5 Best Indie Games on Xbox Game Pass (2024)

The vast landscape of indie titles has been growing recently. This is wonderful, as it showcases many titles that the player might not have been aware of. The Xbox Game Pass is a great place to discover new titles to enjoy, especially indie titles. These titles not only have an inherent charm about them. But they often give the player an experience they won't soon forget. So, if you are interested in following any indie titles on Game Pass, enjoy5 Best Indie Games on Xbox Game Pass.

Indie gaming is one of the most thriving spaces within game development. These games often punch well above their weight and offer players experiences they won’t soon forget. Xbox Game Pass, allows players to explore these varied worlds in a straightforward manner. To highlight some of the best titles on the roster, here are our picks for the 5 Best Indie Games on Xbox Game Pass.

5. Little Kitty, Big City

Little Kitty, Big City - Out May 9!

We are kicking off our list with Little Kitty, Big City. This is a game that, while simple, manages to be a rather entertaining time, especially for fans of charm-filled indie titles. As the name implies, you play as a tiny cat making their way around town. Along the way, you will find plenty of mischief to get into with your fellow feline companions. The game has an inherent fun factor to it which is really nice and simple to get behind as well. In addition to this, the game’s soundtrack really helps set the tone for your adventures.

The main draw of this title is undoubtedly its premise.This is hardly the only draw this title has, however. Adventuring throughout an urban area as a particularly curious cat feels fantastic. A lot of work has gone into the animations and behaviors for our main character as well. This gives a sense of detail that is also present in the world around you. All around, if you enjoy quirky indie titles, check out one of the best on Xbox Game Pass with Little Kitty, Big City.

4. PlateUp!

PlateUp! Trailer - Release Announcement

For the next entry on our list, here we have PlateUp!. If you are a fan of the culinary chaos of games such as the Overcooked! Franchise, this title combines the frantic gameplay of that title, with a more than competent management sim. This proves to be a winning combination, as players are able to tweak the menu, restaurant layouts, and much more. The game giving players a great amount of agency over these aspects really gives weight to the player’s decisions. Also, the game manages to incorporate many mechanics, giving players control over each stage of cooking, if they so desire.

In addition to this, the game features stellar cooperative gameplay, retaining every bit of its indie charm. If you are looking for a challenge, the game accommodates this rather well, no matter how casual, or serious, you wish to be.This ability to provide a varied experience is no doubt one of the game’s best aspects. All around, if you are looking for one of the best indie games on Xbox Game Pass, check out PlateUp!

3. Palworld

Palworld | Game Preview Launch Trailer

The next entry on our list is Palworld. This game not only managed to make an impression upon the world of gaming as a whole, but also still evolves to this day. Palworld brings players into a stunning world filled with memorable and powerful creatures. In addition to this, the lore of the game is presented in such a way that players can seek it out if they wish, but it is not necessary to enjoy the experience. This not only allows players to enjoy the game in a casual manner, but also opens up the door for players to experiment with different strategies.

The game also allows players to participate in fast-paced third-person shooter combat with these creatures known as Pals. In doing so, players can capture Pals and recruit them to expand the power of their Pal team, and base respectively. The game’s cooperative element also allows players to undertake dungeons and raids, which is marvelous to see. If you want to play one of the best indie games on Xbox Game Pass, Palworld is certainly a title to keep in mind.

2. Another Crab’s Treasure

Another Crab's Treasure | Launch Trailer

We are continuing right along with our next entry. Here, we have Another Crab’s Treasure. For players looking for a quirky, yet mechanically masterful adventure, this game certainly fits the bill. Another Crab’s Treasure not only features fantastic combat, but also a healthy dose of humor that adds to the overall experience. Each of the shells you collect also have their own respective applications in battle as well, making for a well-rounded gameplay experience. Players are able to use a number of different techniques in order to defeat their opponents. This, in turn, gives the combat an open-ended feel that lets the player learn the game’s patterns in a fun and intuitive way.

Visually, the game is reminiscent of games of the past, while retaining the fluidity and polish of modern titles. The boss design in the game is wonderful, with many of the nautical-themed enemies being magnificent in their own right. If you are looking for an adventure title that features some of the best combat on Xbox Game Pass, check out one of the best indie games in Another Crab’s Treasure.

1. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes | Launch Trailer

Our final entry on our list today is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. If you are looking for a game that manages to distill the experience of JRPGs past into a brilliantly well-polished game, then this game has you covered. Players are able to enjoy combat that not only allows players to employ a wonderful amount of strategy, but also the game’s character writing is top-notch as well. The world the characters live in feels very well-realized, with its own distinct histories, connections, and so on.

The game’s combat is also rewarding in its own way. The game manages to take a slower approach to combat, making victories all the more satisfying, and dungeons all the more challenging to overcome. Added to this, the game’s sheer amount of playable characters is also one of its major highlights. If you are a JRPG fan, or a RPG fan in general, this indie game deserves your full attention. For its brilliant presentation, and marvelous understanding of what makes a game endearing, we consider Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes to be one of the best indie games on Xbox Game Pass.

So, what's your take on our picks for the 5 Best Indie Games on Xbox Game Pass? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

5 Best Indie Games on Xbox Game Pass (2024)
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