includes multiple sites, site-specific controls, and the ability to transfer demandsand materials between sites through centralized order entry and transfers. Multi-site functionality wasdesigned for businesses that have relatively autonomous sites. If most of your company activity iscentralized, such as planning, purchasing, and accounting, then multi-site might not be the best option.

These are reasons to use multiple sites:

• The same items can be made at different plants using different manufacturing methods.• Sites will have separate control of jobs, POs, COs, and inventories. (Within one site, special prefix

numbering can be used to keep the data organized.)• Inventory levels can be monitored across sites.• Goods can be transferred between sites, with or without recognizing sales and profits.• Sites can use different charts of accounts or different base currencies.• Centralized order entry is available to link customer demands between sites.

In addition, it is easier to break out financial information for different sites, rather than for different areaswithin one site.


Multi-warehouse allows the setup of multiple warehouses within one site. Revenue and expenseinformation for goods and services is controlled through the use of Product Code distribution accounts.All other company information, such as chart of accounts, invoices, vouchers, and scheduling, is sharedbetween the warehouses.

These are reasons for using one site with multiple warehouses:

• Centralized MRP and planning.• A manufacturing process, within a routing, moves between manufacturing locations.

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

• Centralized purchasing, centralized entry of A/P vouchers, or accounting that creates many journalentries across locations, for example, allocating corporate expenses among all sites.

Note, however, that the "builder" features in SyteLine allow you to handle some of these centralizedrequirements in a multi-site environment. See the online Help for information about the PO, voucher,invoice and journal builders.

Deciding whether you need multi-siteUse the background information to determine whether your company needs a multi-site system.

1 When you read the questions in the tables, write a "weight factor" from 0 (not important to yourcompany) to 5 (very important) next to each question. Also, write down whether your answer tothe question indicates the need for multi-site or single-site. If neutral, write "neutral."

2 When you have completed all the questions, add up your scores for multi-site vs. single-site. Thisscore should give you some insight about which setup is best for your company.

3 Read the background information on warehouses to better understand how they are used inSyteLine.

4 If you decide that you need a multi-site system, then continue with the next chapter.

If a single-site, multi-warehouse setup will meet your needs, you are finished with the evaluationprocess, and you can skip the rest of this guide.

Background informationConsider your company’s responses to these questions to determine whether to use multiple sites orone site with multiple warehouses. The symbols to the left of the descriptions indicate, for each question,whether the multi-site or single-site option is better, worse, or neutral:

• + Better• - Worse• = Neutral

Financial considerationsFinancial considerations include General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable questions.

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

General Ledger

Single site with Multi-Ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-G/L question

Single Site supports P&L state-ments by distribution codes. ABalance Sheet is only availablefor the whole site. If unique Bal-ance Sheets are required, theymust be constructed manually.Warning: this process is manualand complex.

=Multi-Site supports Profit & Lossand Balance Sheet statementsby site.

+Are there multi-ple reportingentities (Bal-ance/P&L)?

If multiple, non-linked databasesare used, export/import utilitiescan be used to transfer G/L infor-mation.

=Multi-site supports the consolida-tion of reporting units within asite, multiple sites at the entitylevel, and multiple entities at thecorporate level.

+Is consolidatedfinancial report-ing required?

Only one Chart of Accounts issupported for all areas.

-Chart of accounts are the sameat sites as at the entity they re-port to, or the sites contain asubset of the entity’s chart of ac-counts. If completely differentaccount numbers are used indifferent areas, then separateentities must be created.

+Do you havecompletely dif-ferent accountnumbers in dif-ferent areas ofthe company?

This is not supported.-Inter-company (sites) sales arerecognized at the site and elimi-nated at the entity level throughthe Ledger Consolidation activity.

+Are inter-com-pany salespresent?

Financial entries can be enteredwithin the site. (There is no sepa-rate "entity" level.)

-Financial entries can only be en-tered at the site level. A separatelegal, business entity, like aholding company, may require aseparate site.

Note: Entries can also be madeat each site to an inter-company'offset' account that will net zerowhen a consolidated financial isrun.

+Are entries re-quired at theentity level?

One base reporting currency isavailable.

-Different sites may have differentbase (domestic) currencies, buteach site must have the samedomestic currency as the entityit reports to.

+Is reporting per-formed in multi-ple currencies?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Single site with Multi-Ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-G/L question

Financial statements exist at thesite level.

=Financial statements should bemaintained for each site or entity.

Sites typically maintain state-ments for their own ledgers. En-tities typically maintain state-ments for the sites that report tothem. However, you can main-tain statements for any combina-tion of sites, using an externaltool such as the Excel add-in.

=How are finan-cial statementsmaintained?

There is only one site and one setof journals.

=From a central site, you can useJournal Builder to enter journalentries for multiple sites.

+Do you need tomanually inputjournal entriesfor multiplesites from onelocation?

Accounts Receivable:

Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-A/R questions

Centralized and decentralized or-der entry strategies are support-ed.

=Centralized and decentralizedorder entry strategies are sup-ported.

=Is centralizedorder entry re-quired?

Consolidated invoicing is support-ed.

+Multi-site does not support con-solidated invoicing.

Invoicing is controlled at the sitelevel. However, you can use theInvoice Builder to create andpost invoices and credit memosfor the current site and other tar-get sites for customer ordershipments and returns

=Is consolidatedinvoicing per-formed acrosssites?

Centralized cash application issupported. All warehouses mustmaintain the same base currency.

=Multi-site supports centralized ordecentralized cash application.Cash application across sitesusing the same base currency issupported. Cash applicationacross sites using different basecurrencies is not supported.

=Is centralizedcash applica-tion required?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Accounts Payable:

Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-A/P questions

Supported via a single site.=From a central site, you can runVoucher Builder to createvouchers and adjustments forother sites when generatingvouchers from PO Receipts. Youcan also create manual vouchersacross sites; however manualadjustments across sites are notsupported.

=Is consolidatedvoucheringacross sites re-quired?

Supported via a single site.=Multi-site supports this function-ality.

=Are centralizedpayments re-quired acrosssites?

All warehouses must maintain thesame base currency.

=All sites sharing payment informa-tion must have the same basecurrency.

=Do the paymentsites have thesame curren-cy?

Supported via a single site.=Multi-site supports centralizedcommission payment acrosssites.

=Are centralizedcommissionsrequired?

Supported via a single site.=Multi-site, with a master site set-up, supports centralized addingand maintaining of most vendordata. Deletion must be done atsites.

=Is centralizedvendor mainte-nance re-quired?

Manufacturing considerationsManufacturing considerations include job, production schedule, and material resource planning questions.

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Job and Production Schedule:

Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-Job/PS ques-tions

One warehouse per site is desig-nated for production; any addition-al warehouses are designated forstoring inventory. This is also truefor multi-site with multiple ware-houses per site.

=Multi-site does not support theplanning of production acrosssites. All operations must be onlyfor the local site. All outside pro-duction must be treated as anoutside purchase in logic withdifferent item numbers. Multi-sitesupports the copy of current andsingle level BOMs across sites.

=Do job opera-tions extendacross ware-houses orsites?

One warehouse per site is desig-nated for production; any addition-al warehouses are designated forstoring inventory. This is also truefor multi-site with multiple ware-houses per site.

=Multi-site does not support thescheduling of production acrosssites. All outside production mustbe treated as an outside pur-chase in logic with different itemnumbers.

=Are capacityand manufactur-ing schedulesviewed acrosswarehouses orsites?

In a single current site, you canhave only one routing and BOMfor an item. (However, jobs canhave different routings/BOMs forthe same item.)

-If your item run-times or routingsare different at different manufac-turing sites, you probably needa multi-site system.

+Do you makethe same itemat differentplants using dif-ferent process-es?


Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-MRP ques-tions

Supported via a single site.+Multi-site through the use oflinked MRP allows demands tobe pushed to other sites. Thereis no other method to consolidatematerial requirements. Plannedorders can only be performed atthe local level, not across sites.

-Is centralizedplanning re-quired?

Not supported.-Planning and scheduling aredone per site.

+Do different ar-eas have differ-ent planningand schedulingrequirements?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Payroll/Human Resources considerationsSingle site with multi-ware-house


Supported via a single site.+Multi-site does not support pay-roll processing across sites.

-Is payroll per-formed at a"global" level?

Departments must be set up tosupport this process.

=Employees working in multiplesites must be set up and pro-cessed at each local site.

=Do employeeswork in morethan one divi-sion?

Supported via a single site.+If sales representatives will bepaid through payroll, all commis-sion processing will be pro-cessed at the site.

-Will sales repre-sentatives bepaid throughpayroll?

Operations considerationsOperations considerations include order entry, purchasing, inventory control, and transfer orderquestions.

Order Entry:

Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-Order entryquestions

Supported via a single site.=Centralized and decentralizedorder entry strategies are sup-ported.

+Is centralizedorder entry re-quired acrosssites?

CO prefixes are available withina site.

=CO prefixes must be used ineach site to properly identify andtrack orders. Invoice sequenceswill be maintained at the sitelevel.

=What order andinvoice numberlogic is usedacross sites?

One customer master is utilizedwithin the site.

=Multi-site, with a master site set-up, supports centralized addingand maintaining of most cus-tomer data. Deletion must bedone at sites.

=Are shared cus-tomers re-quired?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-Order entryquestions

Supported via a single site.=If centralized order entry is setup between sites, and the samecustomer number is defined inmultiple sites, then that cus-tomer’s credit limits, posted bal-ance, and on order balancesdisplay the total for that customerfrom all the shared sites.

Local (unshared) customers al-low local credit limits and bal-ances.

+Are site-levelcustomer creditlimits required?

Supported via a single site.=Invoicing is performed by theship site. If one line on an orderis shipped from one site and an-other line is shipped from anoth-er site, two invoices will be gen-erated. However, you can usethe Invoice Builder to create andpost invoices and credit memosfor the current site and other tar-get sites for customer ordershipments and returns.

+Is invoicing re-quired by orderwith central or-der entry?

Order entry information, such asship date vs. due date, is main-tained at the warehouse level.

=Order entry information, such asship date vs. due date, is main-tained at the site level.

=How are perfor-mance mea-surements re-ported?

Supported via a single site.+All pricing logic is maintained atthe site level. If central order en-try is used, the price that defaultsto the order line comes from ei-ther the site that is taking the or-der or from the ship site (depend-ing on order entry parameters).The ship site cannot update thequantity or the price on an orderthat originated in another site.

No mass update utility existsacross sites for maintenance.

-Is global pricingmaintenancerequired?

Supported via a single site.=All sales analysis and bookinginformation is maintained at thesite level. However, on theSalesperson Home form you cansee the information for varioussites, or for all sites.

+Are sales analy-sis and bookingrequired acrosssites?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-Order entryquestions

Supported via a single site.=If centralized order entry is used,the central order site must con-tain all possible salespersons.Commission information cannotbe input at the central order entrylevel. Commission distributionsmust be set up and maintainedat the site level.

=Are globalsalespersonsand commis-sion logicused?


Single site with multi-ware-house


Supported via a single site.+Multi-site has no ability to pro-vide requirements planningacross sites. All requirementsare planned at the site level.

-Is consolidatedrequirementsplanning re-quired?

Supported via a single site.=Builder purchase orders can beentered at one site to createpurchase orders for other sites.Maintenance of these POs isthen done at the individual sites.

=Is centralizedpurchasing per-formed acrosssites?

Supported via a single site.+Multi-site has no ability to pro-vide centralized receiving acrosssites. All receiving is performedat the site level.

-Is centralizedreceiving per-formed acrosssites?

One vendor master is utilizedwithin the site.

=Multi-site, with a master site set-up, supports centralized addingand maintaining of most vendordata. Deletion must be done atsites.

=Are sharedvendors re-quired?


Single site with multi-ware-house


Supported via a single site.=Multi-site, with a master site set-up, supports centralized addingand maintaining of most itemdata. Deletion must be done atsites.

=Is standardizeditem numberlogic usedacross sites?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Single site with multi-ware-house


Supported via a single site.=Item availability across sites isonly available using Item Avail-ability (with drilldown). No reportscombine on-hand balancesacross sites.

=How is materi-als planningperformed?

You can set item costing at eitherthe warehouse or site level.

=You can set item costing at ei-ther the warehouse or site level.

=Is item cost dif-ferent at differ-ent warehous-es?


Single site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-Transfer ques-tions

Same logic.=The proper transfer process willbe related to the controls, visibil-ity, and documents that the cus-tomer requires.

=What transfercontrols, visibili-ty, and docu-ments are re-quired?

Warehouse transfers are support-ed. Inter-company sales are notsupported.

-Multi-site allows you to recognizeand eliminate inter-site transferprofits. The transfer pricing logicis linked to the price matrix andtransfer pricing. The eliminationof inter-company profits is linkedto the Ledger Consolidation activ-ity.

+Is profit recog-nized from in-ter-site materialtransfers?

Administration/technical requirements considerationsSingle site with multi-ware-house

+/-Multi-site+/-Admin ques-tions

Supported via a single site.=Users can be global or local.Authorizations for global userscan be set locally at each site, orglobally.

=Where is sys-tem administra-tion performed?

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Warehouses overviewEach site has at least one warehouse, designated as MAIN, which is created during system installation.In most cases, this also becomes the default, or primary, warehouse for the site, but you can changethe default.

Multiple warehousesMany companies have more than one location in which to store inventory, so you can add warehouselocations to the list of warehouses available for various transactions. To add warehouses, use theWarehouses form. You can also use this form to view and update information for all warehouses inthe system.

Item stockroom locationsBefore you can show inventory in your warehouses, you must establish item stockroom locations. Eachwarehouse can contain multiple item stockroom locations where you store inventory for lot-trackingand other audit-trail purposes. Use the Item Stockroom Locations form to add these item stockroomlocations.

Item/warehouse recordsWhen you add an item to the system using the Items form, an item/warehouse association (or record)for the item is created automatically. For this record, the default warehouse is used as defined in theDefault Whse field on the Inventory Parameters form. An item stockroom location is also automaticallycreated for the item, using both the default warehouse and the default location defined on the InventoryParameters form.

If you want to stock an item at multiple warehouses, you must create an item/warehouse associationfor each warehouse location. To create these item/warehouse associations, use the Item/Warehouseform. You can then use the Item Stockroom Locations form to add quantities of the item to locationswithin the designated warehouse.

Consignment warehousesThere are two ways to use a consignment warehouse:

• You can specify some of your warehouses as vendor consignment warehouses, where vendormaterials are stored until you decide to consume or purchase them.

• You can specify a customer's warehouse as a customer consignment warehouse, where you storesome of your materials until the customer decides to consume or purchase them.

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

For more information regarding the setup of customer and vendor consignment warehouses, see theonline help topic about consignment warehouse setup.

Warehouse default valuesMany of the forms where you can select a warehouse use a default warehouse setting. In all cases,you can override this default setting by selecting a different warehouse.

The values for the default warehouse settings on different SyteLine forms come from various places.The About Warehouses help topic explains where the various default warehouse values are set up.

About the current warehouse

Many forms take as their default value the warehouse that the system recognizes as the "currentwarehouse," which can change on a per-user, per-session basis. When the system designates thecurrent warehouse," it uses these rules:

• When you log in, the system designates the warehouse from the your profile as the currentwarehouse for that session. This setting is defined in the Whse field on the Users form.

• If that field is blank, the system uses the Default Whse field on the Inventory Parameters form.• At any point after logging in, you can change the current warehouse setting in the Change

Warehouse form.Note: This current warehouse setting is valid only on a user-session basis. That is, the current warehousesetting can be different for each user logged in to the system. This setting is only in effect as long asyou are logged in. After you log out, the setting reverts to your default user setting, if any.

Setting warehouse defaults manually

There are several ways to manually change warehouse default settings:

• Change the system default warehouse using the Default Whse field on the Inventory Parametersform.

• Change a user's default current warehouse setting using the Whse field on the Users form. Seethe About the Current Warehouse help topic.

• As a user, change the current warehouse setting for your current session using the ChangeWarehouse form. See the About the Current Warehouse help topic.

• Change the default warehouse for a range of customers using the Set Default Warehouse form.• Change the default warehouse for a range of vendors using the Set Default Warehouse form.• Change the default warehouse for a range of users using the Set Default Warehouse form.

ContainersInventory movements can be expedited through the supply chain by replacing single inventorytransactions with bulk (container) inventory transactions. Inventory in SyteLine can be grouped intocontainers that are assigned to a stock location for a warehouse. Each container is assigned a uniquecontainer number, and incoming inventory can be added into the container. You can specify a container

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

number during an inventory transaction, and the system performs all the single-level inventorytransactions transparently.

How MRP, APS, and MPS Processor use warehousesThe MRP, APS, and MPS Processor planning functions view on-hand inventory as the total on-handquantity (that is, On Hand - Qty Reserved for customer orders) at all nettable stockroom locationsacross all warehouses at the site.

For example, suppose you have a customer order for 150 of an item. The item is stored at threewarehouses: A, B, and C. Warehouse A contains 50 on-hand, warehouse B contains 50 on-hand, andwarehouse C contains 50 on-hand. When you run MRP or APS Planning or the MPS Processor, thesystem allocates on-hand from all 3 warehouses to satisfy the demand, and no planned orders areneeded. This planning behavior occurs regardless of any specific warehouse specified on the customerorder.

Dedicated remote warehouses

In some situations, you may want a warehouse to serve only local-area orders and not orders enteredat the main facility. In the above example, suppose you wanted to "protect" the inventory at warehouseC so it could be used only for specific customer orders. To do this, select the Dedicated Inventory fieldon the Warehouses form for that warehouse.

When you run MRP or APS Planning or MPS Processor, the system ignores the inventory in thededicated-inventory warehouse. Likewise, these planning functions ignore all demands and suppliesthat specify a dedicated-inventory warehouse.

Be aware of these restrictions on dedicated inventory:

• You cannot select the Dedicated Inventory option for a warehouse selected as the defaultwarehouse on the Inventory Parameters form.

• You cannot perform the Get ATP or Get CTP function on a line item (for example, on the CustomerOrder Lines form) that is associated with a dedicated-inventory warehouse.

• The Planning Detail and Planning Summary forms do not display any inventory transactionsrelated to dedicated-inventory warehouses.

• The exception message "Initial On-Hand Quantity Negative" (which appears on the PlanningDetail form and on the Exceptions Report) does not consider inventory at dedicated-inventorywarehouses.

• The planning functions ignore demands set to ship from dedicated-inventory warehouses andsupplies set to supply dedicated-inventory warehouses.

Dedicated inventory and planning of transfer orders

Outgoing transfer orders are not planned as demands at the current, local site if the warehouse specifiedas the From warehouse is a dedicated-inventory warehouse. However, that transfer order is plannedas a supply if it is sent to a warehouse at the same site that is a non-dedicated inventory warehouse(that is, if the To warehouse is one in which the Dedicated Inventory field is not selected).

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Incoming transfer orders are not planned as supplies at the current, local site if the To warehouse isa dedicated-inventory warehouse. However, that transfer order is planned as a demand if it is receivedfrom a warehouse at the same site that is a non-dedicated inventory warehouse (that is, if the Fromwarehouse is one in which the Dedicated Inventory field is not selected).

Distribution warehouses

Distribution warehouses are dedicated-inventory warehouses that are designated to plan intra-sitetransfers using the transit time, in days, between the default warehouse and a distribution warehouse.For these transfers, the original demand is ignored, but the pre-planning process generates plannedtransfer orders based upon the demand at the distribution warehouse. New planned intra-site transfersrepresent demand for the planning engines.

Sourcing percentages of planned orders

You can set rules that automatically split planned transfer orders for a certain item or product codebetween multiple sites and warehouses, specifying what percentage of the order comes from whichsite/warehouse. For more information, see the online help about creating source rules for plannedorders.

Determining the best site and warehouse to fulfill an order

When you fulfill customer orders, use the Multi-Site Item Sourcing form to determine the driving distancebetween each site/warehouse and the Ship To address, using the Google Distance API. You can usethe distance, along with the quantity available at the warehouse and the planned production time, toselect the best source site and warehouse for an order.

Moving inventory between locationsUse transfer orders or multi-site quantity moves to move inventory from one warehouse to another(within the same site or across sites). See Material transfers between sites on page 38 for moreinformation.

A hypothetical shipping and receiving scenario, in which both warehouses are within the same site, isshown below:

• Warehouse A transfers to Warehouse B.• Warehouse A ships to a Transit Location, which is maintained at Warehouse B.• When Warehouse B receives the item, it is moved from the Transit Location to a Stock Location

within Warehouse B.

This diagram shows the process.

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Moving quantities between locations

Use these options to move inventory:

• Use the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility to move inventory between different sites, warehouseswithin the same site, or locations within a single warehouse.

• Use the Warehouse to Warehouse Bulk Transfer utility to move inventory between twowarehouses within the same site.

• Use the Quantity Move utility to move inventory between different locations within a singlewarehouse.

Transferring lot- and serial-tracked items

When you transfer a lot-tracked or serial-tracked item from a warehouse at one site to a warehouse atanother site, there are issues to consider regarding whether the lot or serial number exists at each siteand in what location it will be created. These issues are described in the online help.

Counting warehouse inventoryCounting inventory is done at the warehouse level. There are two primary ways to count the existinginventory at each warehouse:

• Performing a cycle count: Count your inventory quantities at each warehouse and stock locationon a scheduled, cyclical basis. You can define cycle-count triggering options at each warehouseto instruct the system to create a cycle count record each time a particular inventory event occursat that warehouse.

• Performing a physical inventory: Perform a physical count of the inventory in a warehouse. Thisprocess prints tags and/or sheets for personnel to use when they count the inventory in stock andthen manually enter that information into the physical inventory system.

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Multi-site vs. multi-warehouse

Chapter 3: Entities

Consider these key points about entities, and read the background information about entities andconsolidation. This information can help you decide whether your system requires separate entitiesand, if so, how many entities are needed.• An entity exists for the specific purpose of financial consolidation, reporting, and currency translation.

If your company does not require any of those features, then you do not need to define any entities.• The chart of accounts must be the same at the sites as at the entity they report to, or the sites must

contain a subset of the entity’s chart of accounts.• Financial entries can only be entered at the site level. A separate legal, business entity, for example,

a holding company, may require a separate site that reports to it.• Financial statements can be maintained for either an entity or a site.• Each site must have the same base (domestic) currency as the entity it reports to. If you have

areas of the company using different base currencies, and those areas must provide financialinformation to a reporting hierarchy, then you must have at least one entity for each currency. Anentity reporting to another entity does not need to use the same base currency; the currency willbe translated during financial consolidation to the next entity level.

• A site can report to only one entity. A site is not required to report to an entity, in which case itsfinancials are not consolidated.

• Does your company frequently acquire other companies or sell off divisions? If so, it is better to"loosely couple" different divisions/companies, and keep the financial reporting separate (that is,different entities).

• It is not necessary to have a balanced financial hierarchy.• The more levels of entities you have, the more complex the administration. Simpler is better, when

possible.• Depending on your needs, you may be able to use multi-site groups instead of creating an entity.

See Combined vs. consolidated reporting on page 35 and Grouping sites on page 49.

Updating the flowchartUpdate the flowchart with any changes to the reporting structure.

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Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheetIf you have added or removed entities or sites, change the list in the spreadsheet.

Background informationUse this information to better understand the concepts.

Entities overviewIn a multi-site environment, you can specify a hierarchy of financial entities that operating sites reportto. A financial entity is a level of business operation with these components:

• A complete set of financial statements• Its own domestic currency code, which must be shared by sites that report to it, and its own currency

rates, which may or may not be shared by reporting sites/entities• Its own chart of accounts and accounting periods, which must be shared by reporting sites.

(Reporting entities do not have to share these characteristics with a higher-level entity.)

Each entity allows no business activity aside from period, chart and currency maintenance, and thereporting of its consolidated ledger and budgets.

If ledger detail is replicated to the entity from the sites, you may be able to "drill down" to view detaildown to the level of the originating transaction. (This assumes that any other categories required forthe transaction-level detail are also being replicated. However, having this level of G/L and othertransaction detail replicated to the entity often does not make sense from a performance standpoint.)Otherwise, you must log into the specific site in order to view the transaction detail.

Sites that report to an entityThe majority of operations at sites reporting to an entity remain the same as at a non-reporting site,including the financials. However, if a site reports to an entity, the site's Chart of Accounts is now ownedby the entity and is copied from it. In the site’s local copy of the Chart of Accounts, you can deleterecords in order to use a subset of the entity’s accounts.

The site must use the domestic currency of its entity, but it may use its own rates.

Journal entries must be made at the site level in order to properly recognize expenses, etc. Notransactions are allowed at the entity level. All distribution journals must be posted at the sites.

Consolidation utilities must be run at the reporting sites to copy the posted ledger transactions andbudgets into the entities all the way up the hierarchy.

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A site is not required to report to an entity, in which case its financials are not consolidated.

Setup of entities and the reporting structureWhen you add sites or entities to an existing database through the Site Management form, you mustspecify a site type. For an entity, specify a site type of Entity.

Entering operational data such as customers and vendors is not necessary for entities. Maintenanceand reporting of financial data is allowed.

Defining the hierarchy

To define or change the hierarchy of your sites and entities, several utilities are available in SyteLine:

• Change Reports to Entity: Use this utility at the reporting site/entity to specify the next-level entityto which this site/entity reports. This utility can also be run if a site is sold and needs to be removedfrom the financial consolidation structure.• If this utility is run at a site, you can only change the Reports To Entity to a financial entity

that has the same base (domestic) currency, Chart of Accounts and accounting periods. Also,the system verifies that all accounts defined at the site already exist at the financial entity. Ifthis validation fails, the change is not allowed, and a report is created detailing the failures. Ifchart records exist at the site that do not exist at the entity, you can use the Multi-Site ChartCopy Utility to copy the site's Chart of Accounts to the financial entity. If no Chart of Accountsor accounting periods have been set up yet at the site, this Change Reports To Entity utilitywill copy them from the entity to the site.

• If this utility is being run at a financial entity at any level, the closing balances for each accountat every site beneath the financial entity are calculated and consolidated all the way up thehierarchy. Then the Reports-To value is changed. All the Reports To account mappings forthe entity's Chart of Accounts must be corrected to map to the Chart of Accounts of the newReports-To financial entity.

• Multi-Site Chart Copy: Use this utility at the entity to copy the Chart of Accounts down to thereporting sites and entities.

• Ledger Consolidation: Use this utility at the reporting site or entity to consolidate anyunconsolidated ledger records (by mapping accounts and unit codes and converting currencies)up to and including the cutoff date. Each ledger record will be consolidated all the way up thehierarchy. The ledger at this site will be marked as consolidated. For higher level entities, the newlycreated ledgers are stored, using that entity's chart of accounts and base currency. The utilityvalidates this information:• The hierarchy is valid.• The accounts map correctly.• The unit codes map correctly.• The currencies convert properly.

• Budget Consolidation: Use this utility at the reporting site or entity to consolidate all previouslyunconsolidated site budgets and plans through the cutoff date. All entities in the hierarchy that aresenior to the current site must be replicating G/L or Ledger Consolidation data with the current site.Each budget and plan for each account is consolidated all the way up the hierarchy; the budgetand plan at the current site remains unchanged. For higher level entities, the newly created budgets

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and plans are stored using that entity's chart of accounts, base currency, and financial periods. Ifa site or entity enters and leaves a hierarchy in the course of a single year, the original budget/planwill be replaced with the later one.

• Set Ledger Consolidated Flag: Use this utility to rebuild an entity. Use it to reconsolidate entitieswhose data was lost, corrupted or discarded due to a change in corporate structure.

Multiple currencies and consolidationWhen you use multiple currencies in a consolidated environment, be aware of these requirements:

• The base (domestic) currency must be the same at all sites reporting to an entity. However, youmay set up the sites so they can maintain their own currency exchange rates - or you may wantto maintain the rates only at the entity. See Replicating shared currency on page 64.

• In each entity's Chart of Accounts, the currency translation method and the exchange rate typeare specified for each account. To comply with FASB52 or GAAP standards, revenue and expenseaccounts should use the Average translation method, and asset and liability accounts should usethe End translation method. You can exclude Owner's Equity accounts from being revalued bysetting the Account Class in the Chart of Accounts form to Equity - Non-Monetary.

• The currency table of the entity is the one used for translation during the consolidation. Sites usethe domestic currency of their entity, so there is no currency translation at this level.

Combined vs. consolidated reportingFinancial statements generated by an external tool such as the Excel add-in can either show combineddata from a group of sites, or consolidated data from an entity and its reporting sites.

If you want to create sample financial statements before changing a hierarchical structure, to see whatthe combined data from multiple sites will look like, you can mimic the new proposed structure. Usethe Excel Financial Reporting tool to pull data from multiple sites using GL functions and combine themusing Excel features. The balance can be converted into the currency of your choice for reporting.

With the Excel Financial Reporting tool, it is not necessary to use the same Chart of Accounts formator currency across sites. For example, you can combine the cash balances from different sites with aformula like =SLGLBAL(“10000”,,,,,”DALS”) + SLGLBAL(“10100”,,,,,”LOND”, “USD”). This formulaspecifies the account number, site and currency (when necessary). In the example:

• The LOND Cash Account uses a currency parameter which converts the amount to USD. TheDALS Cash Account does not need a currency parameter because it is already in USD.

• Both 10000 and 10100 represent Cash Account in the different sites.

Even after you have set up a consolidated environment, you can still run combined financial statementsfor a group of sites.

Before you run consolidated financial reports for an entity, all sites that report to the entity must haverun the Ledger Consolidation utility. When the financial statement is run, no currency translation isrequired, because the data at the entity level is already translated into the entity's currency and Chartof Accounts.

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Chapter 4: Number of sites that are required

Determine the optimal number of sites for your system. Then determine some basic information abouteach site.

Simpler is better. When you have fewer sites, the administration is less complex


Base currencies

You must define the domestic, or base, currency for every site and entity that you create. This isspecified in the Domestic Currency field on the Multi-Currency Parameters form.

The domestic currency code must be specified before you start defining other data at the site or entity.

When a site in one country executes a transaction with a customer or vendor in another (foreign) countryusing a currency other than the domestic currency, one currency is converted into another to settle thetransaction. This conversion from one currency to another creates gains and losses depending on thecurrency exchange rate specified at the site. Some forms and reports show amounts in the site’sdomestic currency, while others display amounts in the customer/vendor’s currency but can be translatedto the domestic currency with the click of a button.

Customers and vendors can be set up to support transactions in currencies other than their defined"default" currency. Totals are still in the default base currency. For more information, see the onlinehelp topics about multiple currencies for customers or vendors.

All sites reporting to the same entity must use the same domestic currency as the entity.

Time zones

A time zone must be specified for each site when the site is created. The time zone for the site isindependent of the time zone for the server. Multiple sites running on one server can have differenttime zones. The time zone for each site should be appropriate for the users of that site.

When transactions are replicated between sites, the transactions are stored in _all tables and use thedate and time the transaction occurred at the creating site.

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Number of sites that are required

The only exceptions to this are dates stored in the currate_mst and curr_uk_mst tables. Those dateswill shift to show the date and time at the local site. This allows currency rates to be current for the dateand time at the local site.

Corporate financial entries and manual adjustments

If you have an entity, you must have at least one site under the entity in order to enter transactions -since no transactions may be entered at the entity.

Even if you have other sites under an entity, you might want to have a separate site used for enteringcorporate journal entries that do not apply to a specific site. For example, operational expenses for aprivate jet should be allocated equally to the ILL and CA sites, but the expenses should not appear ineither the ILL or CA consolidated financials.

Manufacturing plants

How many manufacturing plants do you have? Generally each of those will require a site. Or considerwhether the different plants could be handled through multi-warehouse features. See Multi-site vs.multi-warehouse on page 17.

Balance sheets

If different areas of the company require unique balance sheets, each area must be in a separate site.

Updating the flowchartIf you add or remove sites, or move them around in the hierarchy as a result of the information in thischapter, update your flowchart.

Creating a list of currency codesIf your system will have sites or entities with different base (domestic) currencies, make a list of thethree-character currency codes to use. You might also want to define codes for other foreign currenciesthat will be used in the system.

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheetUpdate this spreadsheet with any changes to the list of sites and entities. For each site and entity,specify this information:

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Number of sites that are required

• The base currency code• The time zone in which the site operates

Background informationUse this information to better understand the use of multiple sites when transferring items, when usingcentralized order entry, or when calculating currency rates.

Material transfers between sitesThere are two different ways to move or transfer items or material between sites:

• Use the Multi-Site Quantity Move form to perform simple, quick movements of inventory wherethere is relief of inventory in one site and receipt in another. A multi-site quantity move does notrequire paperwork and assumes no transit time.

• Use a transfer order for planning and controlling stock movement and availability. When a transferorder requests that the material be transferred from the shipping site to the receiving site, theshipping site must be aware of this transfer order. If the material is being transferred to the receivingsite from the shipping site, the receiving site must be aware of this transfer order. Once the transferorder is entered at one site, the system creates a complementary record automatically at the othersite. In addition to in-transit visibility, transfer orders support these features:• Landed cost• Full cross-referencing capability with jobs, purchase orders, and customer orders• The ability of the "From" site to use price codes• Shipping paperwork and pro-forma invoices• Multiple currencies• Lot/serial controls

Both multi-site quantity moves and transfer orders support the use of lots and serial numbers.

In order to do moves or transfers between sites, there must be a replication rule set up for theInventory/Transfers category between the sites. See Sharing data between sites on page 53.

Price codes

The price code determines the costs that are used in multi-site quantity moves or transfer orders. Youcan set up price codes for sites that report to different entities. If both sites are in the same entity, pricecodes are not used.


Multi-site transfer accounting automates inter-company financial transactions and inter-companyfinancial consolidation. SyteLine provides parameter setup for profit/cost eliminations, and offers

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Number of sites that are required

separate account tracking for inter-company profit, cost, accounts receivable, accounts payable, sales,and cost of sales.

Accounts must be set up to establish site relationships and default account numbers that will recordinter-entity financial transactions. When initiating either a move or a transfer between sites, the costsand account numbers that default for the transaction come from the Inter-Site Parameters form andare relative to the site that initiated the transaction.


Multi-site quantity moves do not use the To and From in-transit accounts of journal entries. Instead,inventory moves directly to the buyer’s inventory accounts.

Transfer orders can cause in-transit entries to occur; the act of shipping and receiving inventory movesthe inventory in and out of in-transit accounts.

Transfer order costing will function in one of two ways depending on the setting of the Posting Methodparameter, found on the Inter-Site Parameters form. These are the available posting methods:

• Intra-Entity: Transfers occur at cost between sites.• Inter-Entity: transfers occur with revenue between sites, with the From Site making a profit.

Transit location

A stock location of type "transit" must exist in sites performing transfer orders. This location is used tohold the inventory between the time the shipment is made and the receipt performed.

Free On Board (FOB) site

The Free On Board (FOB) field on the Inter-Site Parameters form determines ownership of in-transitinventory. This is the site at which you must specify the location as "transit" for multi-site transfers.

For transfer orders, you can identify the FOB point as either the Ship Site or the Receive Site. Youmust specify the FOB point for all inter-company movements.

If the FOB point is the Ship Site, transfer of ownership takes place at the time of shipment. Materialmoves from a location in the Ship Site to a transit location in the Receive Site, and financial ownershipchanges from the Ship Site to the Receive Site. At receipt time, transactions are created to move thematerial from the transit location to a standard location at the Receive Site.

If the FOB point is the Receive Site, transfer of ownership takes place at the time of material receipt.Material moves from a location in the Ship Site to a transit location in the Ship Site. At receipt time,transactions are created to move the material from the transit location at the Ship Site to a standardlocation at the Receive Site. Financial ownership changes at receipt time.

FOB and costing

When a site transfers inventory to another site, inventory cost at the shipping site is relieved againstthe five cost categories (Material, Labor, Fixed Overhead, Variable Overhead, and Outside Services).

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When a site sells inventory to a site in another entity of the company, the Inter-Entity cost of goodssold at the shipping entity is debited against the five cost categories, and inventory is relieved againstall five categories.

When a site receives inventory transferred from another site, inventory is received into stock as if itwere a purchased item. If the receiving site has employed standard cost, the transferred item comesinto inventory using the five cost elements (Material, Labor, Fixed Overhead, Variable Overhead, orOutside Services). If the receiving site uses any other cost type, the cost comes in as Material Only.

See the online help for a list of the supported inter-site financial transaction types and examples thatillustrate the different types of inter-site transactions and the resulting journal entries.


SyteLine supports two types of transfer markups:

• Profit Markup: A site within an entity sells product to another site in a different entity at a profit.Profit is defined as any amount added by the selling entity in excess of the cost amount of theinventory shipped. This markup must be eliminated during financial consolidation. From acompany-wide standpoint, entities cannot make profits by selling to each other. From Site profitmust equal the To Site cost. (A markup may be established by filling in the Price Code on theInter-Site Parameters form. This uses standard pricing logic.)

• Cost Markup: One entity or site transfers or sells a product to another entity or site and landedcosts are incurred as a result of moving inventory. The seller does not increase costs to coverthese expenses. It is the responsibility of the receiving entity to correctly include these costs ininventory. The SyteLine Landed Cost functionality is used to include costs in the buying site'sinventory. These costs are true costs to the receiving site, and should not be eliminated duringfinancial consolidation.


Payments are entered at the From Site and distributed to the To Site.

When posting an A/P payment, the From Inter-Site Asset account is debited and the To Inter-SiteLiability account is credited. When posting an A/R payment, the From Inter-Site Liability account iscredited and the To Inter-Site Asset account is debited.

Multi-site linked MRP and APS

SyteLine can replicate transfer orders between remote sites. When either MRP or APS creates plannedtransfer supply orders (PLNs) for components provided by remote supply sites, the planned transferorder is replicated to the supply site as a planned demand transfer order. See Replicating plannedtransfer orders (Planning) on page 65.

Inter-Site Parameters

The Inter-Site Parameters form must be filled out prior to any A/P, A/R, or transfer multi-site activitiestaking place. These parameters establish the relationship between the sites ("inter" or "intra") andidentify the inter-company account numbers to be used during transactions. If your sites are set up to

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Number of sites that are required

replicate Site Admin data, you can enter these parameters in one site and all the others will updateautomatically.

Centralized and decentralized order entryIf you want your sites to share customer order data, set up "centralized order entry" replication rulesbetween the sites. This allows either of these types of order entry:

• Centralized order entry, where the company’s ordering, A/R payments and/or pricing can be handledat a single site.

• Decentralized order entry, where any site can originate its own orders.

An order’s shipment can span several sites: for example, lines 1-3 are shipped from Site A, and lines4-6 are shipped from Site B. Shipping and invoicing tasks are performed at each shipping site.

When determining whether to implement centralized order entry, consider where Cost of Sales andRevenue are recognized. In centralized order entry, the shipping site incurs the cost and earns therevenue.

Be aware of these notes about multi-site customer orders:

• Credit checking and inventory visibility are provided from site to site.• Invoice, credit, and debit memo sequences may be used to easily distinguish one site's A/R

transactions from another. It is possible to create an open credit memo in one site, post it, andthen reapply the credit memo to an invoice in another site. In order to prevent overlapping creditmemo numbers from different sites, you should set up different credit memo sequences for differentsites.

• The Item Availability form can be used to check inventory levels across sites. It uses the SiteGroup ID.

• Both the Shipping and Invoicing activities must take place in the "shipping" site. In a multi-siteenvironment, invoicing is performed by each individual site. The originating site invoices only thoseline items shipping from its site. Other shipping sites will invoice locally for only their line items. Incentralized order entry, if the originating site has no inventory, invoicing is done only by the shippingsites, not the originating site. However, if you have Invoice Builder replication set up between sites,users can create and post invoices at one site for items that are shipping from that site and othersites, through the Multi-Site Invoice Posting form.

• A/R cash application can be done centrally, as long as the sharing sites have the same basecurrency. (In order to do centralized cash applications, A/R replication rules must be set up betweenthe sites.)

• A site can make a payment for an order that originated from another site that reports to the sameentity, as long as the necessary data is being replicated between the sites. However, you cannotgenerate a new draft payment and apply it to multiple invoices, because when an invoice isgenerated for a draft customer, the system creates a draft record. There is a site-specific one-to-onerelationship between an invoice and a draft.

• To pull all default item prices for CO lines from the site originating the order, select Price fromOriginating Site on the Order Entry Parameters form. If this field is not selected, the systempulls the default prices from the site shipping the order line item.

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• Customer order cross-referencing (to purchase orders, jobs, etc.) can only be done for the localsite.

• You can use prefixes to ensure that orders are unique by site.

Using credit limits and credit hold in a multi-site environment

When you enter or change a credit limit in one site, the credit limit value is changed in all other sitesreplicating that data. The On Order Balance shown for the customer at each site is the cumulativebalance of that customer’s orders at all replicating sites. For example, a customer has a credit limit of$100. Site 1 has one open order for the customer, for $50. Site 2 has one open order for $25. ("Open"in this case means Status=Ordered and nothing has shipped.) The customer’s record in the Customersform shows an On Order Balance of $75 in both sites. If you add a new CO Line Item for $35 in eithersite, the proposed On Order Balance would be $110. Even though each site fits under the credit limit,the line item is added as Status=Planned because the proposed On Order Balance has exceeded thecredit limit.

In a multi-site environment, the Originating Site of a customer order controls the credit hold status ofthe customer order for all sites from which the customer order may be shipped.

When you initiate the Order Credit Hold Change Utility in a multi-site environment, the systemperforms the processing at all sites for the selected customers. The system checks the customer'scredit limit against the On Order Balance to determine when the credit limit is exceeded. If a customer'scredit limit is exceeded, what happens depends on the shipping site:

• If the shipping site is the originating site of the customer order, the order is placed on credit hold.• If the shipping site is not the originating site of the customer order, a warning message displays,

but the customer order is not placed on credit hold.

Payment hold for vendors

If payment hold is selected for a vendor in an environment where vendors are set up to be the sameacross sites, then payment hold is selected for that vendor in all sites.

Payment hold does not exist at the purchase order level.

Functions where entity data is not availableMany SyteLine forms include a "Site" field that allows you to select a site or a site group. In some cases,both sites and entities are listed; however, if the data on the form is not applicable to entities, then onlysites are listed.

Multiple financial sets of books

If one site is using multi-FSB, and that site is replicating G/L data to other sites, only the standard setof books for the site is replicated to the other sites.

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Using multiple currenciesYou can define a default currency for each customer and vendor. You can also define customer orvendor currencies other than the default currency, to use for specific sets of customer and vendortransactions. The transaction currency is no longer required to be in the customer or vendor defaultcurrency.

The customer and vendor currencies might be different than your company's base (domestic) currency.SyteLine makes this possible through these multi-currency features:

• Maintainable currency rates.• Transactions that use either fixed or variable rates. To specify a fixed rate for a specific transaction,

select the Fixed Rate check box in the transaction's form.• Euro conversion tools.• FASB52 compliance.• Recognition of currency exchange rate gains or losses.• Customer and vendor transactions can be maintained in the foreign currency but can quickly be

translated to your domestic currency.• Customer and vendor payments are in the currency of the associated bank. Customer payments

can be entered in a currency other than the currency of the bank where the payment will bedeposited. In that case, the currency will be converted to the currency of that bank.

• Your general ledger maintained in your domestic currency.

Customer amounts can be stored in the system in the customer's default currency. This affects customerorders, estimating, and A/R.

Vendor amounts can be stored in the vendor's default currency. This affects purchase orders and A/P.

In addition to the default currency specified for a customer or vendor, you can define other currenciesfor a customer or vendor. Certain types of transactions have been modified to support these additionalcurrencies used for the transaction currency.

Thus, if two sites in different countries use the same vendor, but the vendor uses a different currencyin each country, you can use the same vendor number in both sites, but specify a different currencyto be used for specific types of transactions.

Cash accounts used in bank reconciliations may be stated in non-domestic currencies. Payments arein the currency of the associated bank.

All amounts in journals, ledger, inventory (price and cost), and the shop floor are always stated indomestic currency.

When amounts are posted into journals, they are translated into domestic currency.

Currency master data

The domestic (base) currency for a site is defined in the Multi-Currency Parameters form.

Other currencies are maintained in the Currency Rates form. Users can enter an unlimited numberof date- and time-stamped currency exchange rates. They can also back-date these rates by enteringa past date. There are two exchange rates entered:

• The buying rate is used exclusively in purchase orders and A/P.

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• The selling rate is used exclusively in customer orders, estimating, and A/R.

In the Currency Codes form, users can specify formats for currency amounts, and accounts to usefor currency gains and losses.

For better integration with other applications, we recommend that you use the standard ISO currencycodes.

Applying payments

You cannot apply payments to invoices of other sites where the other sites do not have the same basecurrency as the site entering the payment to apply.

Realized and unrealized gains and losses

When a company that is headquartered in one (domestic) country executes a transaction with a companyin another (foreign) country using a currency other than the domestic currency, one currency needs tobe converted into another to settle the transaction. This conversion from one currency to another createsgains and losses depending on the currency exchange rate.

Realized currency exchange gains and losses can occur when full or partial payments are applied tovoucher or invoice amounts.

However, if financial statements are prepared between the date of the original transaction (sale orpurchase on account, for example) and the date of the cash receipt or cash payment, and the exchangerate has changed since the original transaction, an unrealized gain or loss must be recognized in thestatements.

Consolidated financial statements with foreign subsidiaries

Before the financial statements of domestic and foreign companies are consolidated, the amountsshown on the statements for the foreign companies must be converted to domestic currency. Assetand liability amounts are normally converted to domestic currency by using the exchange rates as ofthe balance sheet date. Revenues and expenses are normally converted by using the exchange ratesthat were in effect when those transactions were executed. For practical purposes, a weighted averagerate for the period is generally used. The adjustments (gains or losses) resulting from the conversionare reported as a separate item in the stockholders' equity section of the balance sheets of the foreigncompanies.

After the foreign company statements have been converted to domestic currency, the financialstatements of domestic and foreign subsidiaries are consolidated in the normal manner. See the ledgerconsolidation information in Entities on page 32 for more information.

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Number of sites that are required

Chapter 5: Using the same forms data for multiple sites

Consider this information:

• By default, all SyteLine databases are defined as "all-in-one" databases that have at least one site,one set of forms data, and one set of objects data.

• In most cases, we recommend that you use the standard, all-in-one database, and just usegroup-level customizations and permissions if you want to assign particular forms data to certainusers. However, you can optionally set up a separate all-in-one database that you use only forpersonalized forms or objects data.

• For example, you might want to display different forms for the same users when they sign into siteA vs. when they sign into site B. In that case, you could set up configurations for site A and site Bthat point to different databases for forms data.

• You also might want to use different databases to hold forms for different communities of users.For example, sites in some areas may need to see a set of custom forms or custom fields, andusers at other sites would not require them. However, by pointing to one database that holds theforms customizations for a group of sites, you can target customizations by group.

• If you have multiple sites in multiple databases, and they will be looking at the same version of theSyteLine application and the Mongoose framework, it might make sense to point them all to asingle database that contains form customizations that all the users at those sites would see.

• Since forms "traffic" is mostly read-only access, having many users/sites pointing to a databasefor forms usually does not present performance problems.

• By default, the database that stores forms data for a site configuration is the same as the applicationdatabase for the site. If you want a site to point to a different database for forms, use theConfiguration Manager utility to create a configuration for the site. In the Runtime (Client) tab,specify the other database as the Runtime Forms Database.

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheetIf you are using a separate database to contain forms data, update your SiteEntity spreadsheet tospecify the forms database to be used with each site.

Name your forms database descriptively, to indicate how it is used.

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Using the same forms data for multiple sites

Background inforrnationForms data includes specifications for form components, validation procedures, scripts, variables, andother objects that make up the SyteLine forms (in essence, the user interface). Data specified in designmode is stored as forms data, and the framework interprets the data at run time to create the form.

The forms data includes a set of "strings" tables, which contain translations of the text strings used inform titles, field labels, buttons, and so on. The default strings table, for English, is named Strings. Theother strings tables have names like JapaneseStrings, FrenchStrings, and so on. The strings tableused for each language ID/culture is determined by the settings in the application's Language IDs form.

If you are customizing SyteLine, you could optionally maintain a separate, work-in-progress databasethat is accessed by developers using WinStudio design mode. This work-in-progress database storesproduct changes until they are tested and ready to be copied to the deployed database accessed byend users.

If you are using a separate all-in-one database for your custom forms data, the value you specify inthe Forms Database Name field on the Sites or Sites/Entities form points to the database that containsthe strings tables you want a specific site to use. The value in this field should match the RuntimeForms Database Name that is specified in the Configuration Manager utility for the primary configurationused to log into this site.

More information about the use of the forms database is available in the online help for the FormControland FormSync utilities.

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Using the same forms data for multiple sites

Chapter 6: Using the same objects data for multiplesites

Consider this information:

• By default, all SyteLine databases are defined as "all-in-one" databases that have at least one site,one set of forms data, and one set of objects data.

• In most cases, we recommend that you use the standard, all-in-one database, and just usegroup-level customizations and permissions if you want to assign particular objects data to certainusers. However, you can optionally set up a separate all-in-one database that you use only forpersonalized objects data.

• For example, you might want to share an instance of the objects database across sites in differentdatabases if any IDO patches, add-ons, or customizations are shared. In that case, you could justcreate the customizations, add-ons, or patches in one database.

• IDO editor forms in Infor SyteLine are used to create and maintain the IDO metadata, which is thenstored as objects data and used by the IDOs at run time.

In versions of SyteLine previous to version 8.00, IDO creation and maintenance was done throughthe ObjectStudio application, and the IDOs were stored as DLLs.

More information about the use of the IDO editor forms is available in the online help. Use of theseforms is tracked with a separate "development" license.

• You might not want to share an instance of the objects database across sites in different databasesif the databases are in different data centers, and you do not want to pay the performance cost ofaccessing the objects database across a slow internet at run time.

• If you have multiple sites in the same database, all of the sites in that database must use the sameset of objects data.

• By default, the database that stores object data for a configuration is the same as the applicationdatabase. If you want all of the sites in your database to point to a separate database for objects,specify it in the Configuration Manager utility, Objects Metadata tab.

• If a separate database to use for objects data is specified for a configuration in the ConfigurationManager, the application database contains views into the objects database, so the runtimeenvironment does not directly access the objects database.

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheetIf you are using a separate database to contain objects data, update your spreadsheet to specify theobjects database to be used with each site.

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Using the same objects data for multiple sites

Name your objects database descriptively, to indicate how it is used.

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Using the same objects data for multiple sites

Chapter 7: Grouping sites

Do you need multiple groupings of sites for different multi-site users or functions?

Consider this information:

• Site groups can be set up to combine data for sites performing related functions, for example, ARpayment generation, inventory item availability, or subcomponent manufacturing. Sites in a groupdo not have to report to the same entity, but they must share the appropriate data through replicationor shared tables.

• You can define groups containing different combinations of sites. A site can be included in morethan one site group.

• On some activity, utility and report forms, you can select a site group, which allows you to processrecords for all sites in that group. If you want to process records only for the local site, you leavethe site group field blank or, if the field is required, specify a group that contains just the local site.

• You can specify default site groups to use on certain types of forms (for example, A/P activities).You can also specify, for a specific user, the default site group to display when that user opensthe Item Availability form.

• Site groups are used to determine which sites you can select when you copy records from one siteto other sites in the Multi-Site Items, Multi-Site Customers, or Multi-Site Vendors forms.

ExampleThis flowchart shows an example of a site hierarchy:

A product manager is in charge of finished goods that are only manufactured at sites A and Y. All othersites produce sub-components. You can create a Site Group "AY", consisting of only sites A and Y.

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Grouping sites

Site Group "AY" can then be specified as the default site group for the product manager. Then whenthe product manager opens the Item Availability form, the system automatically defaults the Site Groupfield to "AY". In effect, this customizes the product manager's view of the system.

Creating a list of potential groupsMake a list of the site groups your system might use. Later, you can assign these groups to sites throughthe application’s Site Groups form.

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheetUpdate your SiteEntity spreadsheet to specify which site group each site should initially belong to. Aninitial group is required when you configure the site.

Background information: grouping sitesReview the additional information in Background information: Corporate structure on page 15.

For examples of how multi-site groups can be used, see the information on combined vs. consolidatedreporting in Entities on page 32.

This is an example of a form where you can select a site group in order to process records from multiplesites:

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Grouping sites

Chapter 8: Intranets

The Intranet feature provides a way to logically show your LAN/database site setup from within InforSyteLine. Determine the number of intranets needed, decide on the intranet names, and decide whichsites will belong to each intranet.

In most cases, you will need only one intranet. The exceptions are listed in this section.

Considerations: intranetsConsider this information:• There can be only one master site per intranet. For information about using master sites, see

Sharing some data through master sites on page 72.• Will you have an external intranet, which allows integration, via replication, to applications other

than those based on the Mongoose framework? Replication performed to a site on an externalintranet must be non-transactional.

• Clients may be deployed to key customers or suppliers over the internet, allowing them access tospecific system features. In this case, you probably should configure your web server components(and the URL for that server on the Intranets form) to use https instead of http, so that the datagoing over the internet is encrypted.

• Are you planning to have multiple sites send and receive business object documents (BODs)?

Background information: intranetsReview this information.

About intranetsSyteLine intranets represent logical groupings of sites in your enterprise. An intranet may represent agrouping of SyteLine sites that exist together on a high-speed network, and for which you want commonadministration. (Common administration can include replication or creation of master sites.) An intranet

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may also represent an external non-SyteLine system, allowing you to set up replication rules betweenSyteLine sites and external systems.

Use the Intranets form in the application to define information about your logical intranets. Then usethe Sites or Sites/Entities form to assign your sites to an intranet.

External intranet

Create an external intranet if you need to set up replication between sites on one of your SyteLineintranets and an external system or an application.

For such external systems or applications, the only attributes that matter will be the intranet name (soyou can define "sites" on the Sites or Sites/Entities form that represent instances of external systems),the transport method (see below), and the URL. When you have defined sites on such an externalintranet, you can then create replication rules. See Frequency of data replication on page 78. Thereplication system will dispatch XML documents to the URL you have specified on the intranet.

An SyteLine site can communicate with an external site when it is on a different intranet, as shown inthis example:

MyCORP (Internal) Intranet: SiteA SiteB (master site) SiteC

InforBUS Intranet (BOD-enabled applications): InforBUS site

Each of these external sites must be on its own intranet because each application uses a different URLaddress.

SyteLine SiteB could perform transactional replication with all the internal sites, and could performnon-transactional replication to all the external sites.

Transport method

Most sites on external intranets use HTTP transport protocol to communicate with SyteLine sites.However, Infor BOD-enabled applications use the ESB transport protocol.

Sending or receiving Business Object Documents frommultiple sites on an intranetConsider this information.

Purging BOD information

Information from every inbound BOD, including sequencing information, is collected in a table in theapplication. This data constantly builds up and, over time, could cause performance issues. For thisreason, system administrators should periodically use the Purge BOD Information form to purgeinformation from that table. You can set up a background task to perform this function automatically.

You can also use the Replication Document Inbox/Outbox Utilities form to clear out older BODsfrom the Replication Document Inbox and Outbox.

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Chapter 9: Sharing data between sites

You must have a general understanding about how replication works before you continue. Without thatunderstanding, the replication planning steps probably will not make sense.

See Replication overview on page 100.

Considerations: Sharing data between sitesGenerally, the data that needs to be shared falls into one of the default replication categories - forexample, Centralized Order Entry, G/L, or Inventory/Transfers. The default categories are describedin the Background Information. These standard categories have been tested to ensure that they includeall the necessary database tables, methods/stored procedures, and/or XML documents that must beincluded when replicating data for these areas of SyteLine.

When you set up a multi-site system, you usually start by replicating the default categories betweenthe sites where you think the information is required.

After your system is running, you might need to revise the rules, and possibly customize the categories,to achieve optimal performance based on your specific system’s needs.

List the categories of data that need to be shared through replication, and the sites that need to sharethat type of data.

Does the data need to be shared in both directions?

Updating the flowchartUpdate your flowchart with arrows indicating the categories of data being shared between the sites,and the directions the data is flowing.

See the sample flowchart in Creating a flowchart that shows your hierarchy on page 13.

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Sharing data between sites

Creating a ReplicationRules spreadsheetCreate a ReplicationRules spreadsheet listing each of the categories you think you will need, in eachdirection, from each site.

Background information: Sharing data between sitesUse this information to better understand the concepts.

Replication with multiple sites per databaseWhen you have multiple sites per database, tables are shared by the sites in that database. However,data is filtered by site. if you want a site to be aware of another site’s specific data, you still must setup replication rules between the sites.

Default replication categoriesThe default replication categories included in SyteLine are listed in the table below. More informationabout when to use each category is included in this section. See Replication category tables on page107 for details about the stored procedures and tables that are included in each category.

If you choose to create new categories or modify existing ones, we strongly recommend that you gethelp from Infor Consulting Services. Determining all the relationships between tables and storedprocedures is not a simple task. For example, the Centralized Order Entry category includes more than90 tables and methods.

Caution: Carefully consider which of the categories you actually need to replicate to each site. Themore data being replicated, the slower the system's performance will be.

Some tables and objects exist in multiple categories; however, if you replicate these multiple categoriesto a site, only one set of table records is sent to the site.

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Sharing data between sites

Create a source site-to-target site rule for this category in order to dothis


View Accounts Payable posted transactions for the remote site

Distribute A/P payments to remote site A/P posted transactions

Include remote sites in A/P reports

Share vendor addresses to the remote site


View Accounts Receivable posted transactions for the remote site

Distribute A/R payments to remote site A/R posted transactions

Include remote sites in A/R reports

Share customer addresses to the remote site


Use with the Centralized Order Entry category to support the use of theCredit Card Interface with centralized order entry.

CCI Centralized OrderEntry

Enter order lines to be shipped from the remote site

Enable global item defaulting with the remote site

View available inventory for the remote site

Share customer addresses to the remote site

Centralized Order En-try

Provide multi-site item pricing for Customer Portal and Reseller Portal.

Allow the portal User Account Management Utility to create user accountsacross sites

Customer Portal

Share dimensions and attributes created at other sites. Site-specific infor-mation such as account numbers is not replicated.


Support the import and export of Business Object Documents (BODs) toand from Infor BOD-enabled applications.


Support the export of A/P, A/R, Analytical Ledger, and Ledger postedtransactions to an external financial application (the remote site is the siterepresenting the external financial application).

Caution: This category should only be used in rules for transferring datato an external financial application.


Support the export of customer data to an external financial application (theremote site is the site representing the external financial application)

Caution: This category should only be used in rules for transferring datato an external financial application.

EXTFIN Customer

Support the export of vendor data to an external financial application (theremote site is the site representing the external financial application)

Caution: This category should only be used in rules for transferring datato an external financial application.


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Sharing data between sites

Create a source site-to-target site rule for this category in order to dothis


Support multi-site G/L reporting of data for the remote site

Perform financial reporting by site group

Support site/entity relationships between the local site and the remote site


Quickly select all parameter tables during multi-site replication setup. Seethe Infor SyteLine Multi-Site Implementation Guide for more information.

Initialize _All Parame-ters

View available inventory for the remote site

Support the setup of inter-site parameters between the local site and theremote site

Enable multi-site transfer functionality with the remote site

Enable global item defaulting with the remote site

Inventory/ Transfers

Generate, print and post invoices for customer order shipments and returnsin multiple target sites from a base site.

Invoice Builder

Enter pending multi-site journal entries at the local site and validate the in-formation from the remote site.

Journal Builder

Pass G/L data needed only for ledger consolidation. This is a subset of theG/L category that does not include journal and ledger tables; if you are al-ready replicating the G/L category, do not replicate this one.

Support site/entity relationships between the local site and the remote site

Ledger Consolidation

Support viewing ledger detail for transaction data stored at the remote site.Ledger Detail

View manufacturer item information that was created in another site.

View another site’s cross-reference information between manufacturer itemrecords and SyteLine item records.

Manufacturer Item

Support multi-site information on the MTD forms.MTD

Use with the Multi-Site BOM Builder form, to support the copy of item BOMsfrom one site to other sites.

Multi-Site BOM Builder

Support multi-site information on the Buyer Home form.Multi-Site Buyer

Support multi-site information on the Controller Home form.Multi-Site Controller

Support multi-Site CRM information on the Salesperson Home form.Multi-Site CRM

Support multi-site information on the Customer Service Home form.Multi-Site CustomerService

Support use of the Multi-Site Customers form from a master site.Multi-Site Customers

Support multi-site information on the Inventory Control Home form.Multi-Site InventoryControl

Support use of the Multi-Site Items form from a master site.Multi-Site Items

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Sharing data between sites

Create a source site-to-target site rule for this category in order to dothis


Support multi-site information on the Production Planner Home form.Multi-Site ProductionPlanner

Support multi-site information on the Project Manager Home form.Multi-Site ProjectManager

Pass Planned Supply created by the (single-site) Planner to the supply siteas planned transfer demand - for items flagged as Transferred and contain-ing a Supply Site

View planning requirements and receipts for remote sites.


Support the ability for demand from one site to be satisfied by another sitein a purchase order-customer order relationship.

PO - CO Across Sites

Enter builder purchase orders at the local site and validate the informationfrom the remote site.

Purchase OrderBuilder

Ensure that incidents that are updated in one site are synchronized to an-other site.

Service - Global Inci-dents

Replicate tables related to both appointments and partners.Service - GlobalScheduling SharedPartners

View service information from multiple sites together on the Service Console.Service - Global Ser-vice History

Ensure that units that are updated in one site are synchronized to anothersite.

Service - Global Units

Cross-reference lines, operations, reasons, and planned transactions ofthe specified service order from one site to another and create a new serviceorder in another site.

Service - Multi-SiteSRO Copy

Share currency and currency rate data with the remote site.Shared Currency

Support setup of inter-site parameters

Share site/entity data, including intranet data and site group data, with theremote site.

Site Admin

Allow the portal User Account Management Utility to create user accountsacross sites.

Vendor Portal

Create vouchers and adjustments in other sites based on information fromthose sites.

Voucher Builder

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Sharing data between sites

Replicating Site AdminReplicating the Site Admin category between sites/entities allows them to share information aboutlinked sites/entities, intranets, and system types. This should be the first category you replicate onceyou set up your multi-site system.

We recommend that, if you are replicating any data between SyteLine databases, you always includea rule to replicate the Site Admin category. This applies to both entity and site databases, and the rulesshould be written to replicate the Site Admin data in both directions.

This flow chart shows an example:

Replicating A/P and A/RThe A/P and A/R categories are generally replicated between sites. These categories allow you tohandle the payment of an invoice or voucher from another site, and to centralize cash applications.You can also view A/P or A/R posted transaction details for multiple sites.

You will need to specify liability and asset accounts for inter-site payments on the Payment Tab of theInter-Site Parameters form.

This flow chart shows an example:

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Sharing data between sites

Replicating multi-site information for Home formsThese categories allow you to view related information from other sites in the appropriate Home form:

• Multi-Site Buyer• Multi-Site Controller• Multi-Site CRM (Salesperson Home)• Multi-Site Customer Service• Multi-Site Inventory Control• Multi-Site Production Planner• Multi-Site Project Manager

Replicating Manufacturer ItemThe Manufacturer Item category is generally replicated between sites. Manufacturer item recordscontain cross-referenced information about your SyteLine items and various manufacturers’ items.This category allows you to view the source site’s information at a target site.

Replicating Centralized Order Entry and Inventory/TransfersThe Centralized Order Entry and Inventory/Transfers categories are generally replicated between sites.For a better understanding of how the Centralized Order Entry and Inventory/Transfers categories maybe used, see Centralized and decentralized order entry on page 41.

For these categories, you must specify some intra-entity and inter-entity account numbers on theInter-Site Parameters form.

When you replicate A/R or Centralized Order Entry, the custaddr_mst table is replicated. Thus, whena user in the Customers form at any site updates certain customer information such as the billingaddress, the change is made for that customer at all other sites. You may want to set up SyteLineauthorizations to limit the users who can modify customer information. The same thing is true for theA/P category and the vendaddr_mst table.

Replicating credit card information

If you have a multi-site system with centralized order entry and the Credit Card Interface is available,your users can enter and validate credit card information from a centralized site, and then later chargethe card from a different shipping site where the invoice is generated. Be aware of these rules:

• This feature does not apply to service orders, only to customer orders• Your company must have a single merchant account that is used by all of your sites. Therefore,

the gateway access and other settings in the CCI Parameters form must be the same in everysite.

• Stored credit card information is not replicated. It is stored only at the order entry site.

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To turn on this feature, use these steps:

1 Ensure that replication rules are created that include both of these replication categories:• Centralized Order Entry• CCI Centralized Order Entry

2 On the Replication Rules form, set up the shipping sites as target sites that receive both rulesfrom the centralized order entry (source) site, and regenerate the replication rules at all sites.

3 When a user clicks Pay with Credit Card during order entry, if a successful authorization isreceived, the system replicates that authorization information to each of the sites that are set upto receive this replication category.

Sharing vendors, customers, or items between sitesYou might want an administrator to control adding, updating, and deleting of shared customers, vendors,and items across the system. Keep in mind that each site can control its local customer and vendorrecords, and these records are independent of other sites.

Shared vendors

If you have a master site, use the Multi-Site Vendors form at the master site to add and updatemulti-site vendor records for all sites on the intranet. The A/P, Ledger Consolidation (or G/L) andInventory/Transfers categories must be replicating in order to use this form.

If no master site is required, but If A/P replication is set up between sites, some vendor data is replicatedto other sites when a new vendor is added at one site. The new record does not automatically appearin the Vendors form at the other sites. However, the new vendor number does appear in the drop-downlist when you start to add a new vendor at the other sites - so you can select it and add a new recordfor it. This ensures that the vendor number is the same at all sites.

Any changes made to the vendaddr records in one site are automatically replicated if the vendor numberexists in the other site and the A/P category is replicated. Note that the vendaddr_mst table containsother information in addition to the vendor’s address.

The currency code cannot be changed for a vendor after the record is saved. However, an additionalvendor record can be added with the new currency code.

Shared customers

If you have a master site, use the Multi-Site Customers form at the master site to add and updatemulti-site customer records for all sites on the intranet. The Site Admin and Multi-Site Customerscategories must be replicating in order to use this form.

If no master site is required, but if A/R or Centralized Order Entry replication is set up between sites,some customer data is replicated to other sites when a new customer is added at one site.The newrecord does not automatically appear in the Customers form at the other sites. However, the newcustomer number does appear in the drop-down list when you start to add a new customer at the othersites - so you can select it and add a new record for it. This ensures that the customer number is thesame at all sites.

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Any changes made to the custaddr records in one site are automatically replicated if the customernumber exists in the other site and the A/R or COE category is replicated. Note that the custaddr_msttable contains the customer’s credit information as well as the address and other information.

The currency code cannot be changed for a customer after the record is saved. However, you canspecify additional currencies for the customer, to be used with specific transactions.

Using Credit Hold in a Multi-Site Environment

In a multi-site environment, the originating site of a customer order controls the credit hold status ofthe customer order for all sites from which the customer order may be shipped. Also, when you initiatethe Order Credit Hold Change Utility in a multi-site environment, the system performs the processingat all sites for the selected customers.

SyteLine checks the customer's credit limit to determine if it is exceeded to determine whether to usecredit hold:

• If a customer's credit limit is exceeded and the shipping site is the originating site of the customerorder, the order is placed on credit hold.

• If a customer's credit limit is exceeded and the shipping site is not the originating site of the customerorder, a warning message displays, but the customer order is not placed on credit hold.

Shared items

If you have a master site, use the Multi-Site Items form at the master site to add and update multi-siteitem records for all sites on the intranet. The Site Admin and Multi-Site Items category must be replicatingbetween the sites in order to use this form.

If no master site is required, and Inventory/Transfers replication is set up between sites, some itemdata is replicated to other sites when a new item is added at one site. This data appears in the GlobalItems form. The Global Items form also contains a default Shipping Site, which is used to determinehow the Customer Order Line ship site defaults when entering a centralized order for the item. Typically,replicating sites have identical Global Items default values when all sites are within the same country.If sites are in different countries, the Description and U/M fields can be updated as required on Itemsrecords.

The new record does not automatically appear in the Items form at the other sites. However, the newitem number does appear in the drop-down list when you start to add a new item at the other sites -so you can select it and add a new record for it. This ensures that the item number is the same at allsites.

Coordinating units of measure at different sites

Item units of measure (U/M) are handled differently for customer order entry and transfer orders:

• Transfer Orders: Items on transfer orders must have identical U/Ms at all sites.• Order Entry: It is not necessary to have the same U/M defined at different sites, as long as the

shipping site has defined a U/M conversion between the item’s base U/M and the U/M used in theorder line.

If an item could be both sold on a customer order and transferred between sites, then the item musthave identical units of measure at each site.

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Replicating item routing and BOM information

Use the Multi-Site Bill of Material Builder utility and the Multi-Site BOM Builder replication categoryto copy an item's bill of materials from a site to other sites. The Builder copies a single level at a time.For more information, see the help on copying a multi-site item bill of materials.

Replicating financial informationUse the information in this section to decide when to replicate these categories:

• G/L• Ledger Detail• Ledger ConsolidationNote: Be aware that replicating the G/L and Ledger Detail categories can create thousands of (possiblyunnecessary) records at the target site and can send large amounts of data over your intranet, affectingsystem performance.

From entities to child entities or sites

Ledger Consolidation is a subset of the G/L category. In order to push Chart of Accounts, AccountingPeriods, and Budget/Plan data from the entity to its child sites, you must replicate either the G/L orLedger Consolidation category. Generally you should use the Ledger Consolidation category whenreplicating from an entity to another entity or to a site, because you do not need to view the entity'sjournal or ledger information at the other entity/site. Less data is transmitted between the systems,which results in better system performance.

This flow chart shows an example of Ledger Consolidation replication:

From child sites or entities to a parent entity

Financial statements require balance information, which is calculated using data from the ledger. Thefinancial statement run at an entity can either use individual G/L data from each of the child sites/entities,or consolidated data.

If the report at the entity looks at individual G/L data from each child site/entity, use the G/L categorywhen replicating from child sites/entities to this entity.

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Sharing data between sites

When you use the Ledger Consolidation utility to consolidate information from a site to an entity, theutility copies the ledger table to the parent entities, altering the hierarchy column to reflect the entitypath from the site, converting amounts to the entities' currency, and possibly creating new ledgertransactions to reflect currency rounding differences. In that case, use the Ledger Consolidation categorywhen replicating from sites/child entities to this entity.

If you need to "drill down" to view a site's transaction details at the remote site, then replicate the LedgerDetail category as well as the G/L category. This assumes that any other categories required for thetransaction-level detail are also being replicated; for example, viewing detail for invoice transactionsmay also require replication of the A/R or Centralized Order Entry categories. It may be better (from aperformance standpoint) to just log into the site where the transaction occurred and view the detailthere.

If you will perform Budget Consolidation, either Ledger Consolidation or G/L replication is required fromsites to the parent entities, as shown in this flow chart:

Using the Change Reports To Entity utility

The Change Reports To data is replicated in the G/L or Ledger Consolidation categories, and theReports To field is replicated in the Site Admin category. Set up replication so that your highest-levelentity displays Reports To information in the Sites/Entities form for all sites and lower-level entities.

Between sites

General ledger data rarely should be replicated between two non-entity sites.

Unit codes

The unitcd[1-4]_mst_all and chart_unitcd[1-4]_mst_all tables are replicated in the G/L category. TheLedger Consolidation replication category contains a stored procedure that inserts information into theunitcd[1-4]_mst tables based on the unit codes within ledger rows that are consolidated. (Unit codeinformation is included when you run the Ledger Consolidation utility.)

The unitcd[1-4]_mst_all table is included in other financial replication categories such as A/P, A/R,Journal Builder, and Purchase Order Builder.

The Inventory/Transfers category also includes unitcd[1-4]_mst_all and chart_unitcd[1-4]_mst_alltables. This allows visibility of unit codes from remote sites on the Inter-Site Parameters form.

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Sharing data between sites

Replicating dimensionsReplicate the Dimensions category if you want users to view dimensions and attributes that werecreated at other sites. Because the replicated tables are not _all tables, this data is being "shared"between the source and target sites. If updates are made at the source site, these updates are madeto the tables in target sites.

Site-specific information such as account numbers is not replicated. For more information aboutdimensions and attributes, see the online help.

Replicating shared currencyDepending on how your system handles currencies between sites, the Shared Currency replicationcategory can be used to permit sites and entities to share currency definitions and exchange rates;otherwise, each site maintains its own currency codes and rates.

The domestic currency must be the same at all sites reporting to an entity. However, you may set upthe sites so they can maintain their own currency exchange rates - or you may want to maintain theexchange rates only at the entity:

• If currency and rate maintenance is performed only at the entity, you should replicate the SharedCurrency from the entity down to the reporting sites. You do not need to replicate the SharedCurrency category up from the sites to the entity. You must then disable the ability to changeCurrency Rates at the sites, in order to maintain control over the data. This flow chart shows anexample of this option:

• If currency and rate maintenance is performed at sites, then you should replicate the SharedCurrency category from the sites up to the entity to which the sites report (and not back down tothe sites from the entity). When using this setup, sites within the same reporting structure shouldalso replicate currency and rate information between the sites. This flow chart shows an exampleof this option:

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Sharing data between sites

Although this category replicates base tables, updates to the tables at one site/entity are onlyreplicated to other sites/entities if there is a replication rule between them. (Replication ispoint-to-point.)

You could also set up your system to have only one site maintaining the currency codes, in whichcase you would have one-way replication rules from that site to all other sites and entities.

Replicating planned transfer orders (Planning)The MRP and APS systems generate planned transfer supply orders (PLNs) for any componentsprovided by remote supply sites. The due date on these PLNs will be based on each item's lead timeand transit time. To generate the corresponding planned transfer demand, or TPLN, at the supply site(that is, for the supply site to "see" this demand), you must set up the system to replicate the plannedtransfer order to the supply site.

In the Replication Rules form, you define the receiving site and supply site for replicating the transferorders:

• The Source Site must be the receiving site (the site where the demand originates).• The Target Site must be the supply site that produces the component. This should be the same

site defined as the Supply Site on the item record. The planned transfer order will be replicated atthis site.

Additional notes:

• Multiple planned transfer demands are consolidated before being replicated to the supply site.• When you replicate the Inventory/Transfers category, supply and demand transfer orders are

synchronized; that is, a demand transaction at one site precedes the related supply transaction atthe other site. However, if you also replicate the Planning category, planned transfer orders do notneed to wait for a transfer order transaction from the other site, as demonstrated by this example:

You run planning (either MRP or APS) at the receiving site. At the supply site, the planned transferdemand (TPLN) is automatically generated, with an XFD reference, as soon as it arrives – withouthaving to firm a transfer order. In this way, the receiving site has immediate visibility of the TPLNahead of the true Transfer Order. (With APS, the TPLN is incrementally planned.) The resultingprojected date for the order is not replicated back to the receiving site that generated the demand.At the receiving site, when you firm the planned transfer supply order into an actual transfer order,the system replicates that transfer order to the supply site and deletes the TPLN.

• The due date on a planned transfer order reflects transit time.

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• Sites running MRP Planning can replicate transfer orders to sites running APS Planning. Sitesrunning APS Planning (in single-site mode) can replicate transfer orders to sites running MRPPlanning. However, sites running APS Planning in Global mode cannot replicate transfer ordersto MRP sites.

This flow chart shows an example of Planned Transfer replication:

Replicating external financial (EXTFIN) dataSyteLine provides an XML-based interface that can be used with an external financial system such asSAP.

You can choose the types of financial information to export or import between SyteLine and the othersystem.These are the default External Financial categories:

• EXTFIN: Used for exporting SyteLine A/R, A/P, and G/L transactions to the external financialsystem, and also for exporting requests for updates to SyteLine tables by the external financialsystem. This category includes the functions and XML documents required to export financialinformation:• ExtFinAPVoucherPosting: Exports data from the SyteLine export_aptrx_mst and

export_aptrxd_mst tables, which are holding tables for data collected from various A/P tables.• ExtFinARInvoicePosting: Exports data from the SyteLine export_arinv_mst and

export_arinvd_mst tables, which are holding tables for data collected from various A/R tables.• ExtFinAnaLedgerPosting: Exports data from the SyteLine ana_ledger_mst table.• ExtFinLedgerPosting: exports data from the SyteLine ledger_mst table.• ExtFinRequest...: Exports a request to the external financial application for updates to a specific

SyteLine table. See the help on the External Financial Interface Data Request Utility for moreinformation

• EXTFIN Customer: Used for exporting SyteLine Customer information. This category includes thesibling database tables custaddr_mst and customer_mst.

• EXTFIN Vendor: Used for exporting SyteLine Vendor information. This category includes the siblingdatabase tables vendaddr_mst and vendor_mst.

Rules that contain EXTFIN, EXTFIN Customer, or EXTFIN Vendor should be set up only where the"To" Site is a site that represents an external application.

When a new customer or vendor record is added in SyteLine, the information is sent to the externalfinancial system as two XML documents: one XML that contains new customer_mst or vendor_mst

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data but only key values for custaddr_mst or vendaddr_mst table records, and another XML documentthat contains new and old values for updated custaddr_mst and vendaddr_mst table records. Forupdates to existing customer or vendor records, the XML document pulls records only from the tablethat changed.

Initializing parameter table dataThe Initialize _All Parameters category is only used with the Update _All Tables form, to simplify theselection of the parameter tables during replication setup. For more information about how to use thiscategory, see the information about setting up replication in the Infor SyteLine Multi-Site ImplementationGuide.

Replicating Invoice Builder dataIf you plan to use the Invoice Builder form to create invoices at other sites, set up these replicationrules for the Invoice Builder category:

• From the site running the Invoice Builder to remote sites into which invoices will be inserted. Thisallows the creation of the invoices in the remote sites.

• From the remote sites to the Invoice Builder site. This replicates the necessary _all table data forvalidations performed on the Invoice Builder form.

In the Customer Order Lines and Customer Order Blanket Lines forms, users can specify a shipsite. The item is shipped from this site even if the order is created at another site. Normally, the invoiceis created at the ship site. For example, an order is created at the OH site, with two lines for Item Xand Item Y. For item X, the ship site is OH, and for Item Y, the ship site is IN. The invoice for Item Xis created in the OH site, and the invoice for Item Y is created in the IN site. However, if you haveInvoice Builder replication set up, invoice creation and posting can all be done at the OH site, throughthe Multi-Site Invoice Posting form.

If you use the Invoice Builder, be aware of these requirements:

• In the target sites and the site where the Invoice Builder is being run, this information must match:base (domestic) currency, currency and quantity formats, cost/price formats, tax systems, andterms code tables.

• The same customers, customer addresses, and customer currency must be used at the InvoiceBuilder site and at the target sites.

Replicating Journal Builder dataIf you plan to use the Journal Builder form to enter multi-site journal entries that will be created inother sites, set up these rules for the Journal Builder category:

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Sharing data between sites

• From the site running the Journal Builder to remote sites into which pending journal transactionswill be inserted. This rule allows the processing of the pending journal transactions to the remotesites.

• From the remote sites to the Journal Builder site. This replicates the necessary _all table data forvalidations performed on the Journal Builder form.

Journal Builder use at an entity, or to enter transactions to be inserted at an entity, is not supported.

In the Journal Builder, transactions can be entered only for sites that use the same domestic currencyas the local Journal Builder site.

Replicating Purchase Order Builder dataIf you plan to use the Purchase Order Builder form to create purchase orders at other sites, set upthese replication rules for Purchase Order Builder:

• From the site running the Purchase Order Builder to remote sites into which purchase orders willbe inserted. This allows the creation of the POs in the remote sites.

• From the remote sites to the Purchase Order Builder site. This replicates the necessary _all tabledata for validations performed on the Purchase Order Builder form and for printing the Builderpurchase order.

Be aware of these setup requirements for the Purchase Order Builder:

• These characteristics must match in the target sites and the site where the Purchase Order Builderis being run: base currency, currency and quantity formats, terms code table, tax system setup,tax parameter setup, tax codes assigned to vendors, and tax codes assigned to items.

• On each purchase order related to the same Builder PO, the system assumes that the same termscode, buyer, Remit To address, vendor contact, and LCR number are used.

• Vendors must be set up to use the same currency in both target and PO Builder sites.• The target sites must have the same U/M Conversion factors as the PO Builder site.• Transactional replication is required.

Replicating Voucher Builder dataIf you plan to use the Voucher Builder form to create vouchers and adjustments at other sites, set upthese replication rules for the Voucher Builder category:

• From the site running the Voucher Builder to remote sites into which vouchers and/or adjustmentswill be inserted. This allows the creation of the vouchers and/or adjustments in the remote sites.

• From the remote sites to the Voucher Builder site. This replicates the necessary _all table data forvalidations performed on the Voucher Builder form.

If you plan to use the Manual Voucher Builder form to create a voucher in one or more sites for asingle vendor's invoice, set up these replication rules for the Voucher Builder category:

• From the Manual Voucher Builder site to the remote sites into which pending voucher transactionswill be created. This allows the setup of how the system will process pending voucher transactions.

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• From the remote sites into which pending voucher transactions will be created to the ManualVoucher Builder site. This replicates the necessary _all table data for validations performed on theManual Voucher Builder form.

Be aware of these setup requirements for the Voucher Builder:

• These characteristics must match in the target sites and the site where the Voucher Builder isbeing run: base (domestic) currency, currency and quantity formats, cost/price formats, tax systems,and terms code tables.

• The system requires that the same vendors, vendor addresses, and vendor currency are used atthe Builder Voucher site and at the target sites.

Be aware of these setup requirements for the Manual Voucher Builder:

• These characteristics must match in the target sites and the site where the Manual Voucher Builderis being run: base (domestic) currency and currency formats.

• The system requires that the same vendors, vendor addresses, and vendor currency are used atthe Builder Voucher site and at the target sites.

Replicating Customer and Vendor Portal dataAll sites in the portal site group must be linked and replicated using standard replication rules. For theVendor Portal, the A/P replication category must be replicated across all sites in the Vendor Portal sitegroup. For the Customer Portal and Reseller Portal, the A/R, Centralized Order Entry, and CustomerPortal replication categories must be replicated across all sites in the Customer Portal site group.

For more information about setting up multi-site portals, see Portals on page 90.

Replicating Service dataThese replication categories are used with SyteLine Service:

• Service - Multi-Site SRO Copy• Service - Global Incidents• Service - Global Service History• Service - Global Units• Service - Global Scheduling of Shared Partners

Incidents and units

Both the Service - Global Incidents and Service - Global Units categories allow you to set up replicationrules so that incidents and units that are updated in one database are synchronized to another database.When you create a replication rule for either category, set the Interval Type to Transactional.

Note: Because customer information is included on an incident, the A/R replication category must alsobe replicated whenever incident replication is taking place.

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Incident Reason and Resolution notes are replicated with the Service - Global Incidents category.Incident notes are not replicated.

Service Console

Use the Service - Global Service History category to set up replication rules so that service informationfrom multiple sites can be viewed together on the Service Console form. The replicated data is read-only,so system performance and business processes should determine the replication interval setting.

Service orders

The Service - Multi-Site SRO Copy category is used with the Multi-Site Service Order Copy form,which copies all lines, operations, reasons, and planned transactions of the specified SRO from onesite to another. Set the replication rule interval to Transactional.

Note: The service order copy utility only works between sites that are linked and using transactionalreplication.

Global scheduling of shared partners

Global scheduling of shared partners can be performed by companies that have multiple back officesites but one pool of technicians (partners) who perform service work for all sites. The Service - GlobalScheduling Shared Partners replication category replicates tables related to both appointments andpartners. The replication rule interval should be set to Transactional.

The appointment reference is not replicated. If your company requires cross-site access to theappointment reference, you should implement scheduling by incidents and configure the system forglobal incidents.

The warehouse, department, work code, and misc code are not included in this replication category,because these values are optional (not required) for partner setup. If your company populates thisinformation on the partner, you must ensure that the data exists in both sites. To do this, either implementmanual data entry processes or leverage standard replication by creating a custom replication categorythat includes the tables to replicate.

Replicating data via BODs (ESB)SyteLine provides an XML-based interface that can be used to transmit data to and from other InforBOD-enabled applications. This interface must be set up as described in the appropriate application’sintegration guide.

Rules containing the ESB replication category should be used only where the "To" Site is a site thatrepresents BOD integration.

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Recommended transactional replication rulesInfor Consulting recommends some standard rules for companies that use transactional replication.

Transactional replication and Update All Columns are explained in Frequency of data replication onpage 78.

This table lists the recommended rules for entities:

Update AllColumns

Interval TypeToReplication Category

NoTransactionalAll Sites All EntitiesSite Admin

NoTransactionalChild Sites/EntitiesLedger Consolidation **

NoTransactionalChild Sites/EntitiesShared Currency *

This table lists the recommended rules for sites:

Update AllColumns

Interval TypeToReplication Category

NoTransactionalAll Sites All EntitiesSite Admin

NoTransactionalSites/EntitiesG/L or Ledger Consolidation**

NoTransactionalSibling SitesAll Others (A/P, A/R, Central-ized Order Entry, Invento-ry/Transfers) as needed

** See Replicating financial information on page 62 for your options.

* See Replicating shared currency on page 64 for your options.

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Chapter 10: Sharing some data through master sites

You must have a general understanding about how replication works before you continue. Without thatunderstanding, the replication planning steps probably will not make sense.

See Replication overview on page 100.

Considerations: Sharing some data through mastersitesYou might decide to set up master sites and shared views into tables at the master site, instead ofreplicating tables, for some areas of your system.

If all your sites are in a single database, you are effectively sharing many database tables already.However, we recommend that you set a master site for the intranet, in order to maintain customers,vendors, and items for all sites from the master site. You can optionally use the Intranet Shared UserTables form to share the Authorizations_mst, UserGroupMap_mst, and/or user_local_mst tables if youwant to share users and group authorizations information between sites. You should not use the IntranetShared Tables form; those tables are already shared because the sites are all in one database.

Advantages of using a master site

If you use a master site for certain functions, you have these advantages:

• Establish central global tables, many of which allow filtering by site• Require less storage space – fewer records are replicated across the enterprise• Use less background processing• Simplify replication troubleshooting and querying of _all tables• Provide a lighter load on database servers, thus better speed for end users.• Centralize entry of customer, vendor and item records• Centralize maintenance of user and group information.Note: Never select the Intranet Licensing option in a cloud environment.

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Updating the flowchartUpdate your flowchart with boxes for any master sites. These boxes should indicate somehow - throughshading or color, perhaps - that they are master sites.

Indicate shared data that resides at the master site - either by replication category or by table name.Use a different type of arrow, perhaps thicker or a different color.

This flow chart shows an example with a master site:

Remember that all of the sites in the same application database must share tables in the same way.You cannot share a table in one site in database A without sharing the table for all sites in databaseA.

Creating a list of the tables or categories controlled bythe master siteFor future reference when setting up the Intranet Shared Tables form, create a list of the shared tables(or the replication categories) controlled by each master site.

Updating the SiteEntity spreadsheetUpdate the SiteEntity spreadsheet to indicate any sites that are master sites. You could do this eitherby adding a Master Site column or by adding "Master Site" to the description.

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Updating the ReplicationRules spreadsheetIf you plan to add and maintain customers and vendors at your master site, be sure A/P, A/R, LedgerConsolidation (or G/L), and Inventory/Transfer categories are replicating between all sites on theintranet.

All sites on the master site’s intranet must be replicating the SiteAdmin category, in order to recognizethe master site.

Background information: Sharing some data througha master siteUse this information to better understand the concepts.

Intranets with shared tables and master sitesOn the Intranets form, you can specify a master site for an intranet. Master sites are SyteLine sitesthat control some data for all other sites on an intranet. For example, master sites control any shared_all tables or shared user tables.

An intranet defined as "External" (containing non-SyteLine sites) cannot have a master site defined forit.

You cannot delete an intranet that contains shared tables.

Shared user tablesAt the master site, use the Intranet Shared User Tables form to share the user maintenance tablesso they reside only at the master site for this intranet.

If multiple sites that belong to the same intranet are not in the same application database, then IntranetLicensing must be set up at the master site and all participating sites before you share user tables forthe sites. This requirement is not applicable when all of the sites are in a single database.

The tables are removed from all sites on the intranet except the master site. SQL views to the tableon the master site are created at each using or "slave" site. The other sites can add, update, and deleterecords through the views.

You can also unshare shared tables from this form. The views at the using sites are dropped, and theuser tables are rebuilt at each of the using sites on the intranet.

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Frequently asked questions about shared tables and mastersitesConsider these questions:

Q: When would I want to set up a master site?

A: We recommend that you set up a master site even if you do not plan to share any tables at this time.(The only exception might be if you have only one or two sites to maintain.)

Master sites currently allow you to centralize entry of customers, items and vendors and to centralizemaintenance of users.

Q: Why would I want to set up shared user tables?

A: It allows one administrator to maintain one set of users and user permissions in the master site thatare applicable to all of the using sites on the intranet. This information is included:

• User information

This can include application-specific data such as user initials, multi-site group, etc.

• Groups information, including user-group assignments and user-group authorizations.

You also have the option to exclude the AccountAuthorizations_mst, UserGroupMap_mst, and/oruser_local_mst tables when you share user tables. This allows administrators to maintain users andmost user settings in the master site, but apply different permissions for those users in each of thesites. Or you can maintain authorization groups globally (so they are the same for all sites), but maintainthe user groups locally, so users can be assigned to different permission groups at different sites withinan intranet.

Q: Can I set up some tables to reside only at the master site, and other tables to be replicated at allsites?

No, for user tables.

Q: Which tables does it make most sense to maintain at a master site rather than replicating?

A: This depends on your data, and the parts of the system you use the most.

Q: Which tables can only be maintained from a master site?

A: You can maintain data at any site (slave or master site).

At the master site, special forms are available for maintaining data about multi-site vendors, customers,and items. You can still maintain this information for specific sites from those sites. But from the mastersite, you can maintain vendor, customer, and item data for all the sites on the intranet.

Q: Can I set up a master site any time, or just when setting up the application initially?

A: At any time.

Q: Can I change the master site after it is set up?

A: Yes. Some of the user tables at the slave sites have been dropped and would have to be rebuilt,and the data that resides only in the master site’s tables would have to be reloaded into the rebuilttables. You can do this in the Intranet Shared User Tables forms.

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If you remove a master site, these features that depend on a master site will no longer be available:

• Multi-Site Vendors form• Multi-Site Customers form• Multi-Site Items form

Q: Why would I use a master site if all of my sites are in a single database?

A: The Multi-Site Customers, Multi-Site Items, and Multi-Site Vendors forms can only be used froma master site.

Since all sites are in the same database, most user tables are shared across all sites even without amaster site and without setting up Intranet Shared User Tables. However, you can share these usertables only if a master site is defined, through the Intranet Shared User Tables form:AccountAuthorizations_mst, UserGroupMap_mst, user_local_mst.

Q: Can I add a new site to an existing intranet that has shared tables?

A: Yes. Contact your Infor representative.

Q: What happens to users at the other sites if the master site goes down for an extended period?

A: All sites on the intranet that link to the master site will not be able to access/update the tables thatare only on the master site.

Q: Will my site see data from all other sites on the intranet when we share a table?

A: If the dropdown list in a form is based on an “_all” table, and if you are in a using site where that _alltable is actually a view, then it will access that view.

If you share user tables, an administrator at any site on the intranet can see and update data for allusers and groups, if the administrators have the appropriate permissions. If you originally share usertables and then change to per-site user tables, the user and group information for all users on theintranet is loaded into the tables at each non-master site.

Q: Can I use the master site to copy records from one site to multiple other sites?

A: You can use the Multi-Site Customers, Multi-Site Vendors, and Multi-Site Items forms to copyrecords to multiple other sites in the same intranet as the master site. The other sites must be in thesame multi-site group as the master site. Item BOMs are not copied with item records when you usethis method.

Maintaining customer, vendor or item data for other sites inthe intranetSpecial forms are available only at the master site that allow you to add and maintain some vendor,customer or item data for other sites on that intranet. This section shows examples for vendor data.

Vendor data includes the vendor_mst_all table/view (storing information that is not typically sharedamong sites), as well as the vendaddr_mst tables (storing information that is shared among all sites).The vendaddr_mst base table is replicated directly from the base table in the source site to the basetable in the target site. In a master site scenario, vendor_mst_all is a view at the sharing sites (assuming

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that vendor_mst_all is set up as a shared table), but vendaddr_mst is an actual table that contains thesame data at the master site and all sharing sites.

An example process to add and update vendor data between the master site and sharing sites is shownin this flow chart:

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Chapter 11: Frequency of data replication

You must have a general understanding about how replication works before you continue. Without thatunderstanding, the replication planning steps probably will not make sense. See Replication overviewon page 100.

Consider this information:

• You can use transactional or non-transactional replication between your sites, or a combination ofboth.

In a cloud environment, non-transactional replication is generally only used for the INFORBUS siteand is preconfigured by the Infor Cloud team.

• Replication rules specify when and where to replicate the categories of data you chose earlier.

Updating the ReplicationRules spreadsheetIndicate which of your rules are transactional or non-transactional. For non-transactional rules, alsospecify the interval type and timing. For both types, indicate whether all columns should be updated.

Background information: Frequency of data replicationAfter administrators have defined the source site, target site, categories, and time frames when replicationwill occur, they can write their replication rules: "Any time this data changes in this place, replicate itto this place." They then regenerate the replication triggers to enable the replication process.

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Frequency of data replication

Replication Rules formYou set up the replication rules in the Replication Rules form at each site. The spreadsheet you createin this step is the basis for the rules you set up. You can copy and paste rows from the spreadsheetinto the grid view of this form.

You set up the replication rules in the Replication Rules form at each site. The spreadsheet you createin this step is the basis for the rules you set up. You can copy and paste rows from the spreadsheetinto the grid view of this form.

Interval Type, Interval, and Start Interval At field usage

For each rule, use these three fields together to specify the interval at which replication will occur. Forexample, you might choose an interval type of Minutes and then specify 90 in the Interval field. Allinterval types except transactional are non-transactional, which means that there is no live connectionto another site.

These interval types are available:

• Transactional: Provides a live constant connection from one site to another. Updates are made tothe remote site immediately. No interval or start time is required.

• Immediate: Immediately sends the replicated data to the replication queue. This setting does notmean that the data is shown immediately in the other site. It depends on how soon the queue isretrieved by the other site. No interval or start time is required.

• Minutes: Replicates data every nn minutes, where nn is the value specified in the Start Intervalfield.

• Hours: Replicates data every nn hours, where nn is the value specified in the Start Interval field.• Days: Replicates data every nn hours, where nn is the value specified in the Start Interval field.

Update All Columns field usage

Specify Update All Columns for a rule if you want every table column included in that category or ruleto be updated on the target site even if it wasn't changed by a user interaction on the local site. Thisis not recommended for replication, due to the high data traffic it may generate.

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If Update All Columns is not specified, replication occurs only for the columns that have been changed.

Rule execution

Replication happens chronologically, based on the order things happened in the source system. Forexample, an order line cannot be added until after the order is added. So, when looking at the list oftables in a category, the replication process changes data from the listed tables in the proper order -it does not simply run down the list of tables alphabetically to determine what is different.

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Frequency of data replication

Chapter 12: Using the Application Event System

Use the application event system to set up and maintain workflow or automated events.

For a multi-site system, be aware of this information about events:

• Event handling is limited to the site(s) contained in the application database associated with theconfiguration governing the event object.

• The Dispatch IDO Request event action can initiate IDO activities in another site, if it specifies aURL() that controls activities in another site.

• If an event action effects a database change that normally triggers a replication activity, thereplication activity will occur when the event action executes.

• Any configuration that is being monitored by the TaskMan service must also be monitored by theEvent Service.

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Using the Application Event System

Chapter 13: Add-on products and modules

Will you be interfacing SyteLine with a financial product, Analytics, a CRM product, an Infor BOD-enabledapplication, or a business partner product? If so, how does that affect your multi-site setup?

Some products run against a single SyteLine site. In that case, make sure that all of the SyteLine datathat is required for the external product is replicated from other sites to the site that is connected to theexternal product.

Use the background information to help you determine how, or if, additional products will affect thesetup of your multi-site system.

Updating the flowchart and spreadsheetsIf you decide to rearrange your sites or rules due to add-on product requirements, update the flowchartand spreadsheets as needed.

Background informationUse this information to help you make multi-site decisions that are related to add-on products andmodules.

APSYou can select either the Infor Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS) or Material RequirementsPlanning (MRP) for planning your material requirements. There are two planning modes: APS andInfinite APS. In APS mode, you can set resources to have a finite capacity, while Infinite APS modeconsiders all resources to have infinite capacity. MRP and Infinite APS mode are built into SyteLine.APS mode is a separately licensed SyteLine module.

MRP plans requirements for items according to the level the item appears in a BOM, batching togetherrequirements needed at the same period of time. APS and MRP both generate planned orders, whichyou firm into actual SyteLine transactions. MRP and APS use the same basic input data. However, the

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APS system plans all requirements for one demand (through the end item's entire BOM), then plansall requirements for the next demand, and so forth for all the demands, based on order priority andeach demand's due date.

APS generates real-time projections of when you can complete orders by comparing all demandsagainst a long-term plan. The system views the current status, including inventory levels, forecasts,job schedules, PO due dates, customer orders, etc. and creates planned orders accordingly to satisfythe demands. You then "firm" the planned orders into purchase orders, purchase requisitions, joborders, production schedules, or transfer orders.

For more information about how APS (or MRP) is used, see the online help. The rest of this sectionfocuses on how APS is used in a multi-site system.

The APS planning algorithm, which produces planning output that is sent back to the SyteLine SQLdatabase, uses a Planner database (PDB) as its in-memory database. Since the PDB is in memoryand requires a lot of CPU when it is running, a separate Planning Server is required.

In a multi-site environment, you can generate a global plan for all sites defined in your APS Sites andAlternative Management form. Planned transfer orders are not created when you run planning in asingle site.

There are two modes for global planning: Global Planning and Multiple Site Planning, which is definedon the Planning Parameters form, Advanced APS tab. In both modes, all sites are planned. Thedifference lies in how demands for components supplied by remote sites are planned.

With Global Planning mode, these demands are planned by contacting the remote site to get a realisticdelivery date. A transfer supply is created at the local site and corresponding transfer demand is createdat the supplying site.

With Multiple Site Planning mode, these demands are planned using lead time and planning replicationcreates the transfer demand at the supplying site.

A global plan generates all plans, transfer supply orders, and transfer demand orders for any remotecomponents using up-to-date planning data at the remote site. To use this option, multiple sites mustbe defined on the APS Sites and Alternative Management form. The site you are logged into mustbe configured on the Main tab, and the other sites must be configured on the Remote tab. If GlobalPlanning Mode is set to Global Planning, then each site must populate the Main and Remotetabs of the APS Sites and Alternative Management form. If Global Planning Mode is set to MultipleSite Planning, then you only need to add remote sites in the site where you will be running GlobalAPS Planning. The sequence in which each site is planned is determined by the site priority definedat the local site where you run APS Planning.

Global Planning steps

When you run APS Global Planning in Global Planning mode, APS performs these steps:

1 Connects to all sites that are defined on the APS Sites and Alternative Management form. Allsites' PDBs are now locked. No site is able to perform the Get ATP/CTP process or run APSPlanning during the time of the global planning process.

2 Evaluates the site priorities and begins planning at the site that has the highest priority (the sitewith the lowest numerical priority value).

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3 Removes and replans all demands at the site. Transfer orders are planned for any componentssupplied by a remote site.

4 Begins planning the next site in the site priority hierarchy.5 When the system finishes replanning all sites, the global plan is complete and the PDBs are

unlocked. At each site, any transactions entered in SyteLine during the planning process while thePDBs were locked are now entered into the plan incrementally.

Multiple site planning steps

When you run APS Global Planning in Multiple Site Planning mode, APS performs these steps:

1 Connects to all sites that are defined on the APS Sites and Alternative Management form. Allsites' PDBs are now locked. No site is able to perform the Get ATP/CTP process or run APSPlanning during the time of the global planning process.

2 Evaluates the site priorities and begins planning at the site that has the highest priority (the sitewith the lowest numerical priority value).

3 Removes and replans all demands at the site (in single-site mode). For any component suppliedby a remote site, replication is used to transfer that demand to the remote site.

4 Begins planning the next site in the site priority hierarchy.5 When the system finishes replanning all sites, any remaining unplanned transfer demands are

incrementally planned at each site.6 When the system finishes planning the transfer demands, the global plan is complete and the PDBs

are unlocked. At each site, any transactions entered in SyteLine during the planning process whilethe PDBs were locked are now entered into the plan incrementally.

Transferred items

During global APS Planning, or during any incremental planning activity, if an item requires a componentthat is supplied by another site (that is, an "inter-site" transfer), transfer orders are planned using thesesteps:

1 Contacts the supply site that produces the remote item (based on the Supply Site field on theItems form).

2 Plans the item in a test copy of the supply site's PDB (also considering the transit time value definedon the Inter-Site Parameters form).

3 Plans the component in the supply site's master PDB and creates a planned transfer demandorder.

4 Creates a corresponding planned transfer supply order at the site requiring the remote component.Note: Due dates on planned transfer orders include transit time.

If APS Planning is unable to contact the supply site (due to the site's PDB being down, network problems,etc.), it uses the item's lead time and the transit time defined on the Inter-Site Parameters form todetermine the projected availability of any remote components.

Transfer orders can automatically generate additional remote orders, depending on the component'srequirements. For example, if site A needs a component that is produced at site B, and the componentat site B requires a component produced at site C, APS Planning plans the demand transfer order atsite C automatically.

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Note: The system does not globally plan intra-site transfers (that is, items where the Supply Site is setto the local site).

After a transfer supply order is generated by a demand order, no other demand order can use inventorycreated by the transfer supply order. However, any excess inventory generated due to minimum lotsizes remains available at the supply site for other demands to allocate.

APS Planning creates planned transfer orders; you must firm them into actual transfer orders in thePlanning Detail form or the Material Planner Workbench form.

In order to transfer items between sites, there must be a replication rule for the Inventory/Transfercategory between the sites.

Site recursion in a bill of material

Global Planning mode does not support site-to-site recursion on a single order line. That is, an item atone site cannot require a component from a site that was a supply site higher in the item's bill of material.The Site Recursion limitation applies only to Global Planning, and not to Multiple Site Planning.

For more information about APS, see the online help.

AnalyticsInfor CloudSuite Analytics Content Pack takes the data from your SyteLine databases and turns it intomulti-dimensional business information you can use to monitor financial, manufacturing, sales, inventoryand purchasing data for your organization.

When users generate reports, they can use the Site dimension to specify the site for which they wantto see data, or specify All to view a summary of data for all sites. To restrict certain users to accessonly certain sites, instead of all sites, administrators can define data level permissions on the Sitedimension.

Drill-through back to the SyteLine application is not currently available.

Country packs and localizationsCountry packs are optional, based on what your company has purchased. If a pack is licensed, it appliesto all sites in one application database. Use the Optional Modules form to enable or disable thefeatures of a specific country pack at a specific site.

If a country pack is licensed for a database, but disabled for a particular site in that database, ensurethat authorizations are set so that users cannot access forms that are part of the optional module.

Languages are enabled for all sites in a database through the Language Management form. Help fora particular language, if available, is enabled for all sites in a database through the Override MiddleHelp URL field on the Language IDs form.

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Credit Card InterfaceUsing the Credit Card Interface for SyteLine, users can enter and validate credit card information froma centralized customer order entry site, and then charge the card from a different shipping site wherethe invoice is generated. To use this feature, include the CCI Centralized Order Entry replicationcategory in a replication rule. Then, when a user clicks Pay with Credit Card during order entry, if asuccessful authorization is received, the system replicates that authorization information to each of thesites that are set up to receive this replication category. When an invoice is generated in the shippingsite, the system sees the replicated authorization and completes the credit card payment process. Seethe Infor SyteLine Credit Card Interface Configuration Guide for more information.

DataViews and Critical NumbersYou can build DataViews and Critical Numbers over IDOs that show data from multiple sites. For CriticalNumbers, you can write stored procedures that access data from any site. For more information, seethe SyteLine online help.

EDIElectronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a module included with SyteLine. EDI allows trading documents,such as purchase orders, shipment authorizations, advanced shipment notices, and invoices, to becommunicated electronically so that they do not have to be re-entered manually. Companies exchangetransaction data using data files in an ANSI standard format. SyteLine, which is integrated with an EDItranslator, imports inbound transactions from the translator and exports outbound transactions to thetranslator.

EDI is usually set up to work with one site. You can have multiple sites, each with its own setup andtranslator but not sharing EDI data. Or you may be able to set up a customized design for sharing EDIinformation in a multi-site system.

Microsoft Excel add-inWith the SyteLine add-in for Microsoft Excel, you can retrieve and format SyteLine general ledger datafrom sites and entities into an Excel workbook to produce reports such as Balance Sheet, Profit/LossStatement, and Cash Flow Statement.

You can associate different Excel worksheets in a single workbook with different site databases. Forexample, you could have one worksheet associated with Site A and another worksheet associatedwith Site B. You can then have a third "consolidated" worksheet that pulls information from Site A andSite B.

You can specify a site group in the Site parameter of these functions, to consolidate financial data fromthe sites in the group:

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Specifying a home site

As part of the setup for the Excel and Outlook Add-ins, you must specify a connection to either theapplication database or to the IDO Web Service. In a cloud environment, you must use the IDO WebService option. For the IDO Web Service connection, you must specify a Web Client URL and/or anEnd Point URL. Infor provides these URLs in an email to you when your tenant is set up.

When a tenant is finished being created, the consumer will receive an email detailing a number ofuseful URLs. Both the End Point and Web Client URL values are provided.

Specifying a default site for a worksheet

The SyteLine toolbar in Excel includes a Site drop-down list. The list is populated with sites that meetthe criteria mentioned below.

To associate different worksheets with different sites, select a site name from the drop-down list in thetoolbar. Then right-click on the worksheet tab and select Associate Site(sitename). The worksheetstays associated with that site even when you select a different default site name in the toolbar.

Associating a site with a worksheet is helpful, because the tool bar value then changes automaticallywhen you select each worksheet and make the worksheet active.

Specifying sites in formulas

In individual cells of a worksheet, formulas can specify the site from which the data is pulled. If a siteparameter is specified in the formula, the site that is explicitly supplied by the parameter is alwaysused. Any formulas in the worksheet that do not specify a site name assume that the data is pulledfrom the site specified in the toolbar.

The site value on the toolbar is initially set to the "home" site. The site value in the toolbar changeswhen a worksheet is activated that has a different site associated with it. You can change the site valuein the toolbar to specify a site other than the worksheet's associated site, as long as it meets the criterialisted below.

In most cases, we recommend that you include the site name in all formulas, to provide clarity aboutwhich site the data comes from. The exception to this is for dynamic worksheets that you run againstdifferent sites.

Note that there is nothing in the extracted data that indicates which site it came from.

Associating sites with a worksheet or using sites in formulas

A workbook can display data from more than one SyteLine site, as long as these criteria are met:

• The site must be on the same database server as the home site.• The site must be listed on the Sites/Entities form at the home site, and the Application Database

field on that form must be filled in for the site.

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• The user is authorized to access data on the other sites.

Any sites that meet this criteria are displayed in the drop-down list on the toolbar.

For more information

For more information about the Excel add-in, see the Infor SyteLine Microsoft Office Integration UserGuide.

Factory TrackOne instance of Infor Time Track integrates with one SyteLine site. This is true when SyteLine hasmultiple sites per database, and also when there is one SyteLine site per database. The databasescan all be on one database server.

In a cloud environment, all Factory Track sites reside in a single database for a tenant.

For everySyteLine that will integrate with Factory Track, a matching Factory Track site must exist.

BOD-enabled applications (ION)Infor uses the ION enterprise messaging system to transport data between SyteLine and other InforBOD-enabled applications. The data exchanged is sent as XML documents referred to as BusinessObject Documents (BODs). These documents are defined by Open Applications Group IntegrationSpecifications (OAGIS).

In order to integrate with BOD-enabled applications, a connection point is defined for each site withinSyteLine, and then a document flow must be set up between the connection point and the otherapplication.. A document flow is a type of data flow.

Industry packsIndustry packs are optional, based on what your company has purchased. If a pack is licensed, itapplies to all sites in one application database. Use the Optional Modules form to enable or disablethe features of a specific industry pack at a specific site.

If an industry pack is licensed for a database, but disabled for a particular site in that database, ensurethat authorizations are set so that users cannot access forms that are part of the optional module.

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MobileIn mobile forms where a user can view data from different sites, a Site drop-down list is displayed onthe form. If the form's data comes from an _all table, no logging in and out of sites is needed. However,in the case of a customer address, the custaddr_mst table can be shared among multiple sites. Whenthe table is shared, the Site list is populated with sites that are participants in the sharing. When thetable is not shared then the list displays only the current site.

If the data must be accessed from separate site databases, then the user must select a configurationfrom the list and tap the Switch link to "switch sites." Behind the scenes, a URL is built that includesthe name of the Web server, the new configuration, the current form, and the user's name. A loginscreen to the other site is displayed. If you want the switch to be seamless, without requiring the userto enter a password, then set up the user with a workstation login in that site.

The use of the Switch Sites feature assumes that all of your sites use the same web client on the sameweb server.

Office Application Search ServiceThe search is performed only on the site (configuration) that is specified in the Select a Config fieldduring the search service setup in Microsoft Office. However, users can point to a different site bychanging the configuration value.

For more information about the Application Search Service, see the Infor SyteLine Microsoft OfficeIntegration User Guide.

OutlookWe recommend that users connect to the same site each time they use the SyteLine add-in for MicrosoftOutlook. Users can change the setup to point to a different configuration; however, this can causeduplicate contacts in Outlook, because the row pointer of the contact record is different in differentSyteLine databases. There are cases where switching sites can be useful; for example, you could copySiteA contacts into Outlook, and then copy those contacts from Outlook into SiteB.

As part of the setup for the Excel and Outlook Add-ins, you must specify a Web Client URL and/or anEnd Point URL. Infor provides these URLs in an email to you when your tenant is set up.

For more information about the Outlook Add-in, see the Infor SyteLine Microsoft Office Integration UserGuide.

Configure Price Quote (CPQ)You can use Infor Configure Price Quote (CPQ, formerly PCM or BuyDesign) with SyteLine to configureproducts. A site parameter is passed to the Configurator through the configuration Header ID.

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Some previous versions of this product required unique order prefixes in each site, in order forconfigurations to work properly in a multi-site, single database environment. Unique order prefixes areno longer required for CPQ configurations. (However, unique order prefixes are still required in eachsite in SyteLine if you use centralized order entry features such as shipping lines from remote sites.)

PortalsCustomer, Vendor and Reseller Portal Web pages can connect to multiple sites, to display and updatedata from those sites. Portals have a primary site, where key data such as items and item categoriesis maintained by SyteLine users. Some data is obtained strictly from the primary site; other data comesfrom all sites.

These methods of retrieving and maintaining data to or from multiple sites are used:

• Use a multiplex data source, known as a portal site group, to retrieve or save data simultaneouslyto or from all sites tied to the portal, or to execute a method simultaneously in each site.

• Use RemoteMethodCall to affect or retrieve data to or from multiple sites.• Use SyteLine _all tables to obtain multi-site data by connecting to a single site.

Define portal data source configurations through the Portal Manager, to include databases for eachsite in the portal site group:

• One of the data sources must be named PrimarySite, which points to the single SyteLinedatabase where all portal-enabled items and item category hierarchies must be defined. Otherdata must also be maintained in this primary site.

• One of the data sources must be named PortalSiteGroup. This data source must include theprimary site and all other sites that the portal can access. The PortalSiteGroup is the default datasource.

• If there is only one site in the portal site group, both the primary site and portal site group datasources must be defined and must point to the same site.

• If one of the sites to be exposed to the portal is a master site, then usually the portal site groupmust be a site group in which the master site is included.

In this case, we recommend that the primary site of the portal be the same as the master site,although this is not required. If you make them the same site, you can use the Multi-Site Items,Multi-Site Customers, and Multi-Site Vendors forms in the master site (primary site) to maintaindata across the other sites in the intranet. A master site user can then copy items from thenon-master sites to the master site, which is useful because all portal-exposed items must be listedin the primary site’s item_mst table.

• If a master site exists, and users are shared through the Intranet Shared User Tables form, thenthe primary site must be the master site, in most cases.

Note: If you use the master site for user records but not for transactions, then the portal primarysite may be a site other than the master site. Also, as long as users are shared through the IntranetShared User Tables form, the master site does not have to be included in the portal site group.When users are added from the portal, they are automatically added to the master site.

In the Site Groups form, define a group that is assigned to the portal. This group is identified as theportal site group in the Portal Parameters form. This group must include all sites that contain informationthat is displayed in the Customer Portal or Vendor Portal.

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Add-on products and modules

Replication rules

All sites in the portal site group must be linked and replicated using standard replication rules. For theVendor Portal, the A/P and Vendor Portal replication categories must be replicated across all sites inthe Vendor Portal site group. For the Customer Portal and Reseller Portal, the A/R, Centralized OrderEntry, and Customer Portal replication categories must be replicated across all sites in the CustomerPortal site group.

Accounts Receivable

If you plan to use the Customer Portal in a multi-site setup, define the aging bucket in the SyteLineAccounts Receivable Parameters form the same way in all sites included in the Customer Portal sitegroup.

If the Customer Portal site group contains a different set of sites than the Accounts Receivable sitegroup, the customers’ account balance data will not equal the balance shown in the SyteLine AccountsReceivable Transactions Summary form, and might not represent the actual aging information.


If you plan to use the Customer Portal in a multi-site setup, all customer records must use consistentcustomer numbers across sites, that is, Customer 1 in site A must be the same as Customer 1 in siteB.


When SyteLine users subscribe to interaction alerts, they must subscribe to the alert in the site wherethey are responsible. If SyteLine users also want to be notified of interactions created from the portalthat do not reference a specific object, they must also subscribe to the alert in the primary site. Portalusers who subscribe to an interaction alert are subscribed to that publication in all sites.

The same set of interaction topics must be defined in each site of the Customer Portal site group.Interactions topic translation must be the same across all sites that belong to a portal site group, forCustomer Portal, Reseller Portal and Vendor Portal.


A customer can be associated with only one reseller across all sites in the portal site group. A customeris either associated with a reseller or is not associated. This must be true across all sites and Ship Torecords. Salesperson IDs used for reseller association must reference the same vendor number acrosssites.


If you plan to use the Vendor Portal in a multi-site setup, all vendor records must use consistent vendornumbers across sites, that is, Vendor 1 in site A must be the same as Vendor 1 in site B. If a vendoris not defined in any site, then no data for that site is displayed for the logged-in vendor.

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The sites from which information is displayed to portal users depend on the type of login, the type ofportal, and the specific portal page.

For example, on the portal pricing pages, B2B customers can see pricing for the item at all sitesconnected to their primary site, but B2C customers and pre-login customers can only see pricing forthe item at their default site.

The user account must exist in all the sites of the Portal Site group. If the portals connect to multiplesites and the user account is missing in any of these sites, access is denied on login.

ServiceInfor SyteLine Service is an optional module with separate licensing. The multi-site setup includesadding rules for replication categories related to the Service module. See Replicating Service data onpage 69.

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Add-on products and modules

Chapter 14: Licensing

Determine which users, and how many users, must work in multiple sites. Determine the types oflicenses these users require.

You might already have had some discussions with your sales representatives about licensing. Thisstep refines your existing licensing decisions based on the multi-site planning decisions you have made.

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Chapter 15: Naming rules

If you have a large multi-site system, you will have many site IDs, site names, configuration names,intranet names, group names, and database names to manage. Now that you have set up your initialplan, review the flowcharts and spreadsheets for naming consistency.

It is easier to keep track of which site users are currently logged into, if the names you use are logical,and the configuration name matches the application database name, which matches the site name,and so on.

Considerations: NamingConsider this information:

• Avoid generic site names (for example, "Site1") that do not differentiate your sites. Use names thatdescribe the location, the hierarchy, or what the site is used for.

• Configurations for your sites are named based on Infor standards.• Avoid using these special characters in configuration names and site IDs or site names:

• \ (back slash)• / (forward slash)• : (colon)• * (asterisk)• ? (question mark)• " (double quote)• ’ (single quote)• < (left arrow)• > (right arrow)• | (vertical bar)• (embedded space)

• For site groups, use names that define their function (for example, FINANCE) or their location (forexample, PACIFIC), depending on the logical grouping.

• Do you want to use prefixes to distinguish site-specific customers, vendors, jobs, transfer orders,purchase orders, and so on?

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Naming rules

Updating the flowchart and spreadsheetsIf you decide to change your naming conventions based on the information in this chapter, update theflowchart and spreadsheets as needed.

Determining prefix use for records in different sitesDetermine whether you want to include site-specific prefixes on customer and purchase orders, transfers,and so on.

Background informationUse this information to better understand the concepts.

PrefixesAt each site, you can specify prefixes for these types of records:

• Applicant• Builder invoices• Builder purchase orders• Builder vouchers• Container• Co-product mix• Current job• Customer• Customer order• Customer order contract• Delivery order/BOL• Drop Ship number• EDI order• EDI order acknowledgement• Employee• Estimate• Estimate job• Estimate project• Export document• Job

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Naming rules

• Lot• Maintenance ID Prefix (on Resources form)• Office• PO contract• Point-of-sale customer order• Point-of-sale service order• Position• Production schedule• Project• Purchase order• Purchase order requisition• RFQ• RMA• Schedule ID• Serial number• Transfer order• Transfer/Project BOL• Vendor• Vendor-created PO• Vendor-created PO requisitions

For example, if you specify CO as the prefix for customer orders, the default customer orders createdin this site will be CO00000001, CO00000002, CO00000003, and so forth. If you do not enter a valuein the Order Prefix field, the default customer order numbers used in this site will be 1, 2, 3, and soforth.

A prefix can consist of numeric and non-numeric (letters and symbols) characters. However, the prefixshould end with an alphabetic character to ensure that the system increments order numbers correctly.

When you reach the field's character limit, the system prompts you with a warning message. You muststart a new prefix sequence. In the CO example, when you reach CO99999999, you must begin a newcustomer order prefix.

Using a site indicator in the prefix

For some types of records, you might want to include a site indicator as part of your prefix, to avoidduplication between sites, and to provide a larger pool of transfer order numbers.

For example, you have a site located in Dallas that uses 'TD' as the transfer prefix, and another site inColumbus that uses 'TC' as the transfer prefix. By default, SyteLine then creates transfer order numbersat the Dallas site with a prefix of 'TD', for example TD00000001, TD00000002, TD00000003, etc.

When you create a transfer order in Dallas that will be shipped to the Columbus site, the next defaulttransfer order number for Dallas is used, for example TD0000000321. The system also automaticallycreates a complementary record in Columbus with the same transfer order number, TD000000321.

The creation of the complementary record provides you with a way to track a transfer order betweentwo sites. In this example, both Dallas and Columbus will recognize 'TD000000321' as the same transfer.

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Naming rules

Besides avoiding duplication, another benefit of using a meaningful transfer order number prefix is thatyou can determine which site originated the transfer order.

Be aware that adding a prefix limits the number of digits available for the record number. If you use along prefix, you will have a smaller pool of numbers available.

Also be aware that prefixes are only used when you allow the system to auto-generate new records.

Lot and serial prefixes

Lots and serial numbers can use "intelligent" prefixes. The prefix can include information such as thedate or job number, reference information or a site ID.

For more information about intelligent prefixes, see the online help.

Item numbersGenerally, item numbers are descriptive of your products and are not site-specific. If an item will existin multiple site databases, you should use the same item number for the same part in every site. Thisallows you to ship items across sites, perform transfers, and so on.

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Naming rules

Chapter 16: Incorporating later changes

Now that you have a hierarchical structure of sites, and rules for setting up data flow between them,consider how any radical change to that structure will affect it:• How will later additions/deletions of sites, or changes to existing sites, affect this structure? Is it

set up in a way that will allow changes with the least disruption?• What if your company buys another company - possibly in a different country? What if your company

is acquired? Will this structure be flexible enough to accommodate those changes?• What if the new company uses a different financial reporting system, or different domestic currency?• What if one site has to be taken down for maintenance? Will the structure allow your business to

continue running during that time?

Revising your flowcharts and spreadsheetsIf you decide to rearrange your hierarchical structure or data flows after reviewing the questions in thischapter, then update the flowchart and spreadsheets to match.

Background informationUse this information to better understand the concepts.

Changes to your reporting structureOver time, sites come and go and the hierarchy of entities may change. As these changes occur, thehistorical consolidated financial data will not change, and a historical time-phased site/entity structurewill be maintained. This allows prior period reporting and drill-downs to yield identical results, evenafter the structure has changed. On the date of a reporting structure change, a large transaction isposted to close out all accounts for all selected subordinate sites, computing the account balance ofeach account. Half of this transaction is immediately consolidated to the existing structure, effectivelyzeroing the balances from the books. After the hierarchy is changed, the other half of the transactionis consolidated to the new structure, creating opening balances for all the accounts. At the site level,

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Incorporating later changes

this has no effect, since a debit and credit for the same amount is posted to the same account on thesame date.

Be aware of the these rules when changing the reporting hierarchy:

• Financial statement reporting at entities only shows data for transactions that occurred during thetime period that the hierarchy was in place.

• When you change an entity's Reports To mapping, there is no historical audit trail of how it wasformerly set up.

• Transactions are consolidated to the current structure only, regardless of effective date of thehierarchy change or the ledger transaction date.

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Incorporating later changes

Appendix A: Replication overview

The information in this appendix is similar to the first chapter in the Mongoose Replication Referenceguide, available on our support site. For more details about how replication works, please refer to thatguide.

Note: Most of this section is intended for users who have sites in different application databases. Ifyou have all of your sites in one application database, see Multiple sites in one database on page 105.

About replicationData replication is the copying of data between SyteLine sites. The site whose data will be copied isthe source, or local, site. The site receiving the copied data is the target, or remote, site.

Replication also allows the system to transmit procedure execution requests (SPs) between the sourceand target sites.

Infor SyteLine supports two replication methods: transactional and non-transactional.

Transactional replication

This method (also sometimes referred to as "synchronous" or "connected") performs updates on thetarget site, based on the transaction being performed at the source site. All changes on both the localdatabase and the target database are committed or rolled back together. Transactional replicationassumes that the source site and the target site are always connected through SQL Server and havethe same database schema (same SyteLine version).

Transactional replication allows immediate updates between databases without the use of queues orXML-formatted content. Only database triggers and direct stored procedure calls are used to replicatethe data.

Data errors (for example, requesting an item that does not exist at the specified remote site) are caughtimmediately, and the system will not allow the user to save the record with the error.

Transactional replication generally should be used between sites on the same intranet. For bestperformance, both site databases should be on SQL Server machines within the same LAN, or evenon the same SQL Server machine.

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Replication overview

Non-transactional replication

This method (also sometimes referred to as "asynchronous" or "delayed") assumes that the sourcesite and target site may not be connected through SQL Server. Non-transactional replication usesinbound/outbound queues and XML documents to transfer data or to pass application calls (remoteprocedure calls, or RPCs).

In a Cloud environment, non-transactional replication is used only for transmission of BODs to andfrom ION.

General notes about replication

You can use transactional replication between some of your sites and non-transactional replicationbetween others; it depends on how the sites are connected and how quickly you want the data to beavailable.

When data is updated in the target system via replication, the replication process bypasses businessrule validation and triggers, so replication should only be performed between "trusted" sites. Referentialintegrity and database-level constraints still apply. Note also that trigger validation is not applied totables in any case.

_All tablesThe application database can include many tables ending in "_all." In a single-site database, thesetables contain data for all sites, while the corresponding base tables contain data only for the local site.The _all tables might include only a subset of the columns from the base table—just enough informationto perform local processing on other sites’ data.


A system has two sites, OH and MI. OH is replicating its billing terms data to MI, and MI is replicatingits billing terms data to OH. The OH_App database has a terms_mst table with these columns androws:



99000210302/10 Net 302%

99003021002/10 Proxy 302%P

99000410304/10 Net 304%

99003041004/10 Proxy 304%P

99000510305/10 Net 305%

The MI_App site database has a terms_mst table with these columns and rows:

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Replication overview



99000000COD OnlyCOD

990000015Net 15 DaysN15

990000030Net 30 DaysN30

990000045Net 45 DaysN45

99000000No TermsNT

990030000Proxy Day 30P30

Both OH and MI also have a terms_mst_all table with these columns and rows:

Notice that the terms_mst_all table has a site_ref column to distinguish the records for each site. Itdoes not include all the columns from the base table - only the ones that typically would be used in amulti-site environment.

When a billing term is added at OH or MI, the _all tables at both sites are updated.


02/10 Net 302%OH

02/10 Proxy 302%POH

04/10 Net 304%OH

04/10 Proxy 304%POH

05/10 Net 305%OH


0Net 15 DaysN15MI

0Net 30 DaysN30MI

0Net 45 DaysN45MI

0No TermsNTMI

0Proxy Day 30P30MI

General notes about _All tables

_All tables at the local site are populated with local site data through database triggers when the basetable is updated. The _all table may also contain remote site data, populated through replication(depending on the replication rules defined at the remote sites).

_All tables are used when the information in a base table is not typically shared among sites (forexample, customer orders or transfers). When the information in a base table is typically shared amongall sites (for example, customer addresses), there may be no need for an _all table. Data is replicated

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Replication overview

directly from the base table in the source site to the base table in the target site. So, such tables usuallyare replicated directly.

Replication categories and rulesFor descriptions of the default replication categories that are included in this application, with detailedinformation about each category, see Sharing data between sites on page 53.

These standard categories have been tested to ensure that they include all the necessary databasetables, stored procedures, and/or XML documents required to replicate the information used in thespecified application function. For example, the A/P category contains the components needed forreplicating your Accounts Payable data, the G/L category contains the components needed for replicatingGeneral Ledger, and so on. The categories can be included "as-is" in your replication rules.

Using categories with rulesTo replicate a category to other sites, create a replication rule for each source-target site combination.For example, if you want to replicate order entry data from site OH to site MI, and you want to usetransactional replication, create a rule in the Replication Rules form at the OH site.

After the rule is defined and saved, click Regenerate Replication Triggers on the ReplicationManagement form. This regenerates the table triggers so that the data is replicated according to thespecifications in the category and rule.

In certain cases, replication rules and categories determine which sites are available when performingSyteLine functions.

For example, if there is no replication rule set up for Centralized Order Entry from the local site to anyother site (or if the rules are disabled), then, when a user accesses the Customer Order Lines format the local site, the form’s Ship Site field is disabled and the order must be shipped from the localsite. If there is at least one enabled replication rule for Centralized Order Entry, the Ship Site field isenabled and lists all available sites. When the user then selects a ship site, the system validates thatthere is an enabled replication rule for Centralized Order Entry from the local site to the selected remotesite. If not, an error message is displayed.

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Replication overview

For most other forms that specify a remote site, the system validates a record against the _all tablesto determine whether the record may be saved. For example, assume you have a transactional replicationrule being used to replicate the Inventory/Transfers category between sites. A person creating a transferorder line at the local site selects a remote site from which the item will be transferred, and then triesto save the record. The system checks the item_mst_all table to determine whether the selected remotesite database contains the specified item. If not, the record validation displays an error.

Point to point replicationReplication is point-to-point between sites. There is no "routing forward."

Consider this example:

• Site A has a rule to Site B that replicates category X (which includes the table xxx).• Site B has a rule to Site C that replicates category X.• Site A does not have a replication rule to Site C that replicates category X.

If the xxx table is updated at Site A, the change is replicated to the xxx table at Site B; however, thatchange is not replicated from Site B to Site C. For an xxx table change at Site A to be replicated at SiteC, there must be a replication rule in Site A that sends that data to Site C as well.

IntranetsWhen you configure a site, you assign it to an intranet on the Sites or Sites/Entities form. Intranetsare used to segregate a company’s sites into virtual groupings that reflect the actual network setup.

Usually, all the sites on the same LAN and/or database server will belong to the same intranet, andusually sites on different database servers are in different intranets, as shown in this flow chart:

However, it is possible to set up sites on the same database server that are in different intranets, asshown in this flow chart:

It is also possible to set up one intranet with sites on different servers, as shown in this flow chart:

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Replication overview

If you have multiple sites in a single application database, and if the sites are sharing _all or user tables(through the Intranet Shared Tables or Intranet Shared User Tables utilities), then all sites in thatdatabase must be on the same intranet.

Generally, transactional replication should be performed only between sites on the same databaseserver, for performance reasons. However, if your database servers are on a very fast network,transactional replication between sites on different servers is possible.

When a system includes multiple intranets on different servers, the data generally should be transferredbetween intranets through non-transactional replication (XML documents). When the schema in thesource and target databases are not identical—for example, SyteLine to another application that usesMongoose, or different versions of your application—an XSL transformation (style sheet) should beused. Each intranet has an ASP page that provides intranet access to the inbound queue. The ASP isthe gateway to other databases. The address of the ASP is defined on the Intranets form.

Master sites and shared tablesIf your environment has many sites, large amounts of shared data, and many users, you may want toset up one site as the master site for an intranet. Master sites are SyteLine sites that control some datafor all other sites on an intranet.

If you use a master site, certain tables can reside only on the master site and are shared (read andwritten to through a SQL view) by other sites on the same intranet. No replication needs to occur forthe shared tables, which can greatly improve system performance and simplify the setting up ofreplication rules.

After you set up a master site for an intranet and share tables between the sites on the intranet, theintranet is considered a "shared table" intranet. You can add new sites to a shared table intranet.Removing sites from a shared table intranet is more complex, because you must first unshare theshared tables (that is, recreate them) at the site being removed from the intranet. For more informationabout sharing and unsharing _all and user tables, see the online help.

For more information about setting up master sites and shared tables, see the online help and the InforSyteLine Multi-Site Implementation Guide.

Multiple sites in one databaseConsider the information in this section when all sites are in a single database.

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Replication overview

Replicating _all tablesIf all sites in your system are in the same application database, the base tables already contain datafor each of the sites, so the _all tables are not populated and are simply views to the base tables. Inthat case, replication of _all table data is not necessary.

Replicating base tablesBase tables can include a multi-site column that contains the site name, so that each site in the databasecan maintain its own records in the table.

You might want to replicate base table data between two sites in the same database. For example,you might want to maintain codes at one site and replicate them to other sites in the database. Whenevera change is made to a code record in the OH site, you want to replicate that change to the MI site. Youcould set up a replication category that includes the code table, with the Retain Site field cleared.(Clearing the Retain Site field allows the system to create or update a record in the same databasetable.) Then you create a rule from OH to MI that includes that category.

Replicating shared tablesShared tables have names that do not end in _all, and they do not contain a site_ref column. Forexample, the Event table is shared. If all sites in your system are in the same application database,the data for these tables is shared across all sites; that is, the data is not split out by site. In that case,replication of shared table data is not necessary.

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Replication overview

Appendix B: Replication category tables

This appendix contains brief descriptions of the objects in each of the predefined categories.

In general, if a replication category includes stored procedures, and the stored procedures are calledby forms or by some other SP, the replication category should only be included in transactional rules.

Caution: Except where specifically noted, these tables and methods are often used by multiple formsand processes, so removing them from a category might have unintended consequences.

A/P categoryUsed forA/P object name

A/P draft transactionsapdraftt_mst_all

Accounts payable parameters - used in A/P payment distributionand generation


A/P check/draft/wire/EFT postingApSitPmtpSp

A/P posted transactions - used in many A/P areasaptrxp_mst_all

Bank addressesbank_addr_mst_all

Bank code and bank file format cross-referencesbank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_all

Bank reconciliation header informationbank_hdr_mst_all

Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Unit codes - chart of accountschart_unitcd1_mst_all

Unit codes - chart of accountschart_unitcd2_mst_all

Unit codes - chart of accountschart_unitcd3_mst_all

Unit codes - chart of accountschart_unitcd4_mst_all

Commissions due - used in A/P payment generation/distributioncommdue_mst_all

Country codes - used throughout the systemcountry_mst

Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst_all

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Replication category tables

Used forA/P object name

Default currency accounts - used in currency codes, A/P andA/R payment, distribution, and quick payments


Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst_all

Currency codes - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Vendor addressesDelVendaddrSp

Euro parameters - used throughout the systemeuro_parms_mst_all

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

Only used by the Journal Transaction Report. If you do not needto see Journal records from another site, this is not needed.


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Accounting periods - used in many financial areasperiods_mst_all

Purchase order parameterspoparms_mst_all

A/P Posted Transaction DetailRemoteSaveAptrxpSp

Update information in the To site for A/P payment posting. Thisinvolves setting the Active flag on the AP Posted Transaction (ifit is not already set),creating a journal (debit) entry to AccountsPayable - Liability, creating a journal (credit) entry to PurchaseExpense - Discount, creating a journal entry to Inter-Site Liability,updating the vendor's discount YTD, and creating an A/P Postedtransaction.


Salespersons - used in A/P payment generation and in the OrderVerification Report


Tax systems - used in A/P payment generation and A/Pcheck/draft/wire/EFT printing/posting


Tax codes - used in A/P payment generation and A/Pcheck/draft/wire/EFT printing/posting


Tax parameters - used in A/P check/draft printing/postingtaxparms_mst_all

Billing terms - used in accounts payable agingterms_mst_all

Thailand localizationTHAApSitPmtpSp

Unit codesunitcd1_mst_all

Unit codesunitcd2_mst_all

Unit codesunitcd3_mst_all

Unit codesunitcd4_mst_all

Voucher register - used in A/P payment generationvch_hdr_mst_all

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Replication category tables

Used forA/P object name

Voucher line item - used in voucher listingvch_item_mst_all

Vendor address - used throughout the systemvendaddr_mst

Vendor categoriesvendcat_mst_all

Vendor information - used throughout the systemvendor_mst_all

Insert/update vendorsVendorInsUpdSp

A/R categoryUsed forA/R object name

A/R multiple due date payment termsar_terms_due_mst_all

Setting Active flag for A/R transactionsARActiveSp

Accounts receivable parametersarparms_mst_all

A/R payment distribution postingARPaymentDistPostingSp

A/R payment posting - copy notesARPayPostRemoteCopyNotesSp

Validate customer number during A/R payment postingArpmtpblSp

Find invoice information from a specified site and apply anopen credit/payment to an invoice during quick payment


Accounts receivable transactionsartran_mst_all

When information is updated on the A/R Posted TransactionDetail form, this is called to update the information on thereferenced site.


Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Unit code - chart of accountschart_unitcd1_mst_all

Unit code - chart of accountschart_unitcd2_mst_all

Unit code - chart of accountschart_unitcd3_mst_all

Unit code - chart of accountschart_unitcd4_mst_all

Customer order parameters (includes invoice length, usedin many A/R functions)


Country codes - used throughout the systemcountry_mst_all

Create an (unposted) A/R invoice using information passedto it from ReturnedChecksSp.


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Replication category tables

Used forA/R object name

Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst_all

Default currency accounts - used in Currency Codes, A/Pand A/R payment, distribution, and quick payments


Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst_all

Currency codes - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Customer letters of creditcust_lcr_mst_all

Customer addresscustaddr_mst

Customer draftcustdrft_mst_all

Customers informationcustomer_mst_all

Customer typescusttype_mst_all

Delete notes tied to a record at a remote siteDeleteRemoteNotesSp

End user typesendtype_mst_all

Euro parameters - used throughout the systemeuro_parms_mst_all

Invoice categoryinv_category_mst_all

Invoice headerinv_hdr_mst_all

Invoice line iteminv_item_mst_all

Invoice sales taxinv_stax_mst_all

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and up-dates the matching system, user, or specific note. If the notedoes not exist, it is created.


Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumesthe system, user, or specific notes records have alreadybeen created.


Mexican localizationMXVATARMultiSiteTransDirSp

System, user, or specific note information used to populatethe appropriate notes record at the remote site.


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Accounting periods - used in many financial areasperiods_mst_all

Rebalance customer balancesRebalCuSp

Corporate customer for A/R transactionsRemoteSetArtranCorpCustSp

Sales teamsales_team_mst_all

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Replication category tables

Used forA/R object name

Sales territoryterritory_mst_all

Allow all the notes for a particular row of a table to be copiedto a remote site.


Unit codeunitcd1_mst_all

Unit codeunitcd2_mst_all

Unit codeunitcd3_mst_all

Unit codeunitcd4_mst_all

Update customer order balanceUpdObalSp

Update posted balanceUpdPbalSp

CCI Centralized Order Entry categoryUsed forCCI object name

Credit Card Interface parameterscci_parms_mst

Credit Card order entry informationCCICentralOrderEntryReplicateSp

Centralized Order Entry categoryUsed forCOE object name

Accounts receivable parametersarparms_mst_all

Attributes in a configurationcfg_attr_mst_all

Components in a configurationcfg_comp_mst_all

Configuration descriptioncfg_main_mst_all

Configuration reference type informationcfg_ref_mst_all

Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping froma different site than the order site.


Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping froma different site than the order site.


Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping froma different site than the order site.


Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 111

Replication category tables

Used forCOE object name

Used in processing configured order lines that are shipping froma different site than the order site.


Used in processing configured order lines to set the item andconfiguration in the order site.


Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Change the status in the shipping site (if not currently in theshipping site)


History customer order line/releasecitemh_mst_all

Blanket ordersco_bln_mst_all

Customer ordersco_mst_all

Customer order shipment approvalco_ship_approval_log_mst_all

Customer order shipmentsco_ship_mst_all

Change customer order statusCoChangeToHistSp

History customer orderscoh_mst_all

Delete customer order history at shipping siteCohShipSiteDelSp

Only used by the Item Product Code Cost Detail Sales AnalysisReport.


Customer order linescoitem_mst_all

Replicate CO line (multi-site)CoitemSp

Change the warehouse on the customer order line in the ship-ping site


Change the warehouse on the customer order line in the origi-nating site


Order entry parameterscoparms_mst_all

Copy notes from original siteCopyNotesFromOrigSiteSp

Countries (local site)country_mst

Countries (includes remote sites)country_mst_all

Recopy columns back to the originating site when updated onthe ship-site for blanket lines


Copy a blanket line to the ship-site and perform secondaryposting


Recopy columns back to the originating site when updated onthe ship-site for regular lines.


Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 112

Replication category tables

Used forCOE object name

Copy a customer order line to the ship-site and perform sec-ondary posting


Delete a blanket line to be replaced due to copyingCpSoCpSoDbSp

Delete a customer order line to be replaced due to copyingCpSoCpSoDiSp

Delete a ship-site customer order that no longer has any linesCpSoCpSoDoSp

Sum the order balance at the ship-site for setting the customerorder balance


Create a customer order line Change Log record for eachblanket release of a blanket line


Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst_all

Create a curracct row in the remote site for the currency rowjust added in the local site. (The record is created but accountinformation is not replicated.)


Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst_all

Currency codescurrency_mst

Currency codes (includes remote sites)currency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Customer letters of creditcust_lcr_mst_all

Customer addressescustaddr_mst


Delete specified blanket order lineDelCoBlnSp

Delete specified customer order lineDeleteCoitemSp

Delete the customer order from remote (ship) sitesDeleteCoSp

Delete notes tied to a record at a remote siteDeleteRemoteNotesSp

Euro parameters - used throughout the systemeuro_parms_mst_all

Feature option adjustment. Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.


Feature rankfeatrank_mst_all

Feature group. Used only with the product (features-and-options)configurator.


Invoice headerinv_hdr_mst_all

Invoice line iteminv_item_mst_all

Invoice sales taxinv_stax_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 113

Replication category tables

Used forCOE object name

When posting an invoice adjustment, this updates the discountand price on the customer order line (potentially cross-site)


Global Itemsitem_glbl

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

Create item from feature stringItemCreateFromFeatStrSp

Customer/item cross referenceitemcust_mst_all

Historical customer item pricingitemcustprice_mst_all

Add or delete a global itemItemGlblAddDelSp

Item stockroom locationitemloc_mst_all

Create a coitem-log record.ItemlogSp

Item priceitemprice_mst_all

Item warehouseitemwhse_mst_all


Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and updatesthe matching system, user, or specific note. If the note does notexist, it is created.


Location codeslocation_mst_all

Lots - used throughout the systemlot_mst_all

Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumesthe system, user, or specific notes records have already beencreated.


System, user, or specific note information used to populate theappropriate notes record at the remote site.


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Accounting periods - used in many financial areasperiods_mst_all

Price codespricecode_mst_all

Price formulaspriceformula_mst_all

Price matrixpricematrix_mst_all

Project bill of lading line itemproj_inv_item_mst_all

Rebalance customer balancesRebalCuSp

As part of the process to take orders off of credit hold, thischanges the credit hold information for each customer order inthe range and then calls RemoteCoHld5Sp.


Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 114

Replication category tables

Used forCOE object name

As part of the process to take orders off of credit hold, thischanges the information in the shipping site.


Put orders on credit hold in each site listed in the site group.RemoteOrderCreditHoldSp

Corporate customers in A/R transactionsRemoteSetArtranCorpCustSp

Called after the planner completes to replicate CO Line projecteddates to the originating sites


Replicate blanket order.RepCoBlnSp

Replicate credit hold information.RepCoCreditHoldSp

Replicate customer order line (multi-site).RepCoitemSp

Replicate customer order (multi-site).RepCoSp

Replicate information for the Bill-To customer (customer se-quence = 0). This is called when replicating a customer orderto conditionally create the customer record.


Replicate information for the Ship-To customer (customer se-quence > 0). This is called when replicating a customer orderto conditionally create the customer record.



Recalculate taxes on a customer order and assign the total priceSumCoSp

Item tax codetax_item_jur_mst_all

Tax jurisdictiontax_jur_mst_all

Transfer orderstransfer_mst_all

Allow all the notes for a particular row of a table to be copied toa remote site.


Units of measureu_m_conv_mst_all

Unit of measure conversionsu_m_mst_all

Update customer order balanceUpdObalSp

Customer Portal categoryUsed forCustomer Portal object name

Prices on portal itemsitem_portal_price_mst_all

Status change on portal item pricesItemPortalPriceStatusChangeSp

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 115

Replication category tables

Used forCustomer Portal object name

Creating or copying portal user accountsPortalAccountCreateOrCopySp

Check if order is on holdPortalOrderOnHoldCheckSp

Dimensions categoryUsed forDimensions object name





Dimension attributesdim_attribute

Dimension base unitsdim_base_unit

Dimension functionsdim_function

Dimension object attributesdim_object_attribute

Dimension table joinsdim_object_table_join

Dimension unitsdim_unit

Dimension unit prefixesdim_unit_prefix


Dimension objectsdimension_object

Accounting periodGetPeriod



ESB categoryThis category contains methods used to clear the site's ReplQlistener BOD definition cache and PARMScache and to trigger each BOD. The method are used only as a triggering mechanism in theReplQListener service. For more information about how this works, see the online help topic "Behindthe Scenes: How the System Generates a BOD."

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 116

Replication category tables

For information about the user events that trigger each BOD, see the appropriate integration guide orthe Documentation tab on the Replication Document Outbound Cross-References form.

EXTFIN categoryUsed forEXTFIN object name

Export data from the SyteLine ana_ledger table.ExtFinAnaLedgerPosting

Export data from the SyteLine export_aptrx and ex-port_aptrxd tables, which are holding tables for datacollected from various A/P tables.


Export data from the SyteLine export_arinv and ex-port_arinvd tables, which are holding tables for datacollected from various A/R tables.


Export data from the SyteLine ledger table.ExtFinLedgerPosting

Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine bank_hdr table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine chart table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine country table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine currate table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine currency table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor a customer’s posted balance.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine dept table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine LanguageIDs table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine periods table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine taxcode table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine terms table.


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Replication category tables

Used forEXTFIN object name

Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine unitcd1 table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine unitcd2 table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine unitcd3 table.


Export a request to the external financial applicationfor updates to the SyteLine unitcd4 table.


EXTFIN Customer categoryUsed forEXTFIN Customer object name

Export SyteLine custaddr information to an external financialapplication.


Export SyteLine customer information to an external financialapplication.


EXTFIN Vendor categoryUsed forEXTFIN Vendor object name

Export SyteLine vendaddr information to an external financialapplication.


Export SyteLine vendor information to an external financial ap-plication.


G/L categoryUsed forG/L object name

Analytical ledger transactionsana_ledger_mst_all

Analytical ledger period totalana_pertot_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 118

Replication category tables

Used forG/L object name

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToCopyChartSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToCopyPeriodSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToCSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToDelPeriodsSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToPSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToSetCurrCodeSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToZSp

Budget and planschart_bp_mst_all

Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Unit code 1 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd1_mst_all

Unit code 2 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd2_mst_all

Unit code 3 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd3_mst_all

Unit code 4 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd4_mst_all

Replicate changes to chart of accounts to remote sitesChartAcctRemoteSp

Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst_all

Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst_all

Currency codes (local) - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Delete notes tied to a record at a remote siteDeleteRemoteNotesSp

Euro parameters - used throughout the systemeuro_parms_mst_all


Transfer line to remote siteFinRptLinRmtSiteTransSp

Called from Financial Report Line Copy to create the completeFinancial Statement in the destination site.


Commits budget by moving tmp_chart_bp_entity to chart_bp;adds unit codes if they don't exist.


Used in budget consolidationGLBudgetConsChartBpUpdateSp

Delete hierarchy from chart_bpGlBudgetDelChartbpSp

G/L report lineglrptl_mst_all

Only used by the Journal Transaction Report. If you do notneed to see Journal records from another site, this is notneeded.


Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 119

Replication category tables

Used forG/L object name

Ledger transactionsledger_mst_all

Add new transaction records into the entity ledger (for ledgerconsolidation). Also insert records into unitcd{1-4} tablesbased upon unit codes within ledger rows that are consolidat-ed.


Update the CTA account (for ledger consolidation)LedgerConsolConsolCtaSp

Adjust the CTA amount (for ledger consolidation)LedgerConsolCtaAdjSp

Intermediate step in ledger consolidationLedgerConsolLedgerSp

Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and updatesthe matching system, user, or specific note. If the note doesnot exist, it is created.


Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumesthe system, user, or specific notes records have already beencreated.


System, user, or specific note information used to populatethe appropriate notes record at the remote site.


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Period total sort methodper_sort_mst_all

Unit code combinationper_unit_mst_all

Accounting periods - used in many financial areasperiods_mst_all

Delete accounting periods for a fiscal yearPeriodsRemoteDeleteSp

Add or update accounting periods for a sitePeriodsRemoteSaveSp

Period totalpertot_mst_all

Multi-site chart copyRepChartSp

Site hierarchysite_hierarchy

Financial report line copy/updatetmp_fin_rpt_hdr_c_xml

Financial report line copy/updatetmp_fin_rpt_hdr_xml

Financial report line copy/updatetmp_fin_rpt_lin_c_xml

Financial report line copy/updatetmp_fin_rpt_lin_s_xml

Financial report line copy/updatetmp_fin_rpt_lin_xml

Allow all the notes for a particular row of a table to be copiedto a remote site.


Unit Code 1unitcd1_mst_all

Unit Code 2unitcd2_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 120

Replication category tables

Used forG/L object name

Unit Code 3unitcd3_mst_all

Unit Code 4unitcd4_mst_all

Initialize _All Parameters categoryUsed forInitialize _All Parameters object


Accounts payable parametersapparms_mst_all

APS parametersaps_parm_mst_all

Accounts receivable parametersarparms_mst_all

Customer order parameterscoparms_mst_all

Currency parameterscurrency_mst_all

Currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Data collection parametersdcparm_mst_all

European community parameterseuro_parms_mst_all

Inventory parametersinvparms_mst_all

MRP parametersmrp_parm_mst_all

General parametersparms_mst_all

Accounting period parametersper_sort_mst_all

Purchasing parameterspoparms_mst_all

Tax parameterstax_system_mst_all

Tax parameterstaxparms_mst_all

Inventory/Transfers categoryUsed forInv/Transfer object name

Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Unit code 1 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd1_mst_all

Unit code 2 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd2_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 121

Replication category tables

Used forInv/Transfer object name

Unit code 3 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd3_mst_all

Unit code 4 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd4_mst_all

Validate serial numbers (matching item/has an available status)ChkSnSp

Transfer order ship/receiveCLM_TransferOrderShpRcvSp


Copy transfer orders and linesCpTSp

Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst_all

Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst_all

Currency codes (local) - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Data Collection parametersdcparm_mst_all

Delivery Termsdel_term_mst_all

Delete notes tied to a record at a remote siteDeleteRemoteNotesSp

Euro parameters - used throughout the systemeuro_parms_mst_all

Feature option adjustment. Used only with the product (fea-tures-and-options) configurator.


Feature group. Used only with the product (features-and-op-tions) configurator.


Record date for transfer to siteGetTransferToSiteRecordDateSp

Issues material and adjusts quantity-on-hand at a warehouse,location, and lot.


Item lot attributesInsertOverrideForItemLotAttrSp

Item piecesInsertOverrideForItemPiecesSp


Inventory parametersinvparms_mst_all

Global Itemsitem_glbl

Cross-reference of SyteLine item to manufacturer itemitem_manufacturer_item_mst_all

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

Add or delete a global itemItemGlblAddDelSp

Item stockroom locationitemloc_mst_all

Performs either a local or a remote call for the ItemLocAddSproutine (which creates itemloc records)


Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 122

Replication category tables

Used forInv/Transfer object name

Item priceitemprice_mst_all

Item warehouseitemwhse_mst_all

Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.jobmatl_mst_all

Used only with the product (features-and-options) configurator.jobroute_mst_all

Create a Landed Cost receipt record.LcrcptSp

Replicated notesLoadReplicatedNotesSp

Location codeslocation_mst_all

Item Lot Location - used throughout the systemlot_loc_mst_all

Lots - used throughout the systemlot_mst_all

Called at a remote site from the local site's LotAddSp routinewhen the lot being added goes to a remote site.


Object notesMakeRemoteObjectNotesSp

Manufacturer itemsmanufacturer_item_mst_all

Manufacturers of itemsmanufacturer_mst_all

Lot and serial number trackingmatltrack_mst_all

Manufacturing daysmcal_mst_all

Process transfer orders in multi-site move postingMsmpTSp


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Accounting periods - used in many financial areasperiods_mst_all

Price codespricecode_mst_all

Price formulaspriceformula_mst_all

Price matrixpricematrix_mst_all

Product codesprodcode_mst_all

Feature qualifying stringqualify_mst_all

Copy the tmp_ser serial number information to a remote site.RemoteLoadTmpSerSp

Replicate APS itemRepAPSTrnItemSp

Reservation - used in many areas of the systemrsvd_inv_mst_all

Serial numbers - used in many areas of the systemserial_mst_all

Ship codesshipcode_mst_all

Sites/entities - used throughout the systemsite

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 123

Replication category tables

Used forInv/Transfer object name

System typessystem_type

Nature of transaction codestrans_nature_2_mst_all

Secondary nature of transaction codestrans_nature_mst_all

Copy Transfer Order record changes to a remote site. If thesites have different base currencies, the freight, duty, insurance,local freight and brokerage amounts are converted to the othersite's currency during the copy process.


Delete a transfer order.TransDeleteSp

Transfer orderstransfer_mst_all

Include transfer order notesTransferNotesToSiteSp

Transfer order shipTransferOrderShipSp

Delete a transfer order line item.TritemDeleteSp

Copy Transfer Order item record changes to a remote site. Ifthe sites have differenct base currencies, the costs and priceare converted o the "other" site's currency during the copyprocess.


Copy Transfer Order SSD information to a remote site.TrnSsdSp

Delete Transfer Orders and related records from remote sitesTrpurge1Sp

Unit of measure conversionu_m_conv_mst_all

Unit of measure codes (all sites)u_m_mst_all

Unit Code 1unitcd1_mst_all

Unit Code 2unitcd2_mst_all

Unit Code 3unitcd3_mst_all

Unit Code 4unitcd4_mst_all

Item piecesUpdateOverrideForItemPiecesSp

Update transfer order exchange rateUpdateTransferExchRateSp

Update warehouse information - used in Combine TransferOrder Ship/Receive



Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 124

Replication category tables

Invoice Builder categoryUsed forInvoice Builder object name


A/R transactionsartran_mst_all

Automotive Industry Pack postingAU_InvPostingSp

Submit background taskBGTaskSubmitSp

Customer order parameters (includes invoice length, used inmany A/R functions)


General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Customer addresscustaddr_mst

Customers informationcustomer_mst_all

External financialsExtFinAddBatchToBGQueueSp

Invoice headerinv_hdr_mst_all

Invoice line iteminv_item_mst_all

Invoice sales taxinv_stax_mst_all

Copy invoiceInvoiceBuilderCopySp

Reprint invoiceInvoiceBuilderReprintSp

Invoicing background taskInvoicingBGSp

Invoice posting - invoice/voucher distributionInvPostingArinvdSnapShotSp

Invoice posting - auto distributionInvPostingAutoDistSp

Invoice posting - create temp tableInvPostingCreateTTSp

Lock journal during invoice postingInvPostingLockJournSp

Invoice postingInvPostingSp

Invoice postingInvPostingVerifyPrintSp

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all


Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 125

Replication category tables

Journal Builder categoryUsed forJournal Builder object name

Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Unit code 1 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd1_mst_all

Unit code 2 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd2_mst_all

Unit code 3 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd3_mst_all

Unit code 4 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd4_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Validation and processing of transactions listed in JournalBuilder


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Display unit code descriptionunitcd1_mst_all

Display unit code descriptionunitcd2_mst_all

Display unit code descriptionunitcd3_mst_all

Display unit code descriptionunitcd4_mst_all

Ledger Consolidation categoryUsed forLedger Console object name

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToCopyChartSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToCopyPeriodSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToCSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToDelPeriodsSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToPSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToSetCurrCodeSp

Changes for reporting to different entityChangeReportsToZSp

Chart of accounts (replicates only to child sites) - usedthroughout the system


Replicate changes to chart of accounts to remote sitesChartAcctRemoteSp

Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst_all

Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 126

Replication category tables

Used forLedger Console object name

Currency codes (local) - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Delete remote notesDeleteRemoteNotesSp

Euro parameters - used throughout the systemeuro_parms_mst_all

Commits budget by moving tmp_chart_bp_entity to chart_bp;adds unit codes if they don't exist.


Used in budget consolidationGLBudgetConsChartBpUpdateSp

Delete hierarchy from chart_bpGlBudgetDelChartbpSp

Add new transaction records into the entity ledger (for ledgerconsolidation). Also insert records into unitcd{1-4} tablesbased upon unit codes within ledger rows that are consolidat-ed.


Update the CTA account (for ledger consolidation)LedgerConsolConsolCtaSp

Adjust the CTA amount (for ledger consolidation)LedgerConsolCtaAdjSp

Intermediate step in ledger consolidationLedgerConsolLedgerSp

Take a row out of the NotesContentShadow table and up-dates the matching system, user, or specific note. If the notedoes not exist, it is created.


Create an ObjectNotes record at the remote site. It assumesthe system, user, or specific notes records have already beencreated.


System, user, or specific note information used to populatethe appropriate notes record at the remote site.


General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Accounting periods - used in many financial areasperiods_mst_all

Delete accounting periods for a fiscal yearPeriodsRemoteDeleteSp

Add or update accounting periods for a sitePeriodsRemoteSaveSp

Multi-site chart copyRepChartSp

Transfer notes to a remote siteTransferNotesToSiteSp

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 127

Replication category tables

Ledger Detail categoryUsed forLedger Detail object name

Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Material transactionsmatltran_amt_mst_all

Material transaction amountsmatltran_mst_all

Voucher pre-registervch_pr_mst_all

Voucher pre-register sales taxvch_pr_stax_mst_all

Manufacturer Item categoryUsed forManufacturer Item object name

Cross-reference of SyteLine item to manufacturer itemitem_manufacturer_item_mst_all

Items manufactured by other companiesmanufacturer_item_mst_all

Manufacturers of itemsmanufacturer_mst_all

MTD categoryUsed forMaking Tax Digital (MTD) object


A/P transactionsaptrx_mst_all

A/P posted transactionsaptrxp_mst_all

Currency codescurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Invoice headerinv_hdr_mst_all

Invoice sales taxinv_stax_mst_all

VAT stampsLogVatReturnStampSp

MTD Transactions Reset UtilityMTDTransactionsResetUtilitySp

Tax parameterstax_system_mst_all

Tax codestaxcode_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 128

Replication category tables

Used forMaking Tax Digital (MTD) objectname

Tax parameterstaxparms_mst_all

Voucher sales taxvch_stax_mst_all


Multi-Site Home form categoriesThese categories allow you to view related information from other sites in the appropriate Home form:

• Multi-Site Buyer• Multi-Site Controller• Multi-Site CRM (Salesperson Home)• Multi-Site Controller• Multi-Site Customer Service• Multi-Site Inventory Control• Multi-Site Production Planner• Multi-Site Project Manager

Multi-Site BOM Builder categoryUsed forMulti-Site BOM Builder object name

Current material referencesCreateCurrentMaterialReferenceSp

Current materialsCreateCurrentMaterialSp

Resource groupsCreateCurrentOperationResourceGroupSp

Current routing and schedulingCreateCurrentOperationSp

Item feature rankingCreateItemFeatureRankSp

BOM notesCreateRemoteNoteSp

Overall copy of BOMMultiSiteBOMCopySp

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 129

Replication category tables

Multi-Site Customers categoryUsed forMulti-Site Customers object name

Bank informationbank_hdr_mst_all

Countries - used throughout the systemcountry_mst

Currency codes - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst

Currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all


Insert/update customersCustomerInsUpdSp

Insert/update customer ship-tosCustShipToInsUpdSp

Delivery termsdel_term_mst_all

End user type (sales accounts)endtype_mst_all

Invoice categoriesinv_category_mst_all

Price codespricecode_mst_all

Reason codesreason_mst_all

Sales teamssales_team_mst_all

Ship codesshipcode_mst_all

Billing termsterms_mst_all

Sales territoriesterritory_mst_all

Secondary NOTC codestrans_nature_2_mst_all

NOTC codestrans_nature_mst_all

Multi-Site Items categoryUsed forMulti-Site Items object name

APS parametersaps_parm_mst_all

Item attribute groupsattribute_group_mst_all

Item attribute valuesattribute_value_mst_all

Commodity codescommodity_mst_all


General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 130

Replication category tables

Used forMulti-Site Items object name

Distribution accountsdistacct_mst_all


Family codesfamcode_mst_all


Inventory parametersinvparms_mst_all

Item information - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

Insert/update itemsItemInsUpdSp


Item piecesitempiece_mst_all


Job information - used throughout the systemjob_mst_all

Job materialsjobmatl_mst_all

Job routingsjobroute_mst_all

Item locationslocation_mst_all

Purchase order parameterspoparms_mst_all

Co-product mixesprod_mix_mst_all

Product codesprodcode_mst_all

Reason codesreason_mst_all

Setup groupssetupgroup_mst_all

Tax free import itemstax_free_import_item_mst_all

Unit of measuresu_m_mst_all


Planning categoryUsed forPlanning object name

Bulk deletion of planned transfer demand recordsRepApsTplnBulkDelSp

Delete planned transfer demand recordsRepApsTplnDelSp

Create the planned transfer demand at the supplying siteRepApsTplnSp

Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide | 131

Replication category tables

PO - CO - Across Sites categoryUsed forPO-CO object name

Configuration detailscfg_main_mst_all

Customer ordersco_bln_mst_all

Blanket ordersco_mst_all

Customer order linescoitem_mst_all


General currency parameterscurrency_mst_all

Customer letters of creditcust_lcr_mst_all

Customer addressescustaddr_mst


Delivery termsdel_term_mst_all

Unlink the Source Site to remove the PO-CO relationship.DemandingPoCoUnlinkSp

From the Demanding Site to the Source Site, generate andsync the Source Site CO based on changes to the DemandingSite’s PO.


Item warehouseitemwhse_mst_all

Transfer demand PO line notes to source site customer orderline


Material transactionsmatltran_mst_all

General parametersparms_mst_all

Purchase orderspo_bln_mst_all

Blanket purchase orderspo_mst_all

Purchase order linespoitem_mst_all

Preassigned lotspreassigned_lot_mst_all

Serial numbersserial_mst_all


Synchronize customer order from purchase orderSyncCoFromPoSp

On shipping of the CO, update the PO based on flag settingsUpdateCoNumonDemandingPoSp


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Replication category tables

Purchase Order Builder categoryUsed forPO Builder object name

Accounts payable parameters - used in A/P payment distribu-tion and generation


Bank header bank file format informationbank_hdr_bank_file_fmt_mst_all

In print site, update temp table with PO data from remote sites,to create Builder PO Report


Chart of accounts (replicates only to child sites) - usedthroughout the system


Unit code 1 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd1_mst_all

Unit code 2 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd2_mst_all

Unit code 3 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd3_mst_all

Unit code 4 information on chart of accountschart_unitcd4_mst_all

Currency codes (local) - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Loads PLN data from other siteExecuteSQLSp

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Purchase orderspo_bln_mst_all

Blanket purchase orderspo_mst_all

Copy temp table data from Builder PO site to target sitesPOBuilderCopySp

Create PO in target sitePOBuilderCreateSp

Purchase order linespoitem_mst_all

Shipping codesshipcode_mst_all

Ship To informationshipto_mst_all

Unit of measure codes (all sites)u_m_conv_mst_all

Unit of measure conversionu_m_mst_all

Unit code descriptionunitcd1_mst_all

Unit code descriptionunitcd2_mst_all

Unit code descriptionunitcd3_mst_all

Unit code descriptionunitcd4_mst_all

Vendor categoriesvendcat_mst_all

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Replication category tables

Used forPO Builder object name

Vendor information - used throughout the systemvendor_mst_all


Service - Global Incidents categoryUsed forService- Global Incidents

object name

Delete remote notesDeleteRemoteNotesSp


Service event codefs_event_code_mst

Service eventfs_event_mst

Service event - remote sitesfs_event_mst_all

Incident reasonfs_inc_reason_mst

Incident statusfs_inc_stat_mst


Incidents - remote sitesfs_incident_mst_all


Priority codesfs_prior_code_mst

General reasonsfs_reas_gen_mst

Specific reasonsfs_reas_spec_mst



Service order linesfs_sro_line_mst_all

Service ordersfs_sro_mst_all

Service order operationsfs_sro_oper_mst_all

Status codesfs_stat_code_mst

Create or copy service ordersSSSFSSROCopyCreateS-roSp

Copy linesSSSFSSROCopyLinesSp

Copy lines to remote sitesTransferNotesToSiteSp

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Replication category tables

Service - Global Scheduling Shared Partners categoryUsed forService- Global Scheduling

Shared Partner object name


Appointment statusfs_appt_stat_mst

Appointment typefs_appt_type_mst


Partner areafs_partner_area_mst

Partner certificationfs_partner_cert_mst

Partner locationfs_partner_loc_mst


Partner skillsfs_partner_skill_mst

Partner teamsfs_partner_team_mst



Service order linesfs_sro_line_mst_all

Service ordersfs_sro_mst_all

Service order operationsfs_sro_oper_mst_all


Service - Global Service History categoryUsed forService- Global Service History

object name


Contract linesfs_cont_line_mst_all



Service eventsfs_event_mst_all



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Replication category tables

Used forService- Global Service Historyobject name

Service order linesfs_sro_line_mst_all

Service ordersfs_sro_mst_all

Service order operationsfs_sro_oper_mst_all

Unit configurationsfs_unit_cons_mst_all

Unit meteringfs_unit_meter_mst_all


Unit statusfs_unit_stat_mst_all

Service - Global Units categoryUsed forService - Global Units object name




Unit configurationsfs_unit_cons_mst


Unit status codesfs_unit_stat_code_mst

Unit statusfs_unit_stat_mst

Unit warrantysfs_unit_warr_mst

Unit warranty codesfs_warr_code_mst


Service warehouseswhse_mst_all

Service - Multi-Site SRO Copy categoryUsed forService - Multi-Site SRO Copy object


Copy service order to remote siteSSSFSMultiSiteSroCopySp

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Replication category tables

Used forService - Multi-Site SRO Copy objectname

Copy service order to remote siteSSSFSMultiSiteSroSubCopySp

Shared Currency categoryUsed forShared Curr object name

Country codes - used throughout the systemcountry_mst

Customs and excise exchange ratescurr_uk_mst

Create a curracct row in the remote site for the currencyrow just added in the local site. (The record is createdbut account information is not replicated.)


Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrate_mst

Currency rates - used throughout the systemcurrency_mst

Site Admin categoryUsed forSite Admin object name

Chart of accounts - used throughout the systemchart_mst_all

Define variables for translation stringsDefineVariableSp

Email type from UsersEmailType


Intranet shared tablesIntranetSharedTable

Password verificationPasswordParameters

Bulk copy of data between connected databasesRemoteDataPullSp

Sites/entities - used throughout the systemsite

Site groups - used throughout the systemsite_group

Site hierarchy (Reports To entity)site_hierarchy

Linked sitessite_link_info

Inter-site parameterssitenet_mst

System typessystem_type

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Replication category tables

Used forSite Admin object name

Update _All tablesUpdateAllTablesSp

User password, e-mail address, and workstation loginUserNamesRemoteUpdateSp

Vendor Portal categoryUsed forVendor Portal object name

Create or copy portal user accountPortalAccountCreateOrCopySp

Voucher Builder categoryUsed forVoucher Builder object name

A/P transactionsaptrx_mst_all

A/P posted transactions - used in many A/P areasaptrxp_mst_all

General currency parameterscurrparms_mst_all

Items - used throughout the systemitem_mst_all

Landed cost receiptslc_rcpt_mst_all

Manual voucher builderManualVoucherBuilderProcessSp

General parameters - used throughout the systemparms_mst_all

Purchase orderspo_mst_all

Purchase order receiptspo_rcpt_mst_all

Purchase order voucher logpo_vch_mst_all

Purchase order linespoitem_mst_all

Purchase order parameterspoparms_mst_all

Tax systems - used in A/P payment generation and A/Pcheck/draft/wire/EFT printing/posting


Nature of transaction codestrans_nature_2_mst_all

Secondary nature of transaction codestrans_nature_mst_all

Unit of measure codes (all sites)u_m_conv_mst_all

Unit of measure conversionu_m_mst_all

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Replication category tables

Used forVoucher Builder object name

Voucher registervch_hdr_mst_all

Vendor addressesvendaddr_mst

Vendor information - used throughout the systemvendor_mst_all

Copy selected tmp_voucher_builder rows from BuilderVoucher originating site to target site


Runs in the site where voucher or an adjustment needs tobe created. Performs validations based on target site's data,calls procedures to calculate taxes based on target site'stax codes, and calls procedures to create one un-postedvoucher, voucher distributions including tax distributions,and voucher register rows.


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Replication category tables


A/PAccounts payable

A/RAccounts receivable

APSAdvanced Planning System, which generates real-timeprojections of when you can complete orders by comparingall demands (such as customer orders) against a long-termplan. The system views the current status of inventorylevels, forecasts, job schedules, PO due dates, customerorders, etc. and creates planned orders accordingly tosatisfy the demands. You then "firm" the planned ordersinto purchase orders, purchase requisitions, job orders,production schedules, or transfer orders.

Asynchronous replicationAnother term sometimes used for non-transactionalreplication.

ATPAvailable to Promise function of APS.

BODBusiness Object Document, an XML document standarddefined by Open Applications Group IntegrationSpecifications (OAGIS). This type of document is usedwhen interfacing with many other Infor applications.

BOMBill of Material, which is a listing of all the subassemblies,intermediates, parts, and raw materials that go into a parentassembly showing the quantity of each required to makean assembly.

COCustomer order

CPMInfor performance management solution providing a closedloop between strategy, planning, budgeting, financialreporting and analysis. CPM interfaces with SyteLine andalso with Infor financial management solutions.

CPQProduct configuration application that interfaces withSyteLine. Formerly known as BuyDesign or PCM.

CTPCapable to Promise function of APS

Data collectionCollection of data through handheld devices or barcodereaders.

EAMInfor enterprise asset management application thatinterfaces with SyteLine.

EDIElectronic Data Interchange, which allows companies toexchange transaction data through data files in an ANSIstandard format. SyteLine is integrated with an EDItranslator. SyteLine imports inbound transactions from thetranslator and exports outbound transactions to thetranslator.

EntityA level of business operation with a complete set offinancial statements, its own defined currency code andrates, and its own chart of accounts and accountingperiods. An entity does not allow for business activity asidefrom period, chart, and currency maintenance and thereporting of its consolidated ledger and budgets. SeeEntities on page 32.

FOBFree On Board. The site designated as the FOB pointcontrols much of the SyteLine costing functionality. In theTransfer Order system, you can identify the FOB point aseither the Ship Site or the Receive Site. You must specifythe FOB point for all inter-company movements.

FormIn the SyteLine user interface, the equivalent of a screenor a window.

G/LGeneral ledger

IntranetIn SyteLine, represents a logical grouping of sites in yourenterprise. An intranet may represent a grouping ofSyteLine sites that exist together on a high-speed network,and for which you want common administration. (Commonadministration can include replication, or creation of mastersites.) An intranet may also represent an externalnon-SyteLine system, allowing you to set up replicationrules between SyteLine sites and external systems.

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Landed costIncludes freight, duty, brokerage, insurance, and localfreight on purchase orders, transfer orders, or goodsreceiving notes.

License moduleTracks user access to certain specified functionality withinSyteLine, for auditing purposes. You purchase specificlicense modules based on your company's needs.

For example, if your company is planning to use APS, youwould purchase the AdvancePlanningScheduling licensemodule.

Lot-tracked itemItem that is marked as being in a specific lot, which is aquantity produced together and sharing the sameproduction costs and resulting specifications.

Master siteSyteLine site that controls some data for all other sites onan intranet. For example, master sites are used with theMulti-Site Shared Tables feature.

MRPMaterial Requirements Planning, which plans requirementsin order by the lowest level in which the item appears in abill of material. That is, it plans all end items first, then allitems at the next level, and so on, backward planning eachrequirement from the requirement's needed date to theitem's lead time, batching together requirements neededat the same period of time.

Multi-site tableA database table that includes a site_ref column. Recordsfor various sites are stored in the table, and the value ofthe site_ref column determines which site the recordbelongs in.

Non-transactional replicationUses inbound/outbound queues and XML documents toreplicate content (data) or to pass application calls (RPCs).Non-transactional replication can occur at any of theseintervals: Immediate (which means updates go directly intothe replication queue), or at a set number of minutes, hours,or days. Once the data is in the queue, it will be processedby the Replication service when the specified time intervalhas elapsed.

PLMInfor product lifecycle management application thatinterfaces with SyteLine

POPurchase order

PortalSiteGroup data sourceThe multiplex data source that includes all SyteLine sitesthat are included in the portal group of sites.

PrimarySite data sourceFor Customer Portal and Vendor Portal, the data sourcethat points to a site in the portal site group. This site is thedefault data source, where all items and item categories,and certain other data, are maintained.

Pro forma invoiceA document that verifies the value of goods, when thegoods cross borders. The value of goods is in thefrom-warehouse's or the from-site's domestic currency.Although pro forma invoices are typically used forinternational shipping transactions, you can also use themfor domestic shipping transactions if desired.

Pull transactionTransaction that moves or transfers material from Site Bto Site A.

For example, Site A moves material from Site B. Site A isconsidered the To Site and Site B is considered the FromSite. The quantity will be moved from Site B to Site A. Thequantity comes from Site B to Site A. The transaction usesthe cost/price of Site B.

Push transactionTransaction that moves or transfers material from Site Ato Site B.

For example, Site A moves material to Site B. Site A isconsidered the From Site and Site B is considered the ToSite. The quantity will be moved from Site A to Site B. Thequantity comes from the From Site. The transaction usesthe cost/price of Site A.

ReplicationThe copying of data between SyteLine sites

SiteLogically, any place where work is done. Thus, a site cancorrespond to company headquarters, a manufacturingplant, a distribution center, or a legal company that requiresfinancial reporting. Even if all of these facilities share asingle physical building, each can be considered a logicalsite.

Synchronous replicationAnother term sometimes used for transactional replication

TokenAllows one user login for a specified license module, underNamed User or Concurrent User licensing.

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Transactional replicationA live constant connection from one site to another.SyteLine replicates the transaction to the remote site assoon as the user at one site saves changes. It assumesthat both the source and target sites are always connectedthrough SQL Server and have the same schema.

TriggerA special class of stored procedure defined to executeautomatically when an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETEstatement is issued against a database table or view. Sitesuse triggers to enforce business rules automatically whendata is modified.

ViewA mechanism for gathering elements from SQL tables andassembling them into a virtual table. Generated viewssimplify database queries by eliminating the need tounderstand the underlying structure of a database. InSyteLine, views can be used with master sites, allowingother sites in the intranet to maintain data at the mastersite.

Also refers to multiple "views" (different data sets) availableon SyteLine forms such as Customer Inquiry and VendorInquiry.

WIPWork in process for a product or products in various stagesof completion throughout the plant, including all materialfrom raw material that has been released for initialprocessing up to completely processed material awaitingfinal inspection and acceptance as finished product. Manyaccounting systems also include the value of partiallyfinished stock and components in this category.

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Infor SyteLine Cloud Multi-Site Planning Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)
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